In my youth and even in my 20's, 30's & 40's I was a shy, timid person. I was a follower, usually trailing after my sisters Gayle and Donna and when they weren't available, my brother Bruce. I was #6 in the family lineup so gratefully accepted the hand-me-down clothes from the older girls and longed to be grown up just like them.
My family, I'm the short one in front |
Living on the farm in Mt. Brydges |
I had a wonderful home life, childhood, living on a farm for part of it and in small towns and villages for the latter part. Friends weren't just a hop, skip and jump away, they were country blocks over in some cases.
When we moved to Elmwood, On. in the early 1960's it was very exciting to be right next door to people. I didn't realize nor miss the things we were essentially giving up like privacy and peace and quiet. I was able to hop on my bike, go 'up town' by myself and pick up the mail from the post office in the front of a family residence. I'd walk up to the counter and ask Mrs. Lamont, the postmaster, for "our mail, please". That was after we'd been there for a while and she knew who I was. Her daughter, Brenda, was one of my best friends so on a Saturday when Brenda had to work for a few hours, I was able to help sort mail. It was great fun!
To me, Mom raised the family with a stern voice, when she spoke I listened. I didn't argue or put up a fuss. She was the boss and I didn't want to get on her bad side. No, she never spanked me (unless I deserved it) but I'd heard stories from my sibs that she would threaten with the strap........yet I never heard that she'd used it. According to them, I was spoiled anyway and didn't have to do anything so how could I get into trouble? Some benefits from being the 'baby' of the family, I guess.
Bruce Currie always had his camera at the ready |
When I grew up and found myself interested in boys,
boys, boys (and visa versa) I tended to stretch the limits a bit. I would creep in 10 min. past curfew, oft' times through no fault of my own, only to find Mom waiting with a punishment of being grounded for two weeks! Yes, it was harsh and difficult to take when many of my friends were allowed up and out past midnight, but looking back it moulded me for who I am. So who am I to complain? I kinda like me!
Cool kids on the block! 1971 ish |
Times had changed and having a teen-aged daughter in the 70's was no picnic, I'm sure. Because I was so inclined to listen and obey, mostly from fear of disappointing, I missed out on Woodstock. Can you believe it? My friend, Bruce Currie, had invited me to go along with a group of friends. I knew the answer before I even asked................and bottom line.........I was too shy. I wasn't very mature at 15 and wasn't about to sneak away for a weekend!
Surprise party
When I turned 15, living in Lucan, Mom and my best friend, Rufus, held a surprise birthday party for me in our basement. Ruth was invited for supper and that was exciting enough. After dishes I was thrilled to discover 6 or 8 friends downstairs waiting for me! Sometimes being a good 'kid' pays off and my respect for my mom changed during those times. |
Malcolm P/S 1964 (near Elmwood)
Back row, 3 from the left
Bruce, my brother, is middle row, second from right |
Biddulph P/S 1966/67 (near Lucan)
Middle row, 5 from the left |
Bruce C and I |
I was a 'good' girl in public school as well as high school. Although my grades in some subjects were barely passing, I made it through the Business courses to Gr. 12 at Medway H.S. in Arva. I was too shy to step out of the norm and join clubs, other than Folk Dance. I loved dancing and this was a real hoot! We even won an award! When I graduated in 1973 I began working that first summer for the Middlesex County School Board in Hyde Park.
1968 |
When I discovered I was pregnant in 1974, before our marriage in April of '75, I had to man up (well, woman up) and face my parents. It wasn't so bad, we moved the wedding date up, informed my boss that I was moving out of London and "left the job in the city". Hey, they should write a song about that!
A family photo 1991 |
Our family photo 2012 |
The rest is history, I've lived in Hensall, Zurich, two children, broken marriage, moved back to the city, lived in Rodney back to London and so on and so forth. Now, happily settled in my life, I've worked at the Thames Valley D.S.B. for 31+ years, been married to my sweet husband, Bill for 17+ years and the proud grandma of 9 children between 19 and 4 1/2. (I'll post their pictures in another post. This one is about me
me me!) I don't claim to be an ever-present Grandma, but I keep in touch as much as possible. They don't all live within an arms length but a pretty good stones throw if you have super powers. :) We're all close, even without weekly visits.
And then there is Clemson, our 10 year old cockapoo.
He's our baby now. |
We have dreams like everyone else, sometimes we reach beyond what seems possible, but sometimes things happen that bring those closer to reality sooner than we think. With less than 2 years to retirement (01.10.14 on the countdown) one of our dreams creeps closer by the day, by the hour.
I hope you don't mind me reminiscing a bit and talking about myself in this post. I'm happy that you stopped by today to meet some of the special people in my life.
Thanks for taking a peek in!