
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sunny Saturday Startup, Friends Go Home, Family Reunion

On Saturday, Sept. 2nd I woke and got up at 7:30 with Bill and Clemson on my heels. The sun was out, the sky was totally the blue of a July summer day and the wind was joining us from the southwest today. We’d slept well, at least I don’t remember being awake more than once through the night. I dream a lot but usually they disappear as soon as I’m fully awake.
Great visit, come again you two!
 We made our morning drinks and I sat at my laptop to finish yesterday’s post. These busy, fun-filled days leave me either too hyped or too tired to sit and type. I’m not complaining about that at all, love the excitement. When Brenda and Randy came in around 9 I proceeded to make breakfast in a less-healthy manner.

Instead of the nutritious bacon and egg meal I called on the Pillsbury dough boy to provide us with delicious (non-fat hahahahaha) Grand Cinnamon Buns. I had no objections from the patrons of our Suite diner. We sat inside and showed them some pictures of our winter journey as we discussed even more things. Never a shortage of conversation with these two, they are very inquisitive and interested in our adventure.

By 12 noon they were packed up in the van and saying goodbye. Oh, first I had to take them up and show them my tomato garden. It is flourishing with all the little green and red grape/cherry tomatoes. I had about a dozen already ripe and picked that I sent along with them as well as a few of my spindly green onions. I packed a baggie of Craisins for their drive, Vitamin C, Brenda said as she thanked me for the goodies.
Randy's wish came true
As they were just at the bottom of the ‘steep hill’ Brenda put on her brakes and we saw their doors open. We ran down to see what it was and I was so pleased that Randy got his wish. He said Friday how he wished he could see a turtle before he left! It was one of our regular snappers so they were able to get a picture. Since he was in the middle of the lane, I gently began to lift the back of his shell and he scooted up on all fours and slipped down the side into the brush and the pond.
Beautiful early birthday cards for both of us
Bill was feeling tired and we had an afternoon planned away from home so he laid down for a catnap. I cleaned up the morning dishes and finished making a dessert for the reunion in Sebringville. It is something that although delicious served warm, it can also be a treat as a cold dish. Apple and craisin Crisp with crumble topping.

Notice who is on my green bird feeder?

I told him to get down so he obliged

I took a walk down the lane while Bill was upstairs and returned to have a shower. It is warming up to be a nice day and even though it won’t likely be a swimming day in the available pool, it should be a nice day for an outside gathering. We were ready to go just before 2 and by the time we loaded the car, said goodbye to our house sitter, and got gas in Durham it was 2. Wow those gas prices are atrocious right now! We paid $1.28/litre today.

Brenda claimed this stone house on her first visit
We still haven't walked back to it

Sun baskers
We had a nice drive. I had decided to wear shorts and a tank top even though there was a breeze that held it at 21C only. When we got there the sun was still prominent but so was the wind. I was under the misconception that our ‘Ridge winds’ would dissipate as we got into the confines of their property. Not so. I must have been a Boy Scout in my past life because I was prepared with articles of clothing to slip on for the cooler evening.

One of the small towns we go through

I tried to focus on this pretty old car following us but the movement was not conducive
to a good shot
Arriving in Sebringville
 The turnout was amazing for Danielle and Yvonne’s Richard’s Reunion! Everyone one of Bill’s immediate family, parents, siblings, children and grandchildren were in attendance with the exception of 3. That is awesome. Good job Gals! There were many things for the kids to do, a trampoline, volleyball net, baseball and the pool so the young ones were well entertained.
Bill got a great picture with his drone
We could see clouds moving in just before Dad asked is I would take pictures of select groups for him. Danielle arranged the photo shoots and that was taken care of with just the last one being under light rain drops. We slowly moved inside and Rob and Dennis barbecued burgers and dogs. There were salads, veggie and shrimp trays, and a couple of desserts. Lots of food.
Bill and Johnny
The day ended for us around 7:30 when we said our goodbyes. I think Little Johnny, the youngest of the clan, stole the day for many of us. He is all of 14 months and was very particular about who he gave his smiles and arms to. Bill was one of the chosen men and although he wasn’t ‘into’ the ladies all day, he gave it up to Krystal inside to her delight. Such a charmer, he is.
"I got you now!"

Krystal and Johnny
It was just about 8:45 when we pulled into our driveway and the rain had been pretty persistent in some form all the way home. It was a great day, we enjoyed it from beginning to end. The rain was disappointing but it didn’t deter anyone from having a good time. I hope your day was a good one too. Picture overload to follow.

Bill, his 3rd daughter, Krystal and 2nd son-in-law, Cory

Bill's youngest daughter, Jess and her friend, Matt

Carol plays volleyball with her grandsons

Drone flying

Marilynne and Dad on the left

Bill's oldest daughter, Yvonne, in the pink

Oldest grandson, Braeden (little heart throb) in the middle and 1st son-in-law, Dennis

Trampoline fun for the bigger kids
Electric car fun
Bill's grandson, Carter driving
granddaughters Chelsea and Olivia walking

Cool pool fun (no thank you!)

Trampoline fun for the little ones too, Natalie, a nieces daughter
Personal request - Krystal and her Grandpa

Bill's immediate
Dad, Marilynne
Carol on left, Bill, Liz

Dad and Marilynne and their grandchildren
Great Grandchildren
Others were snapping photos with phones so I didn't get their full attention this time

Total turnout - 38 with a grandson and his wife and a son-in-law missing
What a wonderful looking group!
Thank you for taking the time to drop in. I love to read your comments!


  1. Looks like a fun family reunion and nice and close for you guys, at least the weather was good for most of it.
    Great family photos as well.
    Now we get to do ours a bit further away in New York State. Yes the fuel cost increase has great upped our fuel cost for this weekend, close to 400 litres of fuel consumed by our coach but so worth it th have our house with us and on the road. Gonna warm up again soon.

  2. Oh Patsy that's wonderful! The pictures will mean so much to everyone, they turned out awesome! What a beautiful home to hold the reunion at! Love the pics of all the littles especially Johnny what a cutie!!

  3. Looks like you had a great day with Friends and then Family. The weather seem to co-operate long enough for both occasions.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
