
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Cooler, Wet, Windy, Indoor Cleanup

Park Place RV Park

On Thursday, Mar. 13th the day didn't start off the same as we have gotten used to. It was cool and windy, pretty much from the get-go. We did get a bit of rain late yesterday but not much. It was in the forecast again for today, higher percentages. Bill said goodbye to his fellow pilots and club members yesterday at their club meeting so had no need to go to the field today. It was not a good morning for outside visiting anyway! I'm not whining, but the 50F/10C felt cooler unless you were dressed for it.

Good morning!
This is the moment Gibbs realized.....
"I'm 4 now?"

I know Bill puttered outside a bit and then went to fill Black Beauty as well as a spare can for travel. The price at Arco has dropped to a nice $3.29/gal, so that is great. I did my full blocking exercise routine and took Gibbs for his walk. I think that was the best part of the day. Chilly enough for a hoody but not bad at all with the early sunshine. I wanted to tackle a few jobs today inside the Suite so started at the shower. 

First peek at the morning sky

Gibbs was on a mission
and we had a nice walk together.

We have a curved corner unit and the door track and base of the shower get very grimy. It required the whole 'get down on the knees, elbow grease' kind of clean. I'm making it sound worse that it was but now it is shiny clean again. 

Clouds didn't waste time moving in

When I came downstairs and realized it was only 10 am, I tackled the pantry.  The shelves got wiped down and I even discarded a few things that were expired to the point of no return.

It's coming along - quickly

I still had time to go to the clubhouse to work on the puzzle for an hour and a half. 😊 I was glad it moved slower today so I could leave some for another day. Back home, Bill and I had chicken noodle soup for lunch. That hit the spot and by now, it was cool enough that Bill changed from shorts to long pants. That tells you how cool it felt. The rain arrived around 11:30 so when I did run home, it was under the cover of my hoody. The gusts were hitting 30.9 mph so we were glad the gazebo was no longer a worry.

 The before picture doesn't look much different to you than the after picture but to me, it is a big improvement. 

For the afternoon, I spent my time upstairs watching a movie. I'd seen The Choice before but enjoyed it even the second time. Gibbs shared his time between the two of us, Bill was downstairs snoozing and watching his own preference of entertainment. Before I came down to start supper, I searched for and found a recommendation from Bette. I was immediately drawn into Midsomer Murders, getting caught up in the British series. So, thank you Bette!

I ran home in the rain and wind.

Supper was a mixed up deal. there was enough of the ground beef gravy for Bill, so I cooked some wieners for me and mixed up a salad for both of us. It worked well and we were appropriately filled. 😊 After the wee bit of cleanup, we watched our Thursday night programs. 9-1-1, Matlock and Elspeth were on, one right after the other. It was a windy, cold day so neither Gibbs or I minded missing our afternoon walk. 

At least, I enjoyed the movie!

It has been a good 'indoor' day and we all need those. I managed to get some things done that I've wanted to do. We only reached a high of 59F/15C today, which is quite a change for us. Warmup is not far off though. 

Supper was easy and filling.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. When I still watched tv, watched some of those BBC murder shows, Father Brown, etc. After a while it was like, who would want to be friends or even aquaintances of these people? You'll end up dead. Guess you wouldn't have a show if everyone ran away when they saw you. ;o)

  2. I'm sure the rain is appreciated. From what I was told, it has been a very dry year in the desert.
    The puzzle will be complete today, I suspect. You whip through those so fast!

  3. Really big storm going through here right now. I just keep praying my roof doesn't leak!! Maybe Yuma will be better.

    1. That storm seems to be everywhere. I hope you have no problems.

  4. Nancy, hope all is well and you came through the storm okay.

  5. WHAT?? Bill put on long pants??🤣not telling him how many layers I had on….Patti

    1. I would have been surprised had you NOT commented, Patti! 🤣🤣

  6. By your hints I'm guessing you'll be leaving soon!
