
Sunday, October 23, 2016

I've Been Remiss about a Couple of Visits

As we are preparing to leave Canada for 6 months, I fondly remember our 4 months here. This means some things that have taken place and as I think of them I realize I neglected to mention them in a post. For any bloggers, I’m sure you’ll agree that we don’t write posts just for others. I know I write posts as a memory for myself.

This summer has been busy and I wanted to mention our most frequent visitors, someone very close to our hearts, someone who for years I only had communication with through the wires and satellites. My sister, Donna, and I are 4 years apart in age and that gave us a strong bond from a young age.

Donna and I
Marriage(s) and families as well as jobs etc. have taken us away from each other, in the geographical sense. It has not deterred our connection but oft we would say “I wish we were closer so we could go shopping”, “I wish we could share our morning walks” and “I wish we were close enough to have you over for dinner”. The miles apart were too great for those wishes to be a reality.

Now, we are 20 minutes apart and less when they are spending time at their summer property. We see them once a week minimum, back and forth for dinners and campfires and helping each other. We will miss Donna and her husband, Gerry, our landlords.
Gerry, my brother-in-law
My  beautiful niece
I have two other sisters in the area whom I am happy to have seen more often as well. Wendy is in Owen Sound with her daughter, Morgan

and Gayle and John are in Chatsworth. They will be heading out the first week of December for the southwest as well.

Bill tending the fire
So, that is the family connection, totally aside from my closeness to Mom, which goes without saying.
So, prior to October 1st, I talked my sister, Donna, into hosting a clothing exchange at her house. I had 3 friends from London area who said early in the year that they would make the trip for an exchange once I moved up here. So, when the day came, Laurie B., Laurie A. and Heather took the 2 ½ hr. trek up here and met me in Hanover.
It was a blast and we even had time to bring them back here to The Ridge for a quick tour of our home and location. Lots of clothes were exchanged and everyone left happy.

Laurie A brings the girls

Can't remember the joke but I missed these girls!
The weather was changing by October and even though we had some fantastic weather days, there were still some cool ones’ popping in periodically. Bill and I knew that our former boss, Deb, took holidays the week after Thanksgiving every year. Tossing a few dates around at the beginning of September we were able to talk them into stopping in here for an overnight visit on Tuesday, Oct. 11. They were on their way home from Lion’s Head and had no trouble at all bringing their 39’ Torque toy hauler fifth wheel in to park for the night. The extended gravel area up here on The Ridge made it very easy.
The Torque coming up the drive

Getting ready to make the swoop

going full circle

And almost in place
Settled in place beside ours

Clemson makes himself at home with Deb

It was a great visit; the weather was fine and we were able to share a dinner of barbecued steak and potatoes. Could this be the start of a tradition?
George makes a colourful fire
I know I missed posting about these visits and felt bad about it. Our friends and family are very important to us and we hope to see them all in the coming years.

Thank you for popping in, now I can move forward without feeling I left anyone out.

Please feel free to comment.


  1. Friends as well as family are very important in everyone's lives.
    Good luck on your morning departure. We still have a week to go.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Absolutely! Hopefully we can bump into you on our travels! We hope to pull out of here by 9 am. Just need to secure the Suite, pull in slides, hook up and we're gone!

  2. Nice to enjoy everyone's company when you can, you had a very busy summer, now to travel and explore, new places and new faces.

    1. It certainly is. I'm sure we'll have a lot of new memorable experiences ahead of us. Looking forward to each and every one!
