Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Another Snag so a Delayed Post

On Tuesday Jan. 23rd, as I readied to transfer my post from Word to Blogger, I had the same issue I've had a couple of times in the past where I couldn't connect to our hotspot. 
Bill had no problem so we know it has something to do with my laptop. We tried the things the tech helped us with the first time to no avail. 
This morning, once more we tried everything so bear with me while I continue to work out the bugs. Not real bugs, just virtual bugs. 
I'm not planning on copying and pasting my Word document into an email as I'd also have to transfer all my pictures here (on Bill's laptop). Not unless I have to.

Anyway, things are fine here with this one minor kerfluffle.
Hope to see you soon again at Chillin' with Patsy.


  1. When high tech works it's great, when it doesn't it's...………………………………………… :O)
