Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sunshine Returns

Park Place RV Park

On Saturday, Mar. 8th, all ideas of getting up and walking (because of my great day yesterday) went out of my head the minute I moved. I went to bed feeling chilly so tossed and turned a bit. When I woke at 5:30, I did more tossing and turning but it was because my pain was back in my upper buttocks. Darn! I did my bed stretches though and felt an improvement almost immediately. Still not enough to walk but when Bill left and I finished breakfast, I was able to take Gibbs out with no discomfort. 😊 

Good morning!

The sky was clear blue and the winds were almost non-existent at 8 am. That changed soon enough but it was still a nice start to the day. We had no commitments today so Gibbs and I sat outside in the gazebo until Bill returned home. 

It's so hard to keep those peepers open
when you're content in your bed.

The wind was chilly but inside the tent, we were comfortable. I got a lot of my book read and hope to finish it today. We had lunch together and then I wandered over to carry on with the puzzle. It is going quickly, no surprise as it is easy to follow and find pieces.

Almost too easy and that's 
not bragging.
It's still fun.

I returned home around 2:30 and did a bit of quilling here at the table. I managed to finish another shadow box and learned how to make ladybugs - properly. 😌 This has been a quiet day and Gibbs and I got our around 4 for his afternoon walk. I am feeling darn good again so will just go with the flow, following my usual routine. The change is significant. I have called my doctor back home and made an appointment to see him before returning to the Ridge. Our doctor is in London, 2 1/2 hours from 'home'. 

This little lady is much nicer
than the first ones I tried to make.
Look quickly, she's about to fly off.
Her house is on fire!

For supper, we had fish and chips. Bill had the chips and I had more of the sweet kale salad. This is a good practice so I don't eat the potatoes. I was quite full when we finished. Bill went up to watch a movie and after my blog is posted, I'll find something to watch as well. AFTER I finish the last chapter of Seven Up, that is. We managed to reach 73F/23C this afternoon and the wind had almost died off again. 

I didn't wait for the sunset picture tonight
so I'll finish with this tasty meal.
Good night!

It was a great day! Thank you for popping by. Your comments are welcome!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Quartzsite is Wet! A Change for Me.

Park Place RV Park

On Friday, Mar. 7th we woke up to what would be another lazy day. We did get the rain in the overnight hours and it didn't seem to drop everything it had in its arsenal. The morning began cooler but mostly wet. Gibbs didn't go far off the mat with his first outing with his Daddy. Did his business and returned inside. He does not like the rain. He did, however, remember how to let Bill dry his feet. 1, 2, 3, and 4 in order and Bill didn't even have to utter a word. 💘

Good morning!
Sometimes, he just wants to sit with us at our laptops.

I did my stretches in bed and after my tea, returned to the bedroom floor for the blocking techniques I've learned. I felt great when I finished those. Bill had taken Gibbs out again so I didn't need to go for a walk with him. 

As you can see, we were quite comfy in our

The rain put a 'damper' (haha) on that for the remainder of the morning anyway. The winds were cool and none of us even cared to go outside. Bill was doing his own thing and after vacuuming the Suite, I sat across the table from him (& Gibbs) and did some needlepoint.

This is the 2nd room of the thrift store.
Much neater than my first visit but
very crammed. The owners are really nice
and doing their best.

On the way home, I drove through a
number of puddles.

Around 10:30, when my boys stretched out in Bill's recliner, I slipped out to the Quartzsite 'Trift' Store. 😂 I parked easily in the small lot since I'd gone soon after their opening. I didn't find much but did pick up a small roll of Mactac (remember that stuff?) to use as backing for a few shadow boxes. Then I drove to Family Dollar and found some plain wrapping paper for the same purpose. It will work for now.

When I was vacuuming, Gibbs went to sit with Bill.
He was still shivering but was calmer while he had the
head set on. Isn't he adorable? 💕

This is the new puzzle.
An easy 1000 piece one.

Bill and I had lunch and I finished off my last 3 pizza slices. We thought the rain was done by then but after I went to the clubhouse to start a new puzzle, Mother Nature had her own plans for the afternoon. It was around 2:30 or so when it poured, and then poured some more. Highly unusual but at least it stopped by 3:30 and I slipped home. I went back to needlepoint and made us each a cup of hot tea. There was a chill in the air but it also smelled quite nice out there!

It started to clear when Gibbs and I went for our walk

At 5, Gibbs indicated to me that the rain was done, the sun was out and it was time for a walk. Well, off we went. Without jinxing anything, this was the best, and first, pain-free day I've had in almost a month. I'm not sure why but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Instead, I'm thanking the good Lord for at least one pleasant day of relief. ❤️ 

Supper was good

For supper we had chicken thighs, potatoes and sweet kale salad. A nice hearty meal. 😊 

Look at those sky clouds

We watched some news and after getting frustrated over that, watched a couple of our programs on tv. Last night we caught up on 9-1-1, Elspeth and Matlock. They were all good. This was a great day, especially for me. We only reached 68F/18C but felt cooler than that. I hope your day was pleasant as well.

Good night!

Thank you for the visit.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

A Lazy Windy Day, New Craft

Park Place RV Park

On Thursday, Mar. 6th it was 7 o'clock when Gibbs and I got up and made the bed. I decided to change it up today and skip the floor blocking. I stretched in bed and then hopped in the shower. Bill followed with his shower while I came down for cereal and tea. There would be no flying today and not even worth visiting the field. Every pilot would be of the same mind. it was windy right off the get-go.

Good morning!

Gibbs was keen to walk this morning.

I had no commitments either so we did the family thing, here at home. Bill was on his laptop across the table from me and I did a bit of paper quilling. At 10:30, I went to the clubhouse to work on the puzzle. It was a quicker finish than I thought it would be and was out of there an hour later. 😀 I loved this puzzle and will be taking it home with me. I forgot to mention that our neighbour, Walter, returned yesterday from another one of his adventures. Goodbye sunrises. I won't complain, he is a really nice man.

All done!

I took Gibbs out for his walk and felt pretty good. He didn't go the whole way but it was good enough and he walked really well. Maybe the winds were pushing us! For lunch, I heated up some pizza and Bill had a sandwich. The afternoon just got windier and windier, windy enough to pop the top of the gazebo down! Checking our anemometer it said it was a 28 mph gust. We left it down and carried on with our day. 

Leftover pizza - reheated is
the only way to go for me!

Until I get some backing paper for some of my paper quilling projects, I decided to do some cross-stitching for a while. It's nice to be able to move from one craft to another but when my butt got tired of sitting, I moved to my recliner with my book. 😊📖

A dust storm blew through a few
times. We're thankful to be where we are.

For supper, we'd decided on 3-egg omelets. They were loaded and they were very good. Bill had his in a toasted sandwich. We cleaned up the strawberries for dessert.

The gazebo popped down on its own

The winds are dying down to between 12-16 mph overnight with possibly a bit of rain here and there. We'll see. Weather here does the same dance as it does everywhere else. Who said change is good? We reached 69F/20C today. This has been a pretty quiet day and we've enjoyed it. 


Crazy clouds this evening after sunset.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Happy Hour, Silly Al's with Friends

Park Place RV Park

On Wednesday, Mar. 5th we woke up to a calm day. It wouldn't last, winds were in the forecast over the next couple of days. Bill did not have a plane to fly this morning but decided to go to the field anyway. I did my exercises and had my tea. No point in having my cereal since it was Coffee Hour at 9. Time wasn't on my side so Gibbs didn't get out for his walk. Not yet. There were only 4 of us but it was good conversation all the same.😁

Good morning!

Sue baked some delicious cranberry muffins and when I left, I wrapped one in a napkin for Bill. It was noon when he returned home and we had lunch. We were gifted some jars of Cashew Nut Butter so after some research, I thought I would give it a taste test. I don't want to give up regular butter toasted keto bread, spread butter than the cnb on top. It was an overwhelming taste, not a jump up and down flavour, but it tasted okay. I will only keep one jar and offer the rest out.

Cute little teardrop rv
in the park beside us

A muffin for Bill

After we ate, I went to work on the puzzle, returning around 3. Perhaps one more day will finish it, we'll see. Bill had straightened things up in the gazebo, freeing up 4 chairs. We were expecting company for Happy Hour! Seems like a long time since we've had one. 

Great to see our friends,
Ken and Kim, again.

We enjoyed each other's company for a couple of hours and then headed out to Silly Al's for supper. It was almost a full parking lot but we snagged 2 spots near the back.


I went with the cauliflower crust small meat lovers and loved it just as much as the first time. Of course, half of it came home with us. Definitely my favourite although I will try and remember to leave off the sausage next time. It is quite spicy. 😵 We said our goodbyes, for now, in the understanding we will see each other before too long. We were home just after 6 and switched the tv on. Survivor had started!

The sky was pretty but
what is wrong with this picture?

This has been a quiet but good day, however, I still missed having a class to go to. The crafts we made and the social time were always a perk to my week. I worked on my blog and relaxed for the rest of the evening. We reached a high of 73F/22C today mostly under cloudy skies. 

Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Pokeno, Calm Day

 Park Place RV Park

On Tuesday, Mar. 4th I was still sleepy at 7 when I usually get up. I guess staying up last night, an hour past my usual bedtime was the reason. I won't say I regret it because I watched an old (1980's) movie with my sweetie. I have never seen The Jazz Singer with a very young Neil Diamond (shame on me!) so we watched it together. I thoroughly enjoyed it; loving his voice helped as well.

Good morning!
Gibbs watches Daddy drive away.

Did Daddy forget something Mom?

So, when I got up, I had my cereal and tea. Bill left for the flying field around 8, unfortunately forgetting to grab his coffee mug when he left. I didn't notice until he texted but I couldn't help. It was still hot when he returned at 11:15, that Thermos mug is the best and worth the price we paid for it. 😊 Gibbs and I got out for his walk after our exercises and when we returned, we sat outside in the gazebo.

Some sky activity, but otherwise
clear blue skies today

It was nice to visit with Irma for a while, Gibbs encouraged her to stop and sit with us. He has to greet and show her that blankie, 'dontcha' know? His first minute of your visit, he may be annoying but he soon settles down to allow communication. Of course, he keeps watch for passersby, on duty at all times. When Bill got home, we sat until lunchtime and discussed how our year forward will look with all the unknowns. Trying not to worry.

a bit of wind but much calmer
than the last couple of days

For lunch, I finished cleaning the bones of the roasted chicken and it was worth the effort. At 1 pm, I took my bucket full of pennies over to play Pokeno. There were 4 of us again and I'm happy to say that I won the blackout. It's the final game with a full card of pennies. Everyone was waiting for the 3 of❤️'s but me. When the 4 of ♠️'s was called, I was quite excited. I did add a few pieces in the puzzle before returning home at 3:30.

Sadly, my pilot had a mishap this morning.
He's not too upset, it has been rebuilt many, many times.

The rest of the afternoon pretty much followed suit from the previous days. We all sat outside together until time for Gibbs' walk. I didn't go any further on my own today, instead poured myself a Coke Zero and sat with Bill. 

For supper, we had grilled pork chops, mixed vegetables and rice. It was very good and didn't take long to cook at all. After cleanup, we watched a movie together after checking out Global news and weather. Interesting that Calgary, Alberta is expecting some nice temps this week. 

A few more pieces

We reached a pleasant 78F/26C today and the winds were almost non-existent. I've enjoyed the day.

A good meal, topped off with fresh
strawberries and cream.
Good night!

Thank you for your visit.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Ladies Poker Pool, Winds Stick Around

Park Place RV Park

On Monday, Mar. 3rd I was awake by 6:30 and up just before 7. Yesterday, after my nice walk, I thought I'd try and get out early for a short walk - like I used to. However, my body had a different idea. 😉 It's okay though, my hopes weren't too high. After doing my exercises, I joined Bill and Gibbs downstairs. The winds were still howling so Bill planned another morning at home.

Good morning!

Gibbs gets it in his head to sit
with Daddy. He gets his way too!

Bill and I have been hearing 'scritches' throughout the Suite, seemingly on the roof, in the ceiling or somewhere else. Hmmm. We began finding droppings on the counters (stove area and hutch) plus in the garbage and linen drawers. Not a lot, but still, 3 are too many when you have a mouse in the house. Darn! So, we emptied the lower cupboards to find the source. 

The bit of eggshell came from the garbage and was found
in the linen drawer.
The right picture is the garbage drawer.

Bill finished by vacuuming and washing the areas out and strategically placing the 'trap cubes' (I can't think of what they are called, but they work) in 3 locations, out of Gibbs' reach.🐭

Are you coming, Mom?
Okay, this way.
Wiggle wiggle

I took Gibbs for his walk and then left Bill to his cleaning. He was on a roll. I met with the ladies at poker pool at 9:15 and we had a great morning. We were down 2 players but at the same time, we were grateful to have Karen stick around for one last game before she moved on. She spoiled us all by bringing what I call chocolate macaroons. 🍪🍪🍪They were delicious made of all the things we try to avoid on a daily basis. Perfect for a snack! 💗 

There were 5 of us playing today.
Another fun Monday.
thanks for the tour, Karen!

When the games were done, we took a tour of Karen's Skoolie before she left. It is adorable and perfectly converted for one. I snapped a couple of pictures, of course. She will be back next winter. 😁 Back home, Bill and Gibbs had the house smelling clean and they were resting. I did go back to the puzzle for a couple of hours after lunch and made more progress. I guess I'm on my own again now. 

The winds had increased by noon when I walked home

Diesel price at Arco dropped .06 yesterday

Coming along nicely.

It was a decent afternoon.

Still windy but strange clouds
in the north

I took Gibbs for his walk and it was cool enough to slip a jacket on. The wind makes a huge difference. When we returned, I felt good so struck out on my own again. Apparently, this is the time of day when I can get my steps in. 😆 For supper, we had sausages on a bun and after cleanup, watched NCIS together. Not sure what is happening with NCIS:Origins, it hasn't had a new episode for 3 weeks. 🤔

More bun than sausage, but good all the same!
Good night!

It has been a good day, 68F/20C, and a cooler night. After the heat, yes, it feels cool. 

Thank you for popping in. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Laundry, Quilling and some Walking

Park Place RV Park

On Sunday, Mar. 2nd we were all up before 7 and on our way over to the clubhouse with the sorted clothes. We had been informed that the private guest code, that allows us into the building (clubhouse, shower, washroom and laundry) after hours, was changing Mar. 1st. When we paid our electric bills, guests were given the new code. Easy peasy. Because Bill and I do our laundry so early, we are always able to let ourselves in. Except for today. Hmmm.🤷‍♀️

Good morning!

Bill tried the old and new code enough times to get locked out. We carted the basket of clothes back home to wait until we saw a manager or host out and about. Bill had already decided that he 'probably' would NOT be flying today after checking the forecast. A nice warm day was to be ahead but the winds were going to pick up to an unreasonable (& unacceptable!) speed. It was just before 8 when we saw Sue, the manager, walk up the ramp into the building, unlocking the door for guests. To say we hustled over is putting it mildly. 😂

It was a windy but clear start to the day

Back at the Suite, I did my exercises alone, and found one of the new videos to be quite good for me. My block behind my right knee and on my calf, sitting on it for 3 minutes - yes! It hurt, of course, it is supposed to, but I think this is a good one for me to do each morning. Needless to say, I still was in no mind to take Gibbs for his walk. Those winds and the dust blowing around was not going to be pleasant. Bill went to the field then because the winds were only 3 & 4 mph. 

Bill found a large pineapple at
Albertson's for $3.99 so I cut it up
this morning. I love this little tool!

I went back to switch the clothes into dryers and stayed there to work on the puzzle. It is addicting! Bill was back after the gusts increased and no one was at the field anyway. We folded the clothes together and returned home. The wind gusted to 27 mph just before 11 am so I'm glad I was here inside at that time. I saw a number of people out in it, walking or on bikes. No thank you! The taste of dust doesn't appeal to me. The mountains off in the distance were blurred, not a place I want us to be. 😜

Today's progress. Better than I thought. 

After my boys had a lengthy snooze, we had lunch together; I had toast and cranberry pear jam from Bayfield, Ontario. I picked it up during Ladyfest with my sisters this past September. It's good! I also finished up the last 2 blackened bananas in a smoothie. That was delicious! I had been doing more paper quilling, seems I can't leave it alone now. 💕 Not all things turn out perfectly, my ladybug for one, but I'll keep trying to improve. I still think they are cute.

Now, I needed to find homes for them.
I went shopping for card stock and shadow boxes

We went uptown so I could pop into the dollar stores on the hunt for crafting supplies. I wasn't fully successful but I also didn't come home disappointed. When I'm in Yuma, I'll have better luck at finding what I need. Bill was busy on his laptop and Gibbs was sleeping so I went back to the puzzle for an hour or so. The winds were not dropping none too fast and it sounds like we'll have them overnight and tomorrow as well. Our gazebo is holding up great, mainly because the winds are coming from the southeast and we are sheltered.

The clouds moved in with the wind
but they are still pretty accents to the blue sky.

I took Gibbs for his walk around 4:30 and then after dropping him off, took myself off for another one. I was feeling good but I don't want to say that too loud or I'll jinx things. My step count has gone down considerably since my sciatica flared up on Feb. 9th but at least today I surpassed 4,000 steps. That's a big deal right now! 😃 For supper, we had fish and chips. Bill had the chips and I had Brussel Sprouts. Pickles and olives rounded out our plates. It was a good meal and easy to prepare.

Well, accidents happen sometimes!
I was walking Gibbs behind this site when 'crunch!'
Either the motor home or the tow vehicle driver
ran over the electric post. Yikes!

After finishing my blog, I'll read or find something on tv. This has been a great day. We reached a high of 76F/24C today, despite the wind gusts. I hope yours has been pleasant too. 

A filling supper - a good thing because
tonight I was hungry!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.