Thursday, December 26, 2024

Hop, Skip and Jump and it’s Over

Park Place RV Park

Thursday, Dec. 26th, commonly known to us Canadians as Boxing Day, I was up late again. I was so tired last night that I couldn’t even focus on a movie so was in bed just after 8:30! That’s crazy but not unusual. I was catching up on the previous late night. 😊 Within a blink, Christmas is over…….especially for those of us who don’t have extended family visits that stretch it out.

Good morning!
This is actually through our west facing window
last night. I think I missed a beauty of a sunset.

I will stop listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies but the tree and decorations will remain in place until either Jan. 1st or 2nd of the new year. At that point, I will be anxious to put them away and turn the Suite back into our normal living space. I’m grateful for the space we have, making it possible for me to embellish with the special decorations we kept from our sticks and bricks.

This was also last night.
He sat on the couch, quietly for about 5 minutes.
When I asked him what he was doing, he looked up at his
stocking. There was nothing left in it but it was so cute!πŸ’—

I donned my runners and walked the big block. I went a bit further this morning, wanting to check out the cross street that I would need to take to get me to the interstate. It is I-95 but in town it is called N. Central Blvd. I didn’t follow it but discovered it to be only a 10-minute bike ride and a 25-minute walk. Hmmm. That’s where Desert Camel & Crafts is located; where my classes are held. 😊

The morning sky was beautiful

The clouds soon took over but
at least I saw the sun rise on my return home.

Back home, it wasn’t long before Bill and Duncan returned, early. It was not a very warm day for flying. Bill’s cold is lingering, darn. He goes from feeling better to stuffed up. He is taking some meds so will be fine in a day or two. Positive thinking!! He was going upstairs to crawl under a blanket so Gibbs joined him and I went to the puzzle. Finally, it is slowly coming together. The border, I mean.

I think all the excitement yesterday tired our
little boy out.
He greeted me with both Hippo AND Santa in his mouth.
What a goof!

While there, I got a message from home that my family lost a cousin on Dec. 24th. It is sad at any time, Marion was 83, but at Christmas time, it makes it a bit harder to take. Condolences to my cousins in the Snelgrove family, our prayers are with you to find peace with your sadness.

Lunch was cinnamon rolls

I returned home at 11:45 and we had Pillsbury cinnamon rolls for lunch. Oh my. So good. 8 is too many for 2 of us so I took a couple to Patty and Duncan. Brrr, it sure feels chilly out there. I know 59F/13C sounds warm to family and friends back home but with mostly cloudy skies, our bodies feel the cold after the heat we’ve had.

The top picture was the morning's progress
The bottom was after lunch.

Bill went back to lay down after eating and I can think of no better place for him. He wants to feel better for at least flying in the morning. Night flying, tonight, is not in the cards unless a miracle happens before supper.

I read my book and chuckled over Gibbs’ antics with all his toys. He already knows which one is Hippo but he has managed to get the squeaker out of it too. I will indeed be writing to the vendor, since their guarantee is ‘if they rip it, we will replace it for free! Never ship back destroyed or unwanted toys.’ As our friend, Nancy, says: they have never met Gibbs! 😊 A couple of commenters think he should be their test doggie!

Here are the pictures I will be sending to
the vendor of the INDESTRUCTIBLE toys.

Around 2, I went back to the puzzle, I’m on a roll! I managed to complete the bottom and top border and although it doesn’t seem like there are enough straight edges for the two sides, I’m sure I’ll find them – eventually. So, I finished one of the quilts instead. I returned home around 3:30 and made a cup of tea for both Bill and I. I sat and read my book and Bill came down to sit with Gibbs and I. The fibrefill is still coming out of Hippo, I’ll be writing that letter soon!

Supper was filling and good.

Gibbs and I walked around the park, well as far as he wanted, and returned home to the warmth. The sun came out in full, a clear blue sky by early afternoon, giving the temperature a bit of a boost. We did reach 69F/20C, which is quite nice and the winds are minimal. For supper, we agreed on clam chowder with a couple of my dinner rolls from the freezer. The soup is from a can, I don’t make many of my own soups.

My youngest biological grandson, Nate
hugging their tree.
Yes, he is quite a character! πŸ’–

Supper was filling and good. Stuff a cold… know, so I stuffed my sweetie as much as I could. 😊 We watched a Jason Bourne movie, a repeat, and then found our own idea of entertainment for the rest of the evening. This has been a good day. Tomorrow, I have another class to which I’m looking forward to going to. I hope you have enjoyed your day too and had a chance to relax.

Good night!

(Boxing Day is recognized in Canada, the U.K. and South Africa as an extension of the festivities. It is a paid holiday for many employees and is a day of shopping for bargains where most things are on special. Similar to Black Friday.)

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Gosh, I sure hope Bill gets over that quickly. It's no fun being sick. As for the toys, that's the perfect pictures to send, along with the long list you wish to be replaced. Not that they will last more than a few minutes! LOL.

    1. Haha you are right about the toys!
      Thank you for Bill's wishes.

  2. Praying that Bill feels
    healthy again soon -Mary

  3. Wishing Bill a speedy recovery.
    I'm guessing Gibbs is never going to run out of toys, as the manufacturers will be replacing them as quickly as he destroys them. :)

    1. Thank you from Bill.
      Gibbs will never be without this. He's having fun!

  4. We had the same weather...very cool cloudy morning then a warm afternoon. LOL to Maebeme's comment.

  5. Quick tip for homemade tasting refrigerated canned cinnamon rolls. After placing them in the pan to bake, pour 1/4 to 1/2 cup heavy cream over and around them. Bake as usual..the taste is awesome! The leftover rolls, (if you have any, we seldom do) will keep a lot longer and stay soft and fresh. Since I don't use heavy cream for anything else, I divide the remaining cream into 1/4 or 1/2 cup portions and freeze in sandwich bags.

    1. Oh my!!! I have a another container and I am going to try that!!!
      Thank you!!

  6. Nate has certainly grown up! Cute pic! Looks like you've had a great few days of Christmas! So sorry about your cousin. Cinnamon rolls?! I'm in LOL.

    1. Thank you Shirley. Yes, Nate is a tall as his dad. He's only 14!!
