
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Having Too Much Fun? Gibbs and Friends

Park Place RV Park

On Wednesday, Feb. 12th Bill and I both were up and moving by 7:15, him first of course, and after he was out of the shower, I was in. Not enough room for two of us at a time! (Well, if were younger…….) 😊 Anyway, that’s just TMI.

Good morning!

I tried a different approach this morning before I got up and only used the tennis ball technique. Laying with the ball directly under the part of my body that was hurting. I wasn’t too bad for the morning but wasn’t going to push my luck by walking anyway. After Bill left for his club meeting around 8, I finished my tea and got ready for my morning.

I took Gibbs for a quick walk before
Coffee hour. Poor little bum, he was confused.
"But, Mom????"
I made up for it after lunch.

There wasn’t a lot of time to walk the little bum but we took the garbage over, met with Bette, Annie & Della, and did a very short jaunt. I took my water and purse over to the clubhouse a few minutes past 9 for Coffee & Snacks. Sue has been under the weather for a few days so Angie, one of the hosts, stepped in and made a yummy fruity cakey dessert. 😊

Then it was time for class.
These are the ones I love.
The others you'll see another time after the

Jess and I left around 9:35 for Desert Camel and another fun class. I look forward to these classes as much as I do our poker games. She had 6 participants, 2 newbies to quilling. It seems the newcomers always put us ‘oldcomers’ to shame with how quick they pick it up, no matter what the game/craft. Today, we made earrings, 2 pair and I will be tweaking the second pair since I wasn't paying attention and used switched my colours up. They just aren't attractive. However, I love my first pair.

Then it was play time.
Gibbs and Annie on the right.
Della, on the left, is indifferent to the whole
'play' thing.

Linda, someone I look forward to seeing, asked if she could join us for Poker Pool…… I invited her! Whether she attends, we’ll see. She’d be a hoot! We were home by 12:30 (ish) and Bill had our sandwiches. There was leftover taco spiced ground beef with shredded cheese so I heated that and slapped it between two slices of seeded keto bread. Oh my! I wish I had more leftover!

Who's chasing who?

Bill had been busy all morning with his meeting and they all helped set up for the Fun Fly event on Saturday at the field. That meant it was snooze time. Gibbs stretched out under my chair and dozed so rather than disturbing them, I started my blog. Bette and I met around 2:00 with the 3 dogs and we walked down to the dog park. Annie and Gibbs always want to play when on leash so this was a test.

The winds picked up and the clouds had rolled in
this afternoon.

Sure enough, it was more sniffing for P-mail than anything else but Bette and I did get those 2 to chase each other around for some fun. 😊 After that fun, I walked over to see what I could do on the puzzle and a few minutes later, Karen and her sister, Mary, came in for a couple of games of pool.

Hard to see but the animals are filling in 
much better now.

They joined me to put some pieces in until 4:30 and it was quite enjoyable working together, finding the animal parts and pieces. 😊 They are from Ontario, well, originally. Mary has moved out west, I think. For supper, Bill deep fried French fries, I air fried Alaskan Pollock filets and cooked my squash in the microwave. It was all ready at the same time (how did we do that?) and was very good!

This was a nice supper and filling too!

This has been a nice day. I’ve kept busy and even got a few chapters of my book read before meal time. We reached a decent 67F/18C today with a bit of wind but our overnight will only drop to 53F/11C which is lovely! One more day in the high 60’s and we’ll be on a streak of hot weather. Just when our family and friends back home and western Canada are getting hit with 3 winter storms. Brrr! Not to be selfish, but I’m very grateful to be where we are.

I think all of us were tired tonight!
Good night, sweet dreams!

Thank you for your visit today.  


  1. Sounds like a fun and busy day. It's great that your active. I just picked up a package of the fish fillets - sometimes they are the very thing. Love your header pic.

  2. Love the earrings!!! I may have to make a pair myself. Boy do I have a puzzle for YOU!!

  3. Very pretty earrings. Love the colours. Hey we actually had a day today, where even though we were cold, it wasn't extreme freeze the face off cold. Mind you we will be back to that cold tomorrow and for the following 5 or so days.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you.
      I'm glad you had a decent day. Keeping your faces on is a good thing!

  4. I like the earrings, very pretty!
    I know the feeling, it's been bitterly cold at home, and I appreciate being here in the warmth instead.
