Monday, September 2, 2024

Even Colder! Still a Great Day.

The Ridge

On Monday, Sept. 2nd, we celebrated Labour Day the best way we knew how. We didn’t work. 😊 It was like a NO Labour day for us, just the way we like it. Funny thing is that we all slept in until 7:00. I woke up a few minutes before, felt Gibbs in between Bill and I, as snug as he could be. He would roll one way and then the other, on his back with his feet pushing against us.

Good morning!
Happy Labour Day!

Bill had planned to go flying this morning after yesterday being a write off because of weather so got up, washed and dressed fairly quickly. It is garbage day here so I gathered the refuse and walked the bag down to the road. He left around 8:15. He had bumped the furnace on for a couple of cycles and that was necessary since it was only 8C/47F outside. Brrr. That’s just too cold, too early, we’re not ready for those temperatures.

Bill left in winds reading 2 mph
Returned home 2 1/2 hours later (instead of 4)
when it was too windy to fly at 13 mph.

I didn't realize it caught the corner
of our umbrelllla, making my focus blurry.

I played my games while drinking my tea, sitting with the little bum, and then hopped in the shower. After that, I dusted and vacuumed, chasing Gibbs around the Suite unintentionally. 😊 It was after I was done with the Dirt Devil that I reached up in the cupboard to get my coffee grinder when I noticed Black Beauty was sitting back at the Hangar. ??? Bill was starting a fire down there in his pit. I (nor Gibbs) never heard him return.

Happy Hour 'in the south' 😂😂😂

Bella, like Gibbs, prefers the shade.

We had lunch of bacon and eggs and then Bill went to the Hangar and I went upstairs to the bedroom. Since purging, I noticed that I had a lot of clothing items doubled up on the hangers so had ordered clips that fit over a hanger so you can hang things down, rather than across the bar. Saving a bit of space and I could spread things out. Anyway, hard to explain but maybe the pictures will tell the story. I am very pleased with the outcome.

She tires him out! LOL

For the rest of the afternoon, I went from shorts to jeans back to shorts again in the course of 2 hours. Kim and I moved our chairs to the south side of the Suite where the gusty winds could not reach us. The temperature, in the sun, went up about 10 degrees! It was the perfect solution. We only reached a high of 16C/61F but it felt much cooler than that in the shade and the wind. Rob and Pat joined the 4 of us around 3 for a fun Happy Hour.

This is adorable.
Bella loves to be cuddled too.

The pooches played some, slept some and sat on some laps during the whole time. They were very good. Bill had brought some muffins home from Tim Horton’s so we shared those with some adult beverages. 😊 Rob, Pat and Bella went home shortly after 5 and we sat for another half hour until Kim and I got chilled enough to call it a night. Bill said his goodbyes since he will be up and gone before they are up in the morning, their departure day.

The sky was like this most of the day
which was a good thing.
We needed the warmth in the winds!

For supper, he grilled sausages and I cooked corn on the cob indoors. He had his on a bun and mine was just on my plate. It was all filling, the corn tonight was so-so, not the best batch I’ve had but still good enough. 

Credit to Ken for the homemade dill pickles!
They are delicious!

Gibbs and I hung tight inside for the evening and Bill did some cleanup down the hill and brough BB up to her spot This was a cooler day than we like but we still enjoyed each other’s company for one last day this season.

Good night!
Pull up an extra blanket tonight, we'll need it!

Thank you for coming by!


  1. It was 9 when I crawled out of my nest this morning. We have frost warnings for tonight. Fortunately the rest of the week is looking warmer.

    1. Sounds like we all needed to sleep in a bit. No frost warnings here, touch wood, but it got down to 6 or 7: I think.

  2. I think you might be getting our colder weather from a few days ago. Today was so so here. Started off cool, got sunny and warmer (humid as well). Then the sun disappeared, and the clouds moved in. No rain just really cloudy.

    God bless.

    1. The weather has been an Unstoppable topic of conversation this summer. It always is but this summer was even crazier.

  3. It's nice that all of you friends and cute dogs got to enjoy free time together
    I hope you're warm now so you ,Bill and Gibbs will sleep well,-Mary

  4. Bella is a cutie like Gibbs. I'll trade some of that chill for some heat!!!

  5. Great day with your friends, and Bill had some time to fly too. A darned good Labour Day, for certain.
