
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Slower Days of the Week

Park Place RV Park

On Thursday, Jan. 16th I realized that it is one of two days of the week where I have no real commitments. Not that I mind having things to keep me busy the rest of the week, I rather enjoy that I’m taking part in things, with others. 😊

Good morning.

So, other than my walks, my time today was free. Up and moving at the same time, I still had to do my stretches to try and relieve my back pain. I noticed last night, getting up out my recliner, that it had returned. Crap! I guess I sat too long watching tv. I went through a couple of the apps to add movies to my watchlist and then got caught up in the Beast Games.

It was quite fun to watch, wondering what I would do in the situations that the contestants were confronted with. I do know my loyalty to my ‘team’ would not last long with $100,000 or higher waved in my face. Sorry team! We were all in bed by 10:30 and I know I dropped off quickly, once I found that comfy position with my right knee bent. 😊

The pooches go for a walk and 
collected p-mail
Look at the picture on the left, see anything funny?

My walk this morning was brisk but lovely. It was 7:15 when I headed out and returned all warmed up at 7:45. I felt hungry so had my tea and cereal before it was Gibbs’ turn. We walked his regular route and the timing on that was about 15 minutes. I had decided to try a recipe to use up the ‘fake’ yogourt I’ve got in the fridge. It just isn’t doing it for me and the expiry date is coming close.

The recipe I found, and attempted, was a dud because I’m an idiot sometimes. I don’t have self-rising flour for the yogourt buns and forgot to add baking powder and salt. You can imagine how they turned out! I finished the process though, curiosity kills the cat, as I didn’t want to throw them out without at least testing them. As expected, they were not good so out they went.

I walked over with a coffee to join Nancy at the puzzle. We made better progress today, managing to get a few more pieces in place before calling it at noon hour. Bill had gone flying with Duncan and then to Jim’s (the Hangar) to fix Duncan’s plane. I’m glad they were successful, so are they. 😊 They were back when I returned so we had our lunch together.

Looking out to the north, we all noticed quite a change in the horizon. Not sure if it is dust (it’s not that windy!), smoke or just what the gray area is. Turns out that there was a controlled burn in Parker at the Bill Williams River. It was cleared up a few hours later and I couldn’t smell anything. The wind was blowing in the right direction, I guess.

Smoke in the north
Glad to hear it was a controlled burn

I had messaged Pat and her daughter, Sandra, earlier this morning to let them know we were thinking of them. The day of the Celebration of Life for Rob. It will have been a tough, very tough time for them all. My sister, Donna, and Gerry were attending so we are grateful for that, since we can’t. I spoke to my sister later and she filled me in on what a beautiful service it was.

If you knew Rob, you may be interested to
know about his family.
If you didn't know him, here is a bit of his life.
These are great pictures of him.

Around 3, I walked back over to work on the puzzle and made a hot chocolate over there. Angie has put a Keurig in and although I had planned to, I forgot to take a teabag. They have a few things available for guests and that was my choice. 😊 Back home at 4, Gibbs, Cooper, Nancy and I went for our afternoon walk. Seems I have needed my light hoody every time I went out today; clouds had rolled in. A bit more warmth would be appreciated!

The sky began performing mid afternoon

Nancy and I made some progress on the puzzle

By 5 pm, the big black cloud dropped some rain showers that lasted for maybe a minute. Typical Quartzsite and that is just fine with us! Last winter we got far too much. I rubbed spices into the baby back ribs we had out for supper and Madame IP went to work cooking them up for me. They have a lot of meat, so all we need is a salad on the side.

 A little rain fell, very little

Oh my, after they finished in the pot, I grilled them for 10 minutes on our mat in the Weber with sweet and sour sauce. In between doing that, I ran back and forth to take pictures of the beautiful sunset. With the clouds, Nancy and I both knew what to expect and didn’t want to miss the show! Stunning. The meal was delicious.

Supper was good.

After clean up, we did our own thing until bedtime. Bill sounds like he is getting his cold back again. Drats!! With what he has coming up this week, I would gladly take it from him if it meant he was well. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. This has been a low-key day and I enjoyed it all. We reached 68F/20C so a pretty nice day, all in all.

To answer the questions on my last post about the 'pretend' block...........It is called 'Block Therapy' and 3 of my sisters swear by it. I'm a slower learner with a lot of what my older sisters get into but this is something I've tried a few times and believe in.

Check it out at this link this link

Good night!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Patsy, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Rob.I'm glad you found relief for the pain in your back! Gibbs is as cute as ever.Do you have a humidifier?
    One might bring Bill relief from the cold he has.
    I wish and pray for you three to be well --Mary

  2. I'm impressed with your progress on that puzzle. I sat there yesterday waiting for a sale pick up and stared at/tried several pieces and never got one for like 15 mins

  3. The block therapy is an interesting concept. I will check into it a bit more. The puzzle is sure coming along.

    God bless.

    1. I like the block therapy concept too and for 3 minutes, what can it hurt to try.

  4. Thanks for the info on using the block!

  5. Lovely sunset photos! The puzzle is coming along nicely.
