
Thursday, March 6, 2025

A Lazy Windy Day, New Craft

Park Place RV Park

On Thursday, Mar. 6th it was 7 o'clock when Gibbs and I got up and made the bed. I decided to change it up today and skip the floor blocking. I stretched in bed and then hopped in the shower. Bill followed with his shower while I came down for cereal and tea. There would be no flying today and not even worth visiting the field. Every pilot would be of the same mind. it was windy right off the get-go.

Good morning!

Gibbs was keen to walk this morning.

I had no commitments either so we did the family thing, here at home. Bill was on his laptop across the table from me and I did a bit of paper quilling. At 10:30, I went to the clubhouse to work on the puzzle. It was a quicker finish than I thought it would be and was out of there an hour later. 😀 I loved this puzzle and will be taking it home with me. I forgot to mention that our neighbour, Walter, returned yesterday from another one of his adventures. Goodbye sunrises. I won't complain, he is a really nice man.

All done!

I took Gibbs out for his walk and felt pretty good. He didn't go the whole way but it was good enough and he walked really well. Maybe the winds were pushing us! For lunch, I heated up some pizza and Bill had a sandwich. The afternoon just got windier and windier, windy enough to pop the top of the gazebo down! Checking our anemometer it said it was a 28 mph gust. We left it down and carried on with our day. 

Leftover pizza - reheated is
the only way to go for me!

Until I get some backing paper for some of my paper quilling projects, I decided to do some cross-stitching for a while. It's nice to be able to move from one craft to another but when my butt got tired of sitting, I moved to my recliner with my book. 😊📖

A dust storm blew through a few
times. We're thankful to be where we are.

For supper, we'd decided on 3-egg omelets. They were loaded and they were very good. Bill had his in a toasted sandwich. We cleaned up the strawberries for dessert.

The gazebo popped down on its own

The winds are dying down to between 12-16 mph overnight with possibly a bit of rain here and there. We'll see. Weather here does the same dance as it does everywhere else. Who said change is good? We reached 69F/20C today. This has been a pretty quiet day and we've enjoyed it. 


Crazy clouds this evening after sunset.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.


  1. A quiet/less busy day is always nice. Those dust storms are crazy, but I guess not unusual in the desert. Enjoy the warm weather!

  2. I agree, it is nice to have different hobbies to switch to. 20C sounds nice. We are expecting some spring like temps this coming week. We'll actually get half way to 20 on Wednesday with 11C predicted. Some of the mounds of snow should go down. It would be nice to see out my kitchen window again!

    1. Hopefully you will notice a difference in the snowpiles too. Warm temperatures will sure help!

  3. Ugly dust storm. I'll take the rain here!

  4. Wow, that is a big dust storm, something we don't see back in Ontario. You always have something on the go to keep you busy with crafts. That puzzle went fast.

  5. Your weather doesn't do the same dance as ours! When did it last go below freezing and snow?

  6. My goodness that was quite the dust storm. It is really nice to have a relaxed day. The puzzle looks awesome by the way.

    God bless.
