Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A Pretty Easy Day for Both of Us

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Sept. 26th Bill was up and gone to work by 6:30. I was up on time to give him his goodbye kiss (I’m sure his day will be off kilter without it!) and since it was still pretty dark out at that time, I waited until 7 to leave for Durham. The days are sure shrinking from both ends. The Mat took me my regular hour to clean, including a spot wash on the floors.

the sky this morning offered various
views for pictures

I met a lady today who also goes south for 6 months; however, her destination is Merida, Mexico. It is a city in the Yucatan Peninsula. We had a nice little chat and certainly both understand each other’s needs to get the heck out of Durham (Dodge) once the weather changes. As I was finishing with the floors, my regular customer arrived. It was almost 8:30 so I couldn’t help but ask him if he’d slept in. He’s always there before or at least by 8 o’clock. šŸ˜Š

After I got home, Gibbs and I walked.
He has a mind of his own and decided
to just hang out instead of coming in with me.

He laughed and said, “actually, yes, I did!” Too funny. I had only one other thing to do so nipped into Foodland to pick up a greeting card. Our daughter, Jess, and her husband have had a loss in their family. Matt’s Mom lost her battle to cancer and since March has been in and out of the hospital. It is so sad because she can’t even be as old as we are. At least, they are living in Alberta, where she lived, so he is close and has spent some quality time with her over the last few years.

Rather than let more apples go to waste,
I picked these and made 2 pies today. 
They turned out perfectly!

So, back at home, I wasn’t sure what to get into today but soon settled on baking. It was a lovely day, again, so I knew even on solar power that I could use my convection oven without having to plug into power. I had picked another bag full of apples from our tree yesterday so made pastries for 2 apple pies. It felt cool inside this morning so having the oven running wouldn’t hurt. I put in my two favourite cd’s (Joshua Kadison & Blue Rodeo) and sang along as I worked.

Up on the berm, I would never
have thought that such a small tree
could produce so many apples!
They aren't very good though, lots of worm holes.

We were surprised when Bill came up the lane around 1:30. A short work day for him today. šŸ˜Š Usually, he likes full days to get the hours in but it is that time of year when he is ready to slow down. Gibbs and I are always happy when he comes home early. They had their snooze up on the bed and I read more of my book to stay quiet and let them sleep.

Raking them up was the best idea.
6 full pails later, it was all cleaned up
- for now.

Bill had some work down at the gate to concentrate on so Gibbs and I went to rake and gather apples up on the berm. Remember the apples all over the ground and garden I showed you the other day? Yah, well, raking was the best way to deal with them, short of straining my back. It worked really well and I filled 6 pails and the small tree hasn’t shed them all yet. We just toss them over the fence as it is quite a distance before the farmer’s field starts.

Hibiscus #19

I came in for my tea around 4:30 but Bill was still outside working. Gibbs was back and forth, of course, such a helper. The pies are done and look wonderful. One will be kept for Thanksgiving and we’ll have the other one for ourselves. For supper, I made spaghetti, or rather Madame IP did. Nice and easy. Everything tasted delicious!

The clouds moved in enough to
give us a pretty sky tonight.
The sun sets behind all those trees
so I am unable to get pictures. 

I’ve started a grocery list, two actually, one for Walmart and one for Costco. We need to begin our stock up for things that we take south with us. We’ll make a couple of stops at Costco, one at Guelph and one when we arrive in London in October. 

Madame IP outdid herself!
this was the best spaghetti
made in our kitchen in a long time!

And the pie? I'll take full credit,
thank you very much!

This has been a nice day. The winds were a little too gusty for my liking which made them a little cool but it was a good ‘working outside afternoon’. We reached 19C/67F and we’re not done with the warm days yet. Yay!

Our sincere condolences to Matt, Tom and Jess
for the loss of this lovely lady.
RIP Darla, you are now pain free. 

Good night!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Wow ... you can make a lot of pies with all those apples. They look delicious!! How about applesauce??

    1. I have done applesauce but we don't eat it as much as apples in the freezer. :)

  2. Yum, those pies look so flaky and delicious. I haven't had apple pie in forever.
    Cancer sucks!

    1. The pie is very good, thank you. Yes, cancer is the bad word, isn't it?

  3. The pies look delicious. You did good. Applesauce...apple butter? My sincerest condolences to Matt, Jess and the family. Darla...time to rest with God and his angels.

    1. I have applesauce but these apples are small and wormy. Not worth all that cutting and mashing. Apple butter, not a favourite in this household. :)
      thank you for the condolences, they are appreciated. ♥

  4. Joshua Kadison is one of my favourites!
