
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Putting in the Hours, Comfortable Day, Fall Supper

The Ridge
Wednesday, July 29th brings us one day closer to the end of this summer month. It zipped by. We woke to a nice-looking day. Bill was up and doing his normal routine to get ready for work. I decided last night that I was NOT going to get up early specifically to go for a walk. That’s what I’ve been doing every other day and I’ve been finding it too much. Instead, I got up at 6:45 and sat with Bill having my tea.

Bill heads off to work
It felt kind of good having time to myself again before having to be somewhere. Bill left at 7:30 and I finished the blog I didn’t get done last night. Then, I read the blogs I’ve missed for a couple of days and commented where I felt the desire to do so. At 8:30, I finished playing my online games and washed, brushed my teeth and changed into my work capris. It wasn’t going to be a hot work day and that was good.

The fenders and other parts of the Plymouth
that I was trying patiently to sand 'lightly'
When I arrived at Graceland 2 at 9, I finished deadheading the last 3 flower boxes. His petunias are probably the prettiest collection I’ve seen around and because he gets a lot of compliments, he wants to keep them that way. At 9:20, I went inside to see what he had for me to do today. I worked on covering the Plymouth windshield and touched up a dented spot he had filled. It needed to be smoothed out.

The big Ford was our next project in between working on the old car
Then I worked on smoothing the fenders and hood that Mitch had filled and primered. However, he didn’t show me how much pressure to use and I took it down too far. Oops! I knew that couldn’t be right. I showed Mitch and sure enough I’d taken too much off. No worries, I learned how to prime and that was pretty easy using a spray can.

The decals needed to come off
Decals are all gone
 I was a bit nervous because with a spray can of paint, I’m terrible. He gave me direction and I managed to get 3 coats on to cover the spots in between sanding the other pieces. He teased that maybe I will be painting the Plymouth and laughed at the look on my face. After sanding, I used a utility knife blade to remove the decals on the big Ford that is the next project. That was fun and I did it outside in the fresh air.

It was 12 noon when I finished and said goodbye. While I was there, he had two new customers come in for estimates on their vehicles. It’s a private business and he does little to no advertising in any manner other than word of mouth. Interesting that one came from Markdale, referred by the owner of the last F150 we finished. As easy as that. Speaks volumes of his work and his pricing.

A pretty sky toda
Back home, I cleaned up, changed and had a coffee and a tasty lunch with chicken hearts, veggies, yogourt, lettuce and radishes. It was good. The next few hours were deeply involved in my book and perusing winter pictures at the same time. I got distracted with some pictures but it was a good distraction. I got quite a bit finished and decided to extend the length of the book by a few pages.

I was testing the zoom on my camera
Can you see the tractor up on the hill?

Now, on the 24X Zoom
 At 3, I decided to take my walk since it was such a nice day. I was in no hurry and walked as far as Turbine Lane and turned around for home. 

And I can zoom in on our turtles again
Aren't they adorable?

Inside, I got back at my book and had warmed up considerably. There was more humidity out there than I first noticed. Bill was home by 4:30 and at that time, I was just finishing up watching a movie, Look Who’s Talking Now. Cute one, of course with dogs.

I need to add water to the bird bath
We had lasagna in the IP for supper and it was very good. I should have made our tea biscuits but maybe it is just as well that I didn’t. The meal was filling enough. For dessert we had a peanut butter fat bomb. 

My lasagna is always messy but it tastes wonderful

The evening was quiet, making plans for the upcoming week and looking forward to time off work. 😊 I made up some hummer food and filled the feeder. Within minutes, there was a visitor as if he was waiting for me to fill it.

The sunset from the Ridge seen through my camera's eyes
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.


  1. I can see it now. Patsy's Auto Body Repair Shop. :O)

    1. Ha Ha Between that an Patsy's Laundry, I'll be a mighty busy gal!

  2. I do think you are becoming an auto body repair expert! I'll call the next time I require work. Could you have him teach you about fiberglass please? LOL
    LOVE your new camera!! Great pictures!

    1. Well, I am learning something! And I thought I was too old! haha
      Fibreglass? I'm not sure he does that. Hmmm.
      I love the camera too, having a zoom that fits in my pocket makes me sooooo happy!

  3. Nice photos with the new camera. The 24X zoom is quite clear for a point and shoot. Of course, I love the sunset photos!

    1. Thank you, I felt lost without it because of the zoom. Like missing a left hand.

  4. Another busy day with great pictures to describe it. Just think of the money you could have saved working on BB.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Ha ha, yes. Well, I haven't learned how to take that kind of 'dent' out! :)

  5. I showed my husband your blog and how you were sanding, and working on vehicles. It gave him the courage to work on his truck. Now the rust has disappeared, and the peeling paint is no longer there.

    God bless.

    1. You mean I've inspired someone with my skills? That is so cute. I'm glad it worked! :)
