Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday is Laundry Day, Family Birthday

Park Place RV Park

On Sunday, Jan. 19th, Bill came upstairs around 6:45 and began sorting laundry at the bottom of the bed. I wasn’t up yet but was awake, doing my stretching exercises. Once everything was sorted, with the little imp playing a part, Bill carried the basket over and we loaded two machines. It was about 7:15. He was ready to leave for his 2nd day at the show by 8:10. He enjoyed yesterday very much. 😊

Good morning!

I switched loads to the dryers and when everything was dry and folded, Nancy and I went for our walk around 8:45. It was a cool morning but with no wind, it had warmed up nicely by then. I only needed my warm hoody and windbreaker. I did put my neck covering on tho’. I’d had a cup of tea in between but no cereal so I was hungry for something when Gibbs and I returned from his ‘around the park’ walk. With some pomelo left, although it is not filling (no good fat there!), I had ¼ of that.

Nancy and I finished the puzzle before lunch.

I vacuumed and dusted the Suite, something I’ve been telling Bill I was going to do for the last 3 days! Finally, it is done and we are dusted down – for now. 😊 I made a coffee and at 11 walked over to the puzzle. I didn’t know Nancy had just arrived ahead of me so we worked on it until 12:20 and managed to put the last pieces in. Little did I know that two had fallen to my chair so none were missing.

Grilled cheese and onion sandwich
for lunch.
It's weird not having Bill home.,

Gibbs was a barking fool yesterday so I had to resort to putting his collar on and giving him a stern talking to. Ever since, he has been better and today with my hand approaching the ‘vibrating remote’ button, he settled down quickly when Duncan came to the door. Good boy! I pulled out a couple of slices of sour dough bread and had a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.

Whenever I visit Nancy,
Jonathon chatters up a storm.
Such a cutie! Nancy says he likes
my Canadian 'accent'. 😂

He even squeezes in a little
dance move for me.

Without Daddy here, even the small pieces of cheese mixed in with his food, Gibbs won’t eat. Eventually today, he will eat it up. The cheese at least. So, after I ate, I finished watching the video that Pat sent me of Rob’s memorial service. I had to stop it twice to take a break when I was crying too much to see the screen on my laptop, but it was a beautiful service and I’m grateful for it. I had to chuckle a couple of the memories mentioned. There were many. 😊

With the puzzle finished, I had no reason to go over to the clubhouse so I debated sitting out in the sun to read or taking my crocheting outside. Tomorrow will be incredibly windy so it won’t be an outside day. I want to order a new bike seat, basket and bell for Lila before riding too far. With my back acting up, I want to be more comfortable before venturing out.

I got the materials out for some creativity.
If I get it figured out, I'll show you another day. 

Well, I didn’t do either. Instead, I got out my paper quilling supplies and attempted to make a pair of earrings.  I didn’t have a real plan and sometimes think I don’t have a creative bone in my body. They started out okay but didn’t end up that way. I need to come up with a better plan so I can wear them 😊 Tomorrow’s another day.

Gibbs and I got out for his walk and Bill was home at 5:10, just as I was finishing my tea. For supper, we had air fried, butterfly shrimp, Caesar salad and French fries. Bill had the fries. Supper was very good. I am trying to plan a menu for the 9 days that Bill is working, since he isn’t here daily to ask ‘what do you want for supper?’ So far, I only have a couple of days filled in – including today. Ha ha

Supper was good.

After we cleaned up, we watched a movie together. Now that Bill isn’t watching Christmas movies, I’m enjoying sharing the space in front of the tv with him. This has been a good day. We reached a pleasant sunny 66F/16C high today with light winds. We’ll take more of this even though our overnights are mid-30’s. That’s 1 or 2C back home. A quick shout out here to our newest son-in-law, Chris. You've made our daughter so very happy and that is worth 10*'s to us. Happy Birthday, young man! 

Cheers to you, Mr. Chris!
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. Have you posted a new entry in a while??? Or is my computer messed up and I'm not getting new blog entries?
    Don in Okla.

    1. I've been posting daily. I'm sorry you are missing them. Have you signed on as a follower?

  2. It was such a nice sunny day! And yes, Jonathan likes your accent because he rarely talks to anyone, let alone DANCE for them!!

    1. I don't have an accent!! Hahaha
      But if he dances and sings, I'm happy!

  3. Happy Birthday to your SIL, Chris.
    The wind is just starting to pick up here in Yuma. I went out early this morning to get some groceries, as I don't plan to venture out while it is blowing.
    I hope the tents are pinned down well!

    1. Thanks Maebeme for Chris.
      Not a good afternoon to be outside.

  4. We're reaching a high of about -16°C here today! Be glad you're down there!

  5. Not going to say how cold it is here, suffice it to say it is face numbing. Still, the car started (surprisingly) and Harvey got his partial plate fitting a couple of days early. I managed to do more project work and get all the household tasks completed. I do have a few things left to fold though.

    God bless.
