Thursday, September 5, 2024

What a Mixed Up, Muddled Day!

 The Ridge

On Thursday, Sept. 5th Bill was up early. They finished their home renovating job in Hanover and start today in Listowel on an outside deck. Listowel is about an hour’s drive so we swapped vehicles for two days. 😊 He left at 6:45. I was in no rush to go to town to clean as I had a few errands to do that I couldn’t do until places opened at 9.

Good morning!

I made a cup of tea-to-go at 7:45 and took the basket of what laundry we had up to this point. Saturday morning I will go earlier than normal to clean but won’t be doing laundry as per our usual. I had quite a mess when I arrived at the Mat, seems that has to happen at least once a month. LOL There were so many clothes, old ripped, dirty clothes, in the garbage bin that it was overflowing so I donned my gloves and filled two other bags.

That's a comforter and fleece blanket
under there. There was a sheet set and articles
of clothing in the garbage bin. All with holes
from cigarette burns. LOL

Because there were a few decent clothes in the lost and found plus in a washer and on the counter, I washed and dried some of ours together. The heavier clothes went on the line at home. After the Mat, I drove to the Service Ontario building and got the license plate sticker for Black Beauty. It isn’t as easy maneuvering her around as Ptooties is but I managed to find suitable parking spaces pretty easily. 😊

Lunch was good.

I dropped a bag of clothes at Rob and Pat’s back door and then dropped a pair of shorts off at Mrs. Sew & Sew’s for a new zipper. Lastly, Foodland for some milk (Costco didn’t have our 2%!) and a greeting card for someone special. On my way home, I drove over to see Dot next door. She hasn’t yet been over to get the run-down on Gibbs’ routine so I wanted to touch base. She was very apologetic and had planned on coming tonight, come hook or crook! 😊 Such a lovely lady.

Gibbs waits for me to walk out on the road
and check the mailbox. 💖

I hung the clothes and spent the day with Gibbs. I showed you all what my keyboard was doing so I called Healthy Computers in Hanover late morning. Over the phone he gave me some options but first it meant taking it in to him to see if he could just clean the keys. I had a wrap of ham salad for lunch with some brie and cheddar cheese and then took the drive.

Can I pick him up?
30 lbs. later, she was still laughing.
Her dogs are big so can't do this. 😀

 I left it for an hour while I scooted into a few stores across town to kill time. Turned out that I bought a new external wireless keyboard for $50. I’m happy, it’s a small expenditure. Back home with Gibbs, we walked to get the mail and then I made a batch of Rice Krispie squares for Bill. With peanut butter, of course.  I’m sure I’ll get some too.                                                
Bye Dot!

It was around 4:15 that Dot drove in with her CanAm side by side and stayed for about an hour. We get along so well and she just LOVES Gibbs. I think he is fond of her too, which tickles her pink. She couldn’t stop commenting on how loveable he is, sweet disposition, adorable etc. To which I could only agree! 😊 She left around 5 to go home to her dogs giving her the 3rd degree, I’m sure.

 Bill arrived about 30 minutes later after a long day and drive. My plans for supper were non-existent, for which he was glad, so we settled on toasted tomato sandwiches. It always fits the bill on a hot sunny afternoon. They were good and we were cleaned up quickly after. Bill made his lunch and relaxed for the evening.

Last night I watched a repeat of a movie that I love. Me Before You is so cute and quite emotional throughout.

Gibbs loves the cool grass once the yard
is in the shade.
He wants to be outside but doesn't
often take his eyes off us.
Good night!

This has been a wonderful day,  albeit busy. 😊 We had a lovely day around 27C/80F but after overnight rain, the temperature makes another dramatic drop. Crap!

Thank you for your visit.             


  1. Gibbs looks spoiled. Dot was there to visit him, not you.
    Get ready to pull up your woollies. We're looking at a low of 6C (43 F) this weekend.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Gibbs is spoiled in any situation. ♥ He's our baby and most of our friends love him too.
      Yes, the cool weather is NOT welcome!

  2. You certainly had a run-around day. Glad you found an option for your keyboard issues. I wonder what caused the seemingly stuck keys?
    Looks like Gibbs will be in good hands while you are away.

    1. Strange about the keys, about 6 of them, going all at once. When he tried them, they worked fine so it is weird. Oh well, it's all good now.
      Yes, Gibbs will be loved and spoiled while we're gone. ♥

  3. It really was a busy day for you. I love my wireless keyboard that I use with my computer on the television. It looks like Dot and Gibbs are going to get along just fantastically.

    God bless.

    1. It was busy so it flew by. Hmm, interesting about how you use your keyboard. I don't know anything about the batteries but I guess I'll find out when the time comes!
      Dot and Gibbs will get along just fine, and her dog too.

  4. Luck you have Dot to watch over Gibbs. I'm sure he will love the doggie company too.
