Saturday, July 20, 2024

A Special Day with My Girl

The Ridge

On Saturday, July 20th I’d made plans to drive to Bridgette’s home near Woodstock. I don’t get to spend a lot of time with her for one reason or another so this was special to me. I was up at 7 and came down on time to see Bill finish getting ready to go flying. It was a lovely morning and the winds were minimal first thing. Gibbs and I hung here at home and I was able to sort pictures from Friday and get my blog ‘almost’ ready to publish. Almost but not quite. 😊

Good morning!
As you can see the meeting yesterday,
didn't end well.
They all got thrown out. This is how I found them
in the morning.

It is about a 2-hour drive to my daughter’s so I left at 9. Gibbs would only be home alone for 3 hours at the most and then the rest of the day would be with Daddy. It was 11 am when I pulled into the lane at their house and it was nice to be able to see Chris as well for a few minutes. Bridgette had invited me to help her choose jewelry and shoes to go with her bridal gown, so just in case I had something that might work, I took along my cases of necklaces as well.

You all remember Alfred Hitchcock's movie
The Birds, right?

We didn’t have to leave the house, so went upstairs to get down to business. When she pulled her dress out of the closet, I was stunned at how beautiful it is and when she put it on, speechless. That’s all I can say other than how proud I am to have such a lovely daughter. What a stunning bride she will be. We had some success and then did a bit of playful dress try-ons with things in her closet. Like mother like daughter couldn’t be more true. Her closet is crammed like mine, if not more! 

I can't show you the dress but I can
show you a lovely substitute.
Flowers I picked from M's garden planted
by his last 'non-paying' tenant.

a tasty perfect sandwich on sour dough

The day slipped by, we had lunch together and then relaxed in the living room and just visited. I felt like a sponge soaking up the special moments, moments I’ve been missing for years. Even when I do see her, we are never alone for any length of time so this day meant a lot. I know I’m getting sappy, but it really was a great day. It was 3:45, after we toured her flower and vegetable garden, when I pulled out. Her vegetables are doing amazing, putting mine to shame. 😊

Trinity, one of Bridgette's black cats, sound
asleep in her bed. We were surprised when Jack,
her male counterpart, came to me and let me pet him.

I came home with a cucumber and some rhubarb to try. It may be too old but I’ll find out in the morning. It was quite a gab fest with a lot of laughs and I’ll hold it fondly in my heart. Bill and Gibbs had a good day as well. 

She purchased 2 tomato plants and they
are massive! Loaded with Early Girl tomatoes.
It's a variety I'm looking for next year!

After he went flying, he took Gibbs over to the Acreage and spent some time with Donna and Gerry. I was tired after my day so we just agreed on grilled cheese sandwiches for supper and then Bill went to the Hangar. I wasn’t up for a fire tonight, anywhere.

This picture is for Nancy.
These beauties are in the farm behind
Bridgette and Chris' yard.
They look like horses, but the white one is
a very large mule. So pretty.

Things will be slower tomorrow, just laundry and the Mat cleaning so maybe we’ll get a ride in on Jazz. We’ll see. I hope you had a great day too!

My drive home was pleasant.
We reached a high today of 25C/78F
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. It's that you all had a
    family visit,I hope you,
    Gibbs and Bill have a good
    night -Mary

  2. What a lively visit.

    God bless.

  3. Days spent with our kids are always special !! You and Bill have
    made some good memories and you always remember to take
    pictures. Yay !
    Linda a.

    1. They sure are special.
      Sometimes I might get annoying but still take pictures. haha

  4. Great memories. So glad you got to visit with Bridgette. Those tomatoes ... OH MY!! As for the "horse", the big ears gave it away instantly!!

    1. Thank you Nancy. The tomatoes are crazy!! Yes, those big ears but I've never seen such a tall mule.

  5. What a lovely visit you had with your daughter. My goodness those tomatoes are huge!

  6. Nice that you were able to spend time with Bridgette.
    I've mentioned before how Static Straps would help make the long rides better for Gibbs, but they also would make you less tire. Bill can easily make them from remnant pieces of wire.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your Sunday.

    It's about time.

    1. It was a great day with Bridgette, one we will repeat more often. :)
      thanks Rick.
