Thursday, September 3, 2020

Getting Spoiled, Windy Sunny Day = Richards Unplugged

The Ridge

On Thursday, Sept. 3rd Bill was up before I even heard the alarm or knew he was out of bed. He was so quiet in the bathroom that I had to listen carefully to know he was okay. 😊 I got up closer to 7 and waited to go walking until after he left and I finished my cup of tea. It felt cool at 14C/57F but by the time I came back, my light jacket was unzipped under my vest. The sun was winning over the sky so I unplugged from power and turned the inverter on at 9 when I left the Suite for work.

So last night, the full moon peeked through the tree

At 11, after my movie (Martian) I ran out to take a picture
Not too impressive picture taking but it sure was bright outside

Mitch and I covered the roof of the truck and I covered any visible areas so he could finish painting it this afternoon. Around 9:30, Mike, our friend and Bill’s present employer, brought his work truck over to get an estimate on the rust spots showing up. He must have been happy with the quote as he is bringing it back tomorrow sometime. I’ll have to do a good job on that one, won’t I?! Mitch needed some errands in town so I did that for him around 10. I'm getting spoiled with easy jobs this week. 😁

Three pictures from my morning walk

When I got back, I puttered around by cutting up more rags. We go through them a lot especially when sanding and painting. This truck is soon done so that will be nice to have it out of the shop. One more full paint job to do and I should be able to get back at the Plymouth. It has been in the shop too long; he is a patient man. I think Mitch told him it would not be a priority. Fast paying jobs take precedence where this one is an outside overhaul for show, not needed for day to day.

And a pond picture for you
You can hardly see it through the tall rushes

At 12 noon, I signed the calendar and drove home. It was turning into a beautiful day and a hot one. Another ‘grateful for the wind’ days and it is quite gusty at times. I opened windows inside and had a coffee with some cheese, egg and cottage cheese. Just filling enough to get me through the day. I made another firm connection with a rental opportunity so will see how that pans out over the weekend. I’m not going to get my hopes up about anything until it is concrete.

The cows wanted me to say hi to you Loree

I found a recipe online that sounds interesting so I made a cup of hot coffee, dissolved a packet of sugar and carb-free raspberry Jell-o in it with a tsp of vanilla. Once it is set, I’ll blend some whipping cream and see how it tastes. I’m not out anything if I don’t like it but it smells and sounds quite yummy! With it in the fridge, I went outside and down the lane for a mail check. The garden may be waiting until tomorrow for me to tend to it again. We’ll see how the day plays out.


When I returned, instead of working in the garden, I sat with my book at the patio table. The winds just increased as the afternoon wore on but since we lost our anemometer funnel, I can’t tell you how powerful they were. Just the flyers were in the mailbox so I put them inside and returned to my chair. It was quite a show, watching Bill’s car shelter canopy blowing in the wind. I knew not to worry about it, it was a piece of *&#!* by now, at least the top cover.

A few turtles on the log

Hi guys!

Bill came up the drive after 4:30 and is now off for a 4-day weekend. They don’t have the materials to finish working on the shed so the day is a write-off. When Bill saw how much the canopy was lifting, we went down and removed it altogether and he tightened up the rope holding the framework. Then we moved inside to relax until supper. We'd been unplugged from power all day but we had to plug in just before the rain started to use the appliance.

And on the far bank, look at what I saw!

The birds aren't plentiful enough to eat all the seed

Reheating the roast beef and 2 potatoes in the IP is easy but I also wanted corn on the cob. Hmmm. I put them, husked, on top of the pot with the other items and set it for 15 minutes on Steam. On the stove, I reheated the leftover gravy. Supper was ready around 6:30 and it was delicious, second time around. Still one more night of meat left so possibly hot roast beef and fries. For dessert, we cleaned up the Chapman’s ice cream. I had homemade apple butter on mine. Yum!

But Chippy is contemplating it

We got dishes out of the way and over the last hour and a half we’ve had wind and rain, alternately and together. 

This is how the canopy/car shelter should appear from a distance

But the winds had something different in mind
The back legs were lifting right off the ground

I tried to get a clear picture of this woodpecker

But had to lighten it quite a bit in my program
The sun was behind him so he appeared very black

What do they see in the tree? Small ants perhaps

And there he is, moving up the tree to a better light

By the time we were done dishes, things had calmed down and some blue sky could be seen to the north and on the horizon to the west. I think it is done for now bringing a nice day tomorrow. The temperature dropped from 22C/76F to 16C/65F so a cooler night for sleeping again.

The clouds were quite dark but the horizon looked positive
We've had enough rain already!

Ice cream with apple butter

This was a good day and just one more before a long weekend. I hope you’ve enjoyed yours.

Good night from the Ridge

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hasn't the moon been just beautiful the past couple of nights!

    Love the woodpecker, we were busy watching one on our tree out front a few days ago and marveled how they could get up and down the tree so quickly.

    God bless.

    1. The moon has been beautiful! So big!
      I do love watching the woodpecker too!

  2. Chippy is scheming again!!! Fun woodpecker ... haven't seen any around here. It is finally cooling off at night to the mid 70's. Just in time for me to pack up and leave. It's nice you will have four days off!!

  3. Chippy is a real character, such a cute pic! Enjoy your long weekend.

  4. You are becoming quite the tape off specialist! Running around and getting paid for it even better :) Good luck with the rental connection (even though I'd rather you were coming to AZ)..still hope that can happen. Nice you two will have 4 days off together. Love the sunset pic!!
