Thursday, October 3, 2024

Another Day of Progress/Farm Entertainment

The Ridge

On Thursday, Oct. 3rd we were all up and active before 7. Bill was up at 6 and me….later than that. 😊 He left for work in Kincardine today, to finish a small job they started yesterday. I left a few minutes after 7 for the Mat. I had it all to myself today so that made me happy. Sandy had left September’s pay in an envelope in the office desk so that also made me happy. Just 5 more days to go.

Good morning!
A fall scene on my drive home
from town.

On the way back through Durham, I stopped at the bank and deposited my cash. When I got home, I transferred it to one of our accounts to help pay for one thing or another. Work on the Suite at CanAm is going to be an expensive fix, we think. Oh well, that’s why we’re working through the summer, to make this things easier.

The sedum just gets prettier and prettier

All 4 of these hanging things came down
for storage.

Since it was a chilly morning, even though warmer than Tuesday night was, I stayed inside with Gibbs until around 10. I was in shorts, trying to feel very positive about a warm up today. I continued puttering around, taking down our signs for turtle and goose crossing and finished packing the totes and putting them in the storage shed.


I counted 13 more cherry tomatoes on my plant yet to reach maturity, so moved it over where it would get more sun, longer. I hope it doesn’t drop below freezing any time soon. I’ll keep an eye on those babies. 😊 Bill called to say he was on his way home just around noon and pulled in at 12:45. We’re not sure about work tomorrow, he’s fine either way. So, after we ate lunch we went out to do more cleanup.

Our afternoon entertainment 

We got involved watching the combines/harvesters in the field behind us. Monstrous machines and because they were having a problem with one of them, a repair truck was also in the field.

This gal was having a problem also so
had to get out and clean off the forks

Once Gibbs saw them, he headed off across the back field, through the fence and had to go let them know who is the boss. 😊 Bill called out that he was friendly and the 3 workers greeted him like family. Of course, you’re not surprised.

In there like a dirty shirt, our pooch was.
Nosy little guy.

It is entertaining to say the least and they worked straight through, both machines and the tractor with trailer for them to dump the millet into, until after 7. That is just the 3 fields around us.

Up on the hill, I found my
guy watching the action

Bill and I went down to pull the foot valve out of the pond (for the pump that didn’t work this summer). We emptied the rain barrel, it was ¾ full, turned it upside down and then disconnected hoses to the hand pump. Step by step, things were getting crossed off the list.

My Rose of Sharron is getting moved in the spring.
Not sure where but it never flowers up here.
The rain barrel draining, Gibbs gets a drink.
The field behind us is done.

We came in for supper around 6, air fried chicken breast, potatoes and mixed veggies. It was very good. Bill called our auto insurance company to give them the date when Ptooties would go into storage and she sent papers through within the hour for us to sign to that effect. My Royal Bank US debit card finally arrived in the mail, I was getting concerned, so now it is good for another 4 years. Phew!

The transfer was a dusty mess!

Milkweed is also harvesting itself.
Gibbs watched through the fence
as well. If Mom and Dad do it,
so can I!

After cleaning up the pots, we spent a quiet evening. The clouds were wispy but were invisible for the bulk of today. It was lovely in the sun, if you were moving, but chilly if you sat still in short sleeves. My jacket was on and off throughout the day but we were outside for most of it. 😊 

We walked around the property, Bill pointing out new
areas he could walk where the pond had dried up.
Checking out a soon to be dead tree.

We enjoyed the day today and feel even more has been taken care of.

I can't stop yawning, I guess we worked hard today.
Good night!

Thank you for popping by to check out what we’ve done today. Your comments are always welcome.


  1. There's a lot to take care of before you,Gibbs and Bill leave.Do you know your departure date yet? I hope you have a wonderful evening -Mary

    1. There is and it is nice to have the good weather so we can spread the jobs out. Nothing is too challenging at all, just time is all. Oct. 16th we will leave the Ridge.

  2. The deck turned out GREAT!! Job well done! Nice to see the red color on your drive home this morning! Gibbs is sooooo cute and friendly! :) Still over 100 here until middle of Oct. so take your time......this has been a long summer. Nice to see water,grass and blue sky - thanks!

    1. Bill says thank you! :) Not a lot of colour here yet, so those that pop are worth a photo.
      Gibbs has to say hello but because he barks like a big dog, we have to assure people that he is friendly.
      Okay, we'll take our time on the way down.

  3. You two are doing awesome! Hard to believe soon you'll be leaving for another winter! :)

  4. Always a relief to get things done before you leave. Of course you know I love big equipment, so thanks for the combine pics! LOL. Mr. Gibbs the Watch Pup, keeping his Mom and Dad safe!!!

    1. It is nice and we've been lucky with the weather to putter away at it.
      Yup, knew you'd enjoy those big machines!
      They were just a little too close to our home so Gibbs had to check them out. They enjoyed him.
