Monday, July 31, 2023

A Change for Me and Losing Sight

The Ridge

On Sunday, July 30th, as we approached the last couple of days in this month, I was up and on the way to Durham by 7:15. First in town, I stopped at the bank to get some cash out. Next stop was the Ultramar for fuel. Ptooties was near ¼ tank. The gas price was a ridiculous $1.66.9 and she took $62.50. Thirsty girl. Then I drove across the main street to the Mat. (be forewarned, the pictures do not always correspond with my writing.)

The sky went through a few changes
throughout the day
bringing temperatures all over the board toay

The clothes were sorted into two loads and although it was early for a Sunday, I was not the first to arrive at the laundromat. Two, no three, of the regular gentlemen already had their laundry in the machines. I took my two machines, we all seem to have favourites, and then set to cleaning. They don’t know my name but they recognize me and my routine, often making jokes. Especially the Newfie. 😊 I can hardly understand him and have to ask him to repeat, repeat and repeat.

Left: Just waiting
Want to go for a walk, Gibbs? 
Right: Absolutely Mom!

When I left there, my 4th stop was the Water Store where I filled our 5-gallon jug. Then I headed home. I see Robin is home but she didn’t have her sale open today. Maybe the long weekend, next weekend, she will. Back home, I hung the clothes and was done just after 9. Gibbs and I walked to the corner and when we turned in the lane, Patty came out to meet us. Was I interested in going to church?

Working in the shade of the tree,
the boys install the solar panel

We’d talked about this over the past couple of days and I decided last minute that I would like to accompany her. I changed into capris and good top and we walked the 10 minutes (hardly) to the Glenelg Baptist Church for 10 o’clock service. We were warmly greeted and kindly asked where we lived etc. You know, the usual questions. I expected no less.

The Moonflower that Gayle gave me has
at least 2 buds on it already!

There were a couple of ‘stand-in’ pastors while Pastor Everett was on vacay, and I truly enjoyed the hour and 15 minutes from beginning to end. I’m not big on attending church, none of us need a structure in which to talk to God, but it is certainly a social outing that I may or may not partake in again. Put it this way, when the building didn’t crumble as I entered, I was good. I enjoy the songs, especially those that I can catch onto the tune of, and there’s nothing like singing your heart out to favourites like How Great Thou Art and It is No Secret.

Happy hour.
Gibbs loves his plastic bottle
He's had it since spring of '22

Bottom line, we had fun and I recognized a few faces. 😊 Laurie and her husband, Steve, from the 2nd hand shop Going Once, Going Twice and Erma, Steve’s Mom, who with her other son, own the farm across the road from us. It was quite a nice venture so thank you Patty for the invite! Back home, the air felt cool as the clouds had moved over but I changed out of my white capris and with a light sweater, we sat outside to wait for the guys to return from the flying field.

Supper was a good Sunday meal

For them, it would have been a great morning but unfortunately Bill’s Cub airplane stopped responding to his remote commands in mid flight and came down. The corn fields are always a dangerous place to lose a plane, especially now that they are 8’ high, as you can’t see them from the ground. The planes, either nose down or flat, just disappear and you have to go by memory and walk to locate them. They tried but to no avail. They’ll take the drone back on Monday and hopefully find it.

Bella and Gibbs wore themselves out
Go go go

We had lunch and then enjoyed the afternoon together. One minute it was cool and cloudy and the next warm and clear so the sweaters (Patty’s and mine) were off and on off and on. Bill and Duncan had another little chore so they worked together to install Bill’s solar panel (he bought it in Arizona last winter) on the roof of his cargo trailer. This will enable him to charge his plane batteries while at the field, which is a great idea!

A brief rest and then the dance. 💓

Happy hour was on their patio, in the sun, and for supper we had leftover pork, potatoes and mixed veggies. I’m glad there was only enough for 2 meals, I get tired of that kind of pork (in a roast) quickly. Bill started a fire before 7 and our buddies, Rob, Pat and Bella, joined us all for a lovely campfire. The air was cool so it was needed and our entertainment, other than our avid conversation, was watching Bella and Gibbs. My, they had fun. That little mutt doesn’t stop for a minute!

An evening around the fire

A picture of the ladies.
Patsy, Patty, Pat

They left for home around 9:30 and we stayed outside until almost 10:30. We saw the next stage of the Waxing Gibbous moon, beautiful! And heard the playful yips of the coy-dogs off in the distance. They sounded so close as they chased an unwilling prey. I hope they didn’t get it, unless it was a skunk! Haha. What a wonderful day!

A lovely fire tonight
and a lovely moon. 
Good night!

Thank you for your pop by.


  1. Well rats ... so sorry Bill lost his plane. I'm sure he'll find it with the drone. Solar panel on the trailer ... very smart idea! Looks like Gibbs had a blast with Bella. They will both sleep good!!

  2. I do hope Bill is able to find his plane.
    I hadn't realized the three of you were "Pats" until I saw the photo. How fun!
    And Bella and Gibbs make me chuckle, what a pair.

  3. That is a great idea to install a solar panel onto the cargo trailer. Hope Bill is successful in finding the plane.

  4. Oh dear, I am sorry Bill lost his plane. I hope the drone finds it.

    It looks as if Bella and Gibbs had a great time.

    God bless.
