Saturday, June 1, 2024

What a Great Day!

The Ridge

On Saturday, June 1st Bill was in the shower when I woke up at 6:45. I trust that means that he slept in. No alarm. 😊 I got up, made the bed and started sorting the dirty laundry into two loads. Bill was getting ready to go flying, it was a beautiful morning. I left before him at 7:15 and noticed that Ptooties was reading 12C/56F. Under sunny skies, I didn’t even need a jacket.

Last night's sky after sunset surprised me.
Good morning!

The Mat was empty until I was done cleaning and was loading our damp clothes into the basket. Ron, Sandy’s employee, came in to pick up the recycle and garbage. We chatted for a while as I finished up and pretty much locked up and walked out at the same time. I had retrieved my pay from the office when I arrived so stopped at the bank to deposit it into my account and then headed home. I knew Bill would be long gone and hoped it would be a nice flying morning for him.

Let's jump right in to the fun part of the day
The Spring Clothing Exchange begins!
The living room

The clothes shouldn’t take long to dry on the line, even though there were some light clouds hovering over the area. The slight breeze and warmth would take care of that. 😊 Gibbs and I just hung around together. I ate the last pancake for lunch with lots of butter and then had my shower. At 1, I put a few more things in the back of the SUV and drove to Donna’s clothing exchange, in Hanover. I figured I would meet Bill on his way home and just as I approached Durham, I did.

the Sitting Room off the kitchen
(In our old houses, Mom would call this the Front Room)

Donna had 12 attendees, including herself, and clothes, nicely folded and sorted, in each of her 4 rooms on the main level. I was pleasantly surprised and added my extra bags of items to the piles. There is no rhyme, limit or order to this exchange; you put your items out and begin going through things. Over and over. As a new person arrives, you go back and look again after they’ve added their things. 😊 It is a social event, with lots of encouragement of ‘yays’ or ‘nays’ on items we try on.

The Spare Bedroom

Most of us left with less (or more?) than what we donated. All the remaining items, will be bagged and dropped off at a thrift store or preferably at a shelter for women. Not one dime is spent and if you find out at home that you don’t like one of the pieces after all, no money was lost. It was around 4 when I said my goodbyes and drove to Walmart before leaving Hanover. I donated some money there, easily, but I did find everything on our list.

The Dining room table has fall weather clothing.
In the forefront on the counter, Donna has
a nice display of snacks for our pleasure.
They were all very good.

Then I went to Walmart where one
of the most important items was for Gibbs.

When I pulled in through the gate,
this Mrs. Yertle was hurrying across but stopped as I neared.
I parked and picked her up to put her on the destination side. 

Bill had just recently arrived home from getting water and helping Gerry at the Acreage. What a pleasant surprise to see him removing and folding the clothes off the line for me. We had burgers for supper, and after stepping on the scales earlier, I was encouraged enough to carry on with my ‘lettuce bun’. No complaints here, it was still messy and delicious! Bill loaded the dishwasher and went to the Hangar. I worked on my blog and will find something on tv later.

Bill bbq'ing and Gibbs watching for Chippy.

Same tasty burger!

This was a great Saturday and tomorrow is a free day, totally free, to do what I (we) want. We reached a high temperature of 25C/76F but surprise, surprise, cooler again tomorrow. The only disappointment today was that my Buddy, Pat, wasn’t able to attend our clothing exchange. She hasn’t missed one since we started, so Michele and I found a couple of things she just might like. I hope yours was a nice day too.

Gibbs is either protecting my bag of clothes OR
thinking 'what is in the bag, Mom?'
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.


  1. A very busy but enjoyable day had by all.
    Gibbs looks like he doesn't like the picture taking. Might be wise to bribe him first.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. A free day tomorrow for you, yippee! A clothing
    exchange is a good idea, except for you I haven't seen anyone else mention one. Nice photo of Gibbs and Bill by the bbq,Mary

  3. I think "I" might like those Puppy Butters!!!! Such a good idea, the clothing exchange. And it's FREE!! I love that Gibbs keeps a close watch on BOTH of you!!

  4. The clothing exchange is a wonderful idea - finding new-to-you items for nothing and ensuring the unwanted stuff doesn't end up in the landfill. Win-win.
    Enjoy your day off!

  5. I agree with a couple of comments. You and your group are the only ones I've heard of doing a clothing exchange. And the cookies look good to me too!

  6. I love the idea of a clothing exchange, I just do not know enough people to do one. Would be loads of fun though.
    Sooo, Gibbs gets his own special cookies, hope he appreciates them.

    God bless.
