Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Summer Returns

Park Place RV Park 

On Tuesday, Feb. 25th something woke me at 6:35 and it sounded like our basement door closing. I saw Gibbs was back in bed after going out with Daddy so maybe it was in my dream. Later, Bill told me he heard a similar sound. 🤔

Gibbs doesn't mind being squished
in my chair with me.
He's a lovebug. 

After I  made the bed, I  did my routine on the bedroom floor with my helper washing my face and adding pressure for the best workout possible. 🥰 Whatever would I do without him? There is no doubt he knows what he's doing! 

Bill left for the field and I had a quiet morning with our little bum. I did vacuum the Suite, unintentionally chasing Gibbs around while the big bad monster did it's thing. Dusting will be another day, God forbid I should overdo it!!

You'll have to turn your head
to view this but I couldn't get it turned

Gibbs and I got out for his walk and that was around 10. It was already very warm, 61F/13C, I was sleeveless and in shorts.  I do believe summer is here! I decided to go work on the puzzle until noon hour and made some great progress. It is an easy one. 

We had chicken sandwiches for lunch and I left them at 1 to go play Pokeno with the ladies. Only 4 of us today, but my penny jar wasn't any lighter on the trip home. 😁 I feel I broke even. I worked on the puzzle a bit more and walked home at 3.

We had some outside together late afternoon too
See Gibbs down by my feet?
He's out like a light.

It reached 92F/33C this afternoon before it started dropping back. We planned bacon and eggs for supper and after it was finished, I took Gibbs for his walk. 

Cooler by then and although he didn't do the whole park, he walked to the street corner and we returned home. 

Walking over to J & J's, gave me this
photo opportunity.

I had 4 date squares set aside for Jess and Jesse so walked them over and caught up on their day. Since I was out at the appropriate time, I snapped a couple of sunset pictures. It has been a great day and We have a couple more busy ones ahead this week.

My phone camera doesn't do the sky
justice tonight. It was beautiful.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in. 


  1. I'm glad you reminded me about that noise yesterday. We heard and felt a loud boom and I told Jesse (who had headphones on) that it sounded like it wasn't even close enough to be in the park. Never did learn what it was.

  2. Huh, I wonder what the noise was that your heard. We hear booms in Yuma every night. I've been given various reasons, but the one I think might be correct is farmers setting off some sort of noise machine to keep the birds off their fields.
    It was HOT! yesterday here too at 91F. A bit much for me but I guess one gets accustomed to it, eventually.

  3. Nice to be able to wear shorts! Get that tan on!!

  4. I had mentioned to Harvey that I hadn't heard the Black Hawk helicopter in about a week this morning. At about 11 am I heard the thump, thump of it's blades and watched it fly over my house from our airport to the border. My goodness that thing is noisy. It looks like you had a lovely day.

    God bless.
