Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Can You See Me Now?

The Ridge

On Wednesday, July 31st, last day of the month, we were all up by 7. I was washed, dressed and on my way out the door by 7:20. It was a warm morning so I didn’t need anything more than a sleeveless top. It was a bit foggy but no hindrance for my drive. The temperature was already in the high teens (16C/mid 60’s F). I’m so grateful Sandy put a/c in the Mat.

Good foggy morning!

I was alone for half of my time today but it still took me 90 minutes to clean. There were 4 washers that needed to be tested because of Do Not Use notes. As it turned out, none were legit but they were at least tested. 😊 I went next to fill our 5-gallon water jug and then home. Woops! I did stop at the Shell station on the highway to spend $20 on lottery tickets. Do ya feel lucky?

Well, we've all had days like this
but I still didn't want to get too close.

Bill and Gibbs were getting concerned at the length of time I was gone so texted to check on me. I love that! It’s better than not thinking of me at all when I’m away, right? At the gas station, I bumped into one of my most favourite people in all of Durham. Of course, other than our Buddies. 😊  You’d likely never guess but it was my former Mat boss, Jamie! I haven’t seen him in quite a while so had to hop out for a big hug. I miss him.

My lunch plate. 

My sweeties were outside at the picnic table when I drove up and filled them in on my delay. I texted Sandy with my July hours plus the days in September when I will be unavailable. It was a pretty low-key day and although not a lot was done outside, I vacuumed indoors and we’ve done even more contemplating and comparing on our insurance decision. We had lunch and at 1:45, drove to Markdale, a 15-minute drive to the north-east.

Siesta time.

Bill and I had eye appointments, something we haven’t had for far too long. We do get an exam to determine prescriptions in Mexico but nothing deeper than that and it was time. They were all very nice and not crazy busy, since we only booked less than a month ago. We are covered for the full exam, because of our age, for a check every 18-months and today, paid fn or the extra retinol check for each of us. We feel good that we know where we stand and really like Dr. Simon.

On our way to Markdale,
we noticed that the marshmallows were
ready to be harvested.
Bill says we grow them big here in Ontario. 😂😅

Back home by 4, we kept cool inside for the rest of the afternoon. It’s lazy days and neither of us have a problem with that. Tomorrow, I have to clean at the air bnb and Friday I will be on the run to a few places again. 😊 Bill will be able to clean up a few of his small chores as well, whether I’m here or not.

Couldn't resist.

For supper, I made us pancakes. Keto for me and Bisquick ones for Bill. They were delicious with our locally made maple syrup, of course. I have a bag of pancake mix in the cupboard that I’ll probably never use – but who knows? After clean up, it was more peacefulness. Bill went to the Hangar and once my blog is done, I’ll be reading or watching mindless tv. 😊

Oh yah!
Butter and syrup to do it right.

It has been a good day. We have new prescriptions for Mexico, both having about ¼ increase or decrease from what our glasses are right now. I hope your last day of the month went well because now August is here! We had a hot/humid day, reaching 28C/82F on the thermometer. 

The birds were having a party under the feeders
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. It's sweet how Bill and Gibbs checked on you when you were gone for so long,you got a lot done today, I hope you all sleep well tonight -Mary

  2. I imagine travel insurance for that length of time can be pricey. Hope you find the best option that fits the budget.
    Silly people, why would they put signs on the washers - just to cause trouble, perhaps?

    1. It is pricey, the older you are, the longer you stay and health issues can play a major part. I'm not sure what it is with the notes, some are legit but I have to test them all regardless.

  3. Nice day. Funny ... I have an eye exam scheduled soon too! I guess we ARE getting old!!! LOL

  4. Have my 2nd cataract surgery this Monday :) Yup, getting old....birthday this month :(
    Dinner looks great !!

    1. My sister just had her second last month. Funny how I never heard of them when we were younger, maybe adults never told us.
      (happy birthday!)
