
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Moving Day

Yuma Lakes RV Park

Okay, it's moving day and while I write this, we are no longer at Park Place RV Park. We exchanged one park for another. The day started out with us getting up by 6:30. Bill and Gibbs had already been out when I woke. We each had our showers and breakfast. We were in no rush as Bill, being Bill, had most outside things put away. I guess I have to say too that Patsy, being Patsy, had most indoor things packed as well. 😊

Good morning!
We woke to a beautiful day to move.
Shorts was the order of the day.
What you can't see here is Gibbs in the back seat.
It is 30 minutes before are ready to go but
he wasn't going to be left behind today!

We knew we had to pay our electric bill before we left and the office wasn't open until 9. Gibbs figured out quickly that something was afoot. He began following us and whimpering well in advance of our departure. Bill had given him his Gravol early, in the hopes it would help to calm him on the 1 1/2 hour drive. No way was he interested in a walk because it meant he would be walking 'away' from Black Beauty - where all the action was about to take place. They are quite intelligent. 💕

Leaving a very quiet Quartzsite and mountain behind
we motored on I-95 towards Yuma.

He did his business and then turned for home before he lost sight of the Suite. Sue opened the office before 9, maybe for us, maybe not, but it was nice of her and I paid the whopping $11.40 and got a hug before we pulled out. It was an easy pack up this morning and we met our planned 9:00 departure within 3 minutes. I did slip over for a Bette hug too. She and I will keep in touch over the summer. The drive was smooth with a few questions about our new tire monitors but Ken was available to give us tips on that.

In case you were wondering, Lila sits
pretty on the back and quite enjoyed the ride.
I may be looking for a cover for the wetter days we may

Yes, Ken and Kim also came to our new park so we will be staying together for a few days before they move on. We used to visit Pilot Knob RV Resort together on occasion so this was quite fun! We were set up beside each other in a different area and it was close to everything without being TOO close. 

We are used to this setup but our boondocking
friends will certainly enjoy the full hookup
treatment while here. 😀

We got set up by 11:30 and had lunch before walking to the clubhouse for their ice cream social. It wasn't free, but not much is these days, and we enjoyed our Sunday treat. 😉 I forgot to take a picture of my 2 scoop ice cream cone, it was melting too fast! (that's my excuse anyway)

Lining up for ice cream.
I felt like we were 4 of the younger crowd.

We agreed to meet up for Happy Hour at 3 and went about some real time relaxing for the next hour. There is a pool, hot tub, large clubhouse and outdoor games for anyone willing to partake. For sure, the first two things listed above are on my list and bocce ball for Tuesday and Thursday as well. I've missed those activities. Another 'activity' I've missed is a Happy Hour with our friends so today we made up for that. 

Happy Hour

K & K joined us with their chairs and we sat with beverages until it was time for supper. We tried hard but probably didn't solve any world problems. It wasn't for lack of trying and we sure had a good time in the time we were together. The weather was perfect and daylight is lasting a whole lot longer these days. 

A paramotor/glider went overhead

Perfect day for a 'flight"

Bill was barbecuing our burgers after 6 and it was still very light out. He didn't need a flashlight! They were delicious with a side kale salad. After clean up, we relaxed for the evening. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. LOL

These burgers? Delicious!
Strawberries and cream for dessert.

This has been a great day, moving into a new park with a few more amenities is always nice. We've been here before and will enjoy our time here. We reached a great high of 80F/27C today. With these temps, and depending on how I feel, tomorrow will mean a possible pool dip.

We're in a good position for the sunrise
but I did have to walk off our site for
this beauty in the west. 
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. New area with friends and lots of shopping! You can't beat that!

  2. Enjoy your time in the new park. Is today your visit to the dentist? Your comment that you weren't looking forward to today made me wonder. :)

  3. Those look like lovely new surroundings and I know you'll make the most of them. Wonderful supper and beautiful sunset pic with all those pretty trees around.

  4. Nice day for a drive and visit with K & K. Hope all goes well at the dentist.

  5. Gibbs at happy hour....what is he using for a pillow?

  6. Hope you get to use pool and hot tub soon! Great to have K and K with you for a few days. You all look settled in at happy hour! :)

  7. Enjoy all those new activities and I do hope you get to use the pool very soon.

    God bless.
