Friday, January 5, 2024

Stocking Up in Parker, Finished the Puzzle, The Height of Lazy

Park Place RV Park

On Friday, Jan. 5th we had decided to go to Walmart in Parker, 36 miles north. It was a cloudy morning and Bill chose to give up flying so we could go early. I had my tea and then my shower first and then we were on our way! Gibbs minded the Suite for us. 😊

Good morning

A panorama for you.

It wasn’t busy at all in town although Walmart always has enough patrons. There were 4 checkout lines open and one with no one ahead of us. Bonus! We spent more than expected but when you think that we found Gibbs’ dog food (unexpectedly), found ink cartridges for our printer, Bill found a few small hobby related items and a couple of bottles of vitamins on top of the food, we were quite pleased. We didn’t need much meat, just burgers, shrimp and ground beef.

I love the contrast of mountains
under the clouds and in the sun.

I enjoy this drive to Parker

You drive into town and you have a lovely
view of the mountains in the west.

I usually miss this sign

I'm sure we've all seen roads like this.
Look at how the sun makes the patches glow.
Any of you ladies thinking Hopscotch? 😁
Now you will be!!

That will do us for a while and we can put off the trip to Yuma for another couple of weeks. The Sam’s Club and/or Pet Smart in Yuma carries the big bags of Blue dog food and that is usually where we have to go to get it. We were home shortly after 11 and we noticed the diesel price had dropped from $3.65 to $3.59 so Bill topped Black Beauty up. 😊

A commentor mentioned that he looks 3D
and yes, like he is walking out of the picture.
It's a beautiful puzzle.

I hadn’t eaten anything but yogourt so was hungry and ready to eat early. I made a tuna sandwich and headed over to work on the puzzle. Since I was the only one working on it and there were 90% dark pieces left, I grouped them in piles according to their shape. That doesn’t always work when others work on it, but I do it with a difficult puzzle.

Operation Stuffy
Dismantled arm and foot
Tail chewed and emptied of stuffing

Oh and his hat is torn half off
and empty too. 
Let's just say he is well loved. 💓

I finished it around 1 when Barb and Connie arrived for Pokeno. The ladies were aiming to play twice a week and today was the first day to try that. Not sure how it worked out. I thought I might start on some crocheting but first I printed off the 6 patterns I downloaded from Etsy. I also had a kit under the bed that I can get my hands into to try and change up my hobby activities.

Almost all better. A shorter foot, arm reattached
and hat stitched closed. 
Stuffy is still smiling.

Bill was busy, cleaning the ‘garage/basement’ and then climbed up to tilt a panel – as a test. The days are getting longer so the sun is slowly changing position in the sky, we’ll see if it makes a difference in our solar power in the daylight. While they dozed, I snuck Stuffy away from Gibbs and did my best to extend his life. He had to sit in the sink while I got ready so he was out of sight of you-know-who.

His rebirth didn't come without incident.
The 'indestructible' material is very tough
to get a needle through and I got jabbed
when it finally let loose. Ouch!
Gibbs is worth it. 

I did what I could and then joined them in my recliner. I read a few more chapters, the story is slow so pages aren’t turning too quickly. I also dozed, what a lazy day! At 4:30, Gibbs and I walked around the park before returning for my cup of tea. I didn’t chat with either Patti, Sheila or Dora today! That seems odd but I know they’re around. I’ll see them tomorrow, I’m sure.

Clear sky so it will be a cold night.
60F/15C was the high
37F/2.7C will be the low.
We'll be toasty warm inside our home.

The clouds over the east mountains.

I’m checking out some garage sales in the morning, at the big park behind us. Who knows what I’ll find! For supper, we had air fried chicken bites, fries for Bill and a coleslaw to share. My weight is going in the wrong direction because my  food choices fell off the rails over the holidays. I’ll get back on track – soon. 😉 This is the end of a week already, first one in January. It has been a good day. As I'm writing, I'm listening to Tom Petty live at Toronto, Ontario, 3/17/95. I wasn't there but it is still a flashback to listen on Sirius xm.

It was a tasty supper.
Bill had fries on his plate, I behaved (tonight).
Good evening!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. Looks like another wonderful day. You sire got another puzzle done early.

  2. What a great header picture, both you guys and the desert look fantastic. Nice to get shopped-up and then relax.

  3. That's a wonderful puzzle. I gave up on the last one because of the need to sort by shape rather than color.
    Good luck with the garage sales!

    1. Give up!? haha, I've had to do that about 3 times in my puzzling years. :)

  4. Love that puzzle. I laughed "You're a Good Dog", with his leg and half his head missing! LOL You're a good MOM for fixing it!!

    1. I know, there is a word for that, isn't there? Just can't come up with it.
