
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Pokeno, Calm Day

 Park Place RV Park

On Tuesday, Mar. 4th I was still sleepy at 7 when I usually get up. I guess staying up last night, an hour past my usual bedtime was the reason. I won't say I regret it because I watched an old (1980's) movie with my sweetie. I have never seen The Jazz Singer with a very young Neil Diamond (shame on me!) so we watched it together. I thoroughly enjoyed it; loving his voice helped as well.

Good morning!
Gibbs watches Daddy drive away.

Did Daddy forget something Mom?

So, when I got up, I had my cereal and tea. Bill left for the flying field around 8, unfortunately forgetting to grab his coffee mug when he left. I didn't notice until he texted but I couldn't help. It was still hot when he returned at 11:15, that Thermos mug is the best and worth the price we paid for it. 😊 Gibbs and I got out for his walk after our exercises and when we returned, we sat outside in the gazebo.

Some sky activity, but otherwise
clear blue skies today

It was nice to visit with Irma for a while, Gibbs encouraged her to stop and sit with us. He has to greet and show her that blankie, 'dontcha' know? His first minute of your visit, he may be annoying but he soon settles down to allow communication. Of course, he keeps watch for passersby, on duty at all times. When Bill got home, we sat until lunchtime and discussed how our year forward will look with all the unknowns. Trying not to worry.

a bit of wind but much calmer
than the last couple of days

For lunch, I finished cleaning the bones of the roasted chicken and it was worth the effort. At 1 pm, I took my bucket full of pennies over to play Pokeno. There were 4 of us again and I'm happy to say that I won the blackout. It's the final game with a full card of pennies. Everyone was waiting for the 3 of❤️'s but me. When the 4 of ♠️'s was called, I was quite excited. I did add a few pieces in the puzzle before returning home at 3:30.

Sadly, my pilot had a mishap this morning.
He's not too upset, it has been rebuilt many, many times.

The rest of the afternoon pretty much followed suit from the previous days. We all sat outside together until time for Gibbs' walk. I didn't go any further on my own today, instead poured myself a Coke Zero and sat with Bill. 

For supper, we had grilled pork chops, mixed vegetables and rice. It was very good and didn't take long to cook at all. After cleanup, we watched a movie together after checking out Global news and weather. Interesting that Calgary, Alberta is expecting some nice temps this week. 

A few more pieces

We reached a pleasant 78F/26C today and the winds were almost non-existent. I've enjoyed the day.

A good meal, topped off with fresh
strawberries and cream.
Good night!

Thank you for your visit.


  1. It seems that Alberta is buried with sxxw by the beginning of November. That's Two Months before SW Ontario.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Our son and his family live in Airdrie, Alberta and when we FaceTime them tonight he said it had really warmed up but then southern Alberta often goes from -30C to above 0C during a day … a crazy place to live! We are also doing the “what should we do next winter” talk 😞

    1. My brother says they haven't had tons of snow since Christmas. Just cold so they are more appreciating the warm ups.
      It's the Canadian $ that really concerns us. We may be boondocking again.

  3. Did I miss something? Troubles for snowbirds next year?

  4. Gibbs and his blankie make me laugh. Ouch for Bill's plane. The good news is it will keep him busy for awhile making repairs. Now I want pork chops!!!!

    1. Haha, that blanket is good favourite outside toy.
      Bill won't repair the plane again. It is apart, salvaged pieces kept only.

  5. With our dollar as low as it is against the USD, it's hurts to think of the increased costs (plus the certainty of tariffs increasing prices further). On the other hand, after the brutal winter that happened across the country this year, it's seems worth it to go south to enjoy the better weather.
    Love Gibbs watching out the window for Bill. He's an entertaining pup!

    1. Exactly! We can always boondock if we can't afford to stay in the park. We sure can't stay at home in the rv.

  6. Sorry that the falling dollar is causing you to worry about your trip south. We haven't been down to the lower 48 in the U.S. in probably 15 years. Mostly because one of the border crossing guards said something nasty to us the last time we crossed. We only live about 10 or 12 miles from the border as well.
    Gibbs always looks so cute waiting for Daddy.

    God bless.

  7. Dinner looks yummy! Hope you're able to make it down next year and we can make it too! Gibbs is so cute! :)

  8. I just hope DT's crazy random pronouncements don't send the economy too far off kilter!
