Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Seems Like a Saturday

The Ridge

It was a pretty nice morning when I got up on Saturday, June 14th. When I saw the clock reading 7:09, I thought I’d better get moving. I slipped out of bed, leaving Bill in bed while I got washed and dressed. Gibbs knows when one of us is leaving so has to both man the door and watch over the person remaining in the home. He does his very important job VERY well, I might add. He sits on the steps where he can see both of us. šŸ˜Š

Some people take portrait pictures
of themselves or their children.
Here is my joy right here at home.

I did manage to kiss Bill goodbye without him getting up. It was 7:35 when I arrived at the Mat and it was the dirtiest I’ve seen it in a long time. I was here just in time! The floors were just plain dirty, with ‘stuff’ all over it, so much that I grabbed the broom first and swept first. I never do that but it was necessary and it looked 75% better already.

A walk down the lane - nice day!

One lady customer came in while I was wiping the machines out and I left as she loaded her dryers. It was another 90-minute cleanup as I did the big dryer lint traps today as well. I contacted Sandy about one machine that is in need of attention and tested one more with a note to find it was working fine. The note seemed legit but if there was a problem, it was no longer there.

When I prepared to take pictures of this
Downy Woodpecker, I noticed there
were two!

M called while I was working and gave an offer of ‘if you want to do some power sanding on D’s van, you are welcome to come and do that’. There wasn’t a lot that I could do on this van but since M had hurt his tailbone in a fall, he was offering me the job he was going to do. I said I’d let him know. The day was a mixture of clouds and sun with some darkness to the west, indicating a chance of rain, but Bill and I both chose to take advantage and went out to work.

Parked at the Mat but in for
a physical therapy appointment.(maybe from getting in and out of this car)
I know one reader who will appreciate this picture for sure! ♥

I took the long-handled clippers up the hill/berm to trim apple trees as Bill is unable to ride the mower under some of them. It was a great day for this physical work, not hot and not cold. Bill hooked up the small trailer to the mower and gathered some of what I’d cut. I can’t stop once I get started but it was a great improvement for sure. Some of those thicker branches were a challenge and I put more muscle into than I’d planned to get the job done.

Bill takes a load of branches to our brush pile
Gibbs supervises him.

I helped clean up the mess by simply tossing the branches over the fence behind us. It is a farmer’s field with about 20’ of rough grasses/weeds between the fence and the field so it would all mulch. It sure beat lugging it down to our brush pile. Then Bill attached the harrow to the mower and raked the gravel where we all park. The weeds were getting pretty bad up here and so after he did that, I walked behind (with my helper, Gibbs) with a pail and cleaned them up.

The cream chesse banana bread was yummy
and moist!

It wasn’t until Bill stopped me for lunch at 12:30, telling me I’d been out in the sun too long and we needed to eat something. I was glad to stop. It was then I noticed a lot of achy body parts, already! but particularly across my upper chest. From pushing those shears together on the bigger branches, boy was it sore! Things you don’t think of. I expected my arms to feel it in the morning but this was immediate.

The irises, dahlia and evening primrose
look happy up here in the bucket.
I had just started cutting this apple tree.
It needs a lot more!

Notice all the grass and weeds growing
up in the gravel?
This is one job Bill can do safely without needing his right arm.
Gibbs still in supervisor mode.

After toasted tomato cheese and lettuce sandwiches for lunch, we sat for a while in our recliners. Bill and Gibbs dozed and I crocheted a bit more. I wish I was better at this! Simple, the pattern said, so simple! LOL We went out again, Bill cut some grass and I finished picking up the grasses that the harrow loosened. It was a lot of work accomplished today in 3 hours and although I’m uncomfortable, it’s done and looks a lot better. šŸ˜Š

100% better, right? Right!

And now we can walk through these trees
without losing an eye!

I finished the puzzle, which didn’t take too long, and then had my tea inside with Gibbs. Donna and Gerry dropped over for an hour just before supper and we had a nice little visit. 

It was a fun, easy one to work on.

My irises and Corabelle/Bridget's Bloom
always make a lovely addition to a garden

This is their first time up here this season so it’s about time! Not counting when Donna dropped me off last Saturday. They wanted to check on my ‘invalid’ and we were happy to show them improvements we’ve made up here. It is their property but they pretty much give us free reign over what we want to do. That’s appreciated too.

A nice visit with Donna and Gerry.
Gibbs rests after a busy day

We had fish and chips for supper and Bill went to the Hangar for the evening. I worked on my blog and then sat with Gibbs doing one of three things. Read, crochet and watch tv. As I finish this, I have yet to decide. This was a good day, I obviously opted to work outside rather than work at M’s and now that I’m a bit sore, I don’t know what tomorrow will bring on that front.

a filling supper
fries, Alaskan pollock and olives!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by. I've taken an extra strength Tylenol and feel some relief already. Boy, it feels like a Saturday probably because of our visitors. šŸ˜Š


  1. I lose track of days so often, most days feel like Saturday now.

    That Cream Cheese Banana Bread looks very interesting.

    God bless.

  2. It looks great at the Ridge!
    Gibbs is a cute little helper. ❤️

  3. I'm sure your family appreciate all the work the two of you do to keep the Ridge looking great. I suspect you are feeling it even more today.
    I like crocheting because it is simple to pull out stitches and re-do. That happens a lot when I start a new pattern.

    1. Yes, we think D & G appreciate our work.
      I doubt you tear out much, you're so good at crocheting!

  4. I love that our critters are such good watch pups!! Glad Bill can keep busy on the lawnmower ... your place always looks so nice and well kept.

  5. Yes, we do appreciate how you guys look after and improve the Ridge. Is the bread recipe on another blog? It looks good.
