Monday, March 3, 2025

Ladies Poker Pool, Winds Stick Around

Park Place RV Park

On Monday, Mar. 3rd I was awake by 6:30 and up just before 7. Yesterday, after my nice walk, I thought I'd try and get out early for a short walk - like I used to. However, my body had a different idea. πŸ˜‰ It's okay though, my hopes weren't too high. After doing my exercises, I joined Bill and Gibbs downstairs. The winds were still howling so Bill planned another morning at home.

Good morning!

Gibbs gets it in his head to sit
with Daddy. He gets his way too!

Bill and I have been hearing 'scritches' throughout the Suite, seemingly on the roof, in the ceiling or somewhere else. Hmmm. We began finding droppings on the counters (stove area and hutch) plus in the garbage and linen drawers. Not a lot, but still, 3 are too many when you have a mouse in the house. Darn! So, we emptied the lower cupboards to find the source. 

The bit of eggshell came from the garbage and was found
in the linen drawer.
The right picture is the garbage drawer.

Bill finished by vacuuming and washing the areas out and strategically placing the 'trap cubes' (I can't think of what they are called, but they work) in 3 locations, out of Gibbs' reach.🐭

Are you coming, Mom?
Okay, this way.
Wiggle wiggle

I took Gibbs for his walk and then left Bill to his cleaning. He was on a roll. I met with the ladies at poker pool at 9:15 and we had a great morning. We were down 2 players but at the same time, we were grateful to have Karen stick around for one last game before she moved on. She spoiled us all by bringing what I call chocolate macaroons. πŸͺπŸͺπŸͺThey were delicious made of all the things we try to avoid on a daily basis. Perfect for a snack! πŸ’— 

There were 5 of us playing today.
Another fun Monday.
thanks for the tour, Karen!

When the games were done, we took a tour of Karen's Skoolie before she left. It is adorable and perfectly converted for one. I snapped a couple of pictures, of course. She will be back next winter. 😁 Back home, Bill and Gibbs had the house smelling clean and they were resting. I did go back to the puzzle for a couple of hours after lunch and made more progress. I guess I'm on my own again now. 

The winds had increased by noon when I walked home

Diesel price at Arco dropped .06 yesterday

Coming along nicely.

It was a decent afternoon.

Still windy but strange clouds
in the north

I took Gibbs for his walk and it was cool enough to slip a jacket on. The wind makes a huge difference. When we returned, I felt good so struck out on my own again. Apparently, this is the time of day when I can get my steps in. πŸ˜† For supper, we had sausages on a bun and after cleanup, watched NCIS together. Not sure what is happening with NCIS:Origins, it hasn't had a new episode for 3 weeks. πŸ€”

More bun than sausage, but good all the same!
Good night!

It has been a good day, 68F/20C, and a cooler night. After the heat, yes, it feels cool. 

Thank you for popping in. 


  1. Nice day. I don't mind heat nor cold, but I hate the wind. Mr. Wiggle Butt always looks happy!!

    1. I'm with you but I prefer heat over cold!
      Wiggle Butt agrees. Haha

  2. I hope the mice are soon moved on. I can imagine they can cause a fair amount of damage, especially if they start chewing wires.
    I'm glad you're able to do some walking - I suspect not moving would make your issues even worse. And who wouldn't want to walk Gibbs? He's such a cutie.
    I went for a walk with my son and his dog Sage the other day. She is a medium sized dog, but very strong. Had she wanted to, I'm sure she could have gotten away from me, though I get the leash wrapped around my hand. C is going to take her obedience school this spring - they both can use it.

    1. Thank you.
      I agree about the walking.
      Gibbs walks pretty good now.

  3. We use Bounce dryer sheets in our camper and never have mice. We replace twice a year. Might try it!

  4. Nothing worse than a mouse or two that have invaded your living space. Hope you catch them quickly.

    God bless.

  5. Trust you'll be successful getting rid of those 'scritches'.
