Friday, September 13, 2024

Nice to Get Away, Nice to Get Home

The Ridge

On Friday, Sept. 13th I woke up around 7:15 and did a few stretches and exercises in bed before slipping out. Donna was the only one downstairs so I joined her. Then Audrey, Gayle and Cathy filtered out of their rooms. In between coffee and tea slurps, we slowly began packing. Check out was 10:00 ‘sharp’ so no delaying. By the time we were finished, we had 10 minutes for a couple of group photos.

Good morning!

I was packed in time with an hour to spare
so sat on the porch .

When I saw this critter and
his lovely home, I was glad we didn't
barbecue. There were a lot of spiders around
the porch. Yeuch.

I’m glad I remembered my funky tripod in Ptooties and set up the last shot outside on the step. Last days are sad, in one way, and happy in others. We’ve had a wonderful week and the weather was perfect. I’m happy, after a wet, cold Saturday (wedding day) that even the newlyweds have had a fantastic week off for their ‘at home’ honeymoon.

This was a really nice, really large home for us to stay in.

Today, is Port Dover Day so Bridgette said they were hopping on their bike and going for a ride. Bill and I took advantage of Friday the 13th a couple of years back when we were working. If the weather was going to be decent, we’d take the day booked off so we could go. 😊 We went with our good friend and co-worker, Casey, both times and had a great time. I’m sure they will also enjoy the day.

Ptooties was stuffed to the gills

A goodbye photo op

Back to LadyFest. We had 3 vehicles in Bayfield so followed the leader to Blythe, on our way home, for lunch. When we arrived at 10:30, we were too early to get into the Blythe Inn so went into the consignment store down the street for a peek. Well, we thought we were done spending $$ but this place was the perfect way to end a week together. Her prices were cheap and the clothes were all new so 4 of us walked out with something besides a smile on our face.

Lunch was very good.
The soup part was amazing!

We walked back to the Inn and all of us took advantage of the lunch special. Turkey Cheddar Sandwiches with broccoli and cheese soup. Delicious, of course!! I’ve not had one bad meal this week. Before I left, I ordered a to-go piece of peanut butter cheesecake for Bill and I to share. 😊

It was a nice little place to eat.

I first went to Donna’s, where we offloaded her suitcase and the 4 bags of ‘donatable clothes’ we brought back. (Remember we have a clothing exchange around the corner) Then we drove to the Acreage where Gerry was happy to greet her. 😊 When I got home, it was 3 and the Ridge and Suite were empty. My boys were still at work and this gave me time (almost) to get my stuff unloaded and put away.

The sandwich was good.

Peanut butter cheesecake

Bill and Gibbs drove in around 4 and I was thrilled to see them both. Gibbs dribbled with excitement on the patio mat when he ran to me and Bill wrapped me in a wonderful big hug. ♥♥ We relaxed together, all of us, exchanged stories of our week and agreed on toasted bacon and garden tomato sandwiches. They were good. We split the piece of cheesecake and washed the few dishes by hand.

Now it feels like home. 💗

Gibbs crashed on the floor, Bill in front of the tv and I ended up blog writing in front of a Hallmark movie. Aah, such is life. I’m home and very happy for it. 😊 This was another hot day, 28C/84F with nary a breeze. Where’s the beach?

This was this morning.
Gibbs was ready for work. 😍
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. You,Bill and Gibbs must be really happy to be together again,have a blessed night -Mary

  2. The food looks delicious! And that is a GREAT picture of you girls. Gibbs is happy I bet ... his family is back together.

  3. Wonderful photo of you and your sisters. I'm sure Gibbs (and Bill) are happy to have you at home. It is always nice to get away but home is our comfortable place.

  4. You had a very busy week and now the Family is back together, Gibbs will appreciate it.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
