Wednesday, August 3, 2022

My Plans Changed, Guests Arrive, Gibbs’ Makeover

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Aug. 2nd we woke up to light drizzly rain. It actually felt cool when I woke up and reached down to pull the duvet up before 5 o’clock. That meant Gibbs got covered and he squirmed his way up and out. I was sure he was shivering but maybe not. 😊

At the Mat, this is the second
assault on the new sign post
Not me though! I use my mirrors. 😂

Bill got up at 6:00 and took him out. I rolled over and tried to return to slumber. I say tried because I knew I needed to get a move on within half hour or so to get to the Mat. It was actually 6:45 when I crawled out, made the bed and got ready for my day. Bill was working in Durham this week so was taking Black Beauty. I left first in Ptooties. The Mat was empty when I arrived and remained that way for the whole time.

Not a fun mess to clean up
but not terrible either
Did you think 'swan' when you first glanced at it?

My plan was to work for my hour, stop to fill our water jug and head home. I’d spend an hour with Gibbs and head over to M’s for 9:30. When I discovered two machines with new ‘do not use’ signs, I had to test them. One was clearly in need of repair but the other one was a matter of customer patience. They’d put their ‘large’ amount of soap in, plus their $4 but couldn’t figure how to close the door.

Star of the day

Take a good look
Now you see him

So, since there was no one needing a washer within the first half hour, I started it rather than leave it. By the time I finished cleaning, dusting and washing the floors, the machine was done. Woops! Looking in through the window, it was white, filled with soap suds. Oh no! I knew someone would open it and not bother to clean it up. I phoned M and told him I would be busy there for a while and wouldn’t be in to work after all. He was fine with it.

A different little pooch
Can you pose for Mom?

Are you showing off your new do?

There he is, what a handsome little guy!!💗

By the time I got it all mopped up, I’d been there for over an hour and a half and didn’t get home until 9:20. I’m so glad for the decision I made. I hadn’t eaten earlier so had some cereal with my coffee. At 12:30, I drove Gibbs back into town and dropped him off at Kate’s Bath and Biscuit for his groom, er, his makeover. 😊 I was back home by 1:30 and Duncan pulled in with their Airstream before 2. He set it up, unhooked and went back in to pick Patty up from the laundromat.

Patty was truly a happy camper to be able
to hang her clothes on my linie

The day was going by quickly with back and forth trips to Durham and at 3, I repeated the process to pick up our handsome little guy. When I returned, our company wasn’t far behind. Patty was very excited to be able to hang their laundry on my clothes line. She loves the outdoor freshness of drying clothes on a line. 😉 I was happy to oblige when she asked.

Happy Hour was on the gravel at their site
where we got more sun

The gin and tonic went down smoothly

The boys have lots to discuss

We had Happy Hour together, moving over to the sunny side of the lot while they cooked yet another supper for us. My, we are getting spoiled! We ate at our Suite and although I forgot pictures, the hot dogs, local corn on the cob, Cinnabons and ice cream were all delicious. We didn’t contribute much but the ice cream came from our freezer, just a wee scoop each. Boy, were we stuffed!

Duncan was grilling the dogs
They were sooo good!

This local corn (Windsor) was so sweet and tender
Thank you Duncan and Patty for spoiling us again!

Bill loaded the dishes in the dishwasher and we all enjoyed watching ‘home movies’ that weren’t exactly home movies. They were interested so Bill showed them some of our still pictures from a few trips to Arizona on our tv screen. That was fun to see them again and he went so far as to run through the remodeling of our London home. I haven’t seen those for a very long time and it is great to have them.

Gibbs being a good boy while we ate
Between snoozing, drinking and humping our pillow,
he kept himself out of trouble

D & P wandered next door around 9:30 and it was soon bed time. Bill and Gibbs went up first to watch tv while I tried valiantly to finish my blog. I was simply too tired so will finalize it in the morning. This has been a busy but awesome day. I do have to work at M’s tomorrow so will say goodbye early.

The evening ended watching Bill's pictures
on the tv
Notice Gibbs snuggled in beside Patty? 💓💓
Good night!

Thank you for your visit!


  1. Love Gibbs' new do! I'm sure it's more comfortable for him in the heat too.
    Enjoy your company.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Woops. Deleted too many. Gibbs looks much better with his haircut.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Gibbs looks so handsome with his makeover :) Nice to have company that spoils you LOL. Curious, do they have a "home base" or just like to travel from place to place?

  5. Fun day except for the soap cleaning!! Lol. Love Gibbs new doo!!

  6. Gibbs looks so different after going to the spa. Such a cutie.

  7. Even with a new 'do' Gibbs still has the cutest face ever! I don't understand how anyone could possibly think they need that much soap in a machine! My 1 tsp of Norwex powder does the job just fine.

  8. Gibbs posed wonderfully. I think he likes his makeover.

    God bless.
