Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Last Coffee Hour, Gibbs' Birthday!

 Park Place RV Park

On Wednesday, Mar. 12th I slept in a bit. I thought about staying in bed long as I had a hard time getting comfortable last night. I wasn't in pain but my foot was asleep no matter what position I tried and I felt my body was trying to register if I was hot or cold. LOL Anyway, I went right off at 9:30 when I went upstairs (I was falling asleep in my chair!) but woke an hour later and watched the clock until 1:30.

Good morning!

When I went to hang the sheets,
this little guy was hanging about.
It's one of his usual haunts, so I hear.

However, I still only managed to sleep in until 7:30 before getting up and stripping the sheets off the bed. Time to get them washed, as well as our Mexican blankets from our chairs. After doing that, I didn't have time to get Gibbs out for his walk before 9 o'clock coffee hour. 'Manana', (later, I think it means) as our friend, Lorne, says. 😊 Sue made her yummy coffee cake this morning for the attendees, which were only 6 of us, and we enjoyed every morsel. I hadn't finished my tea from home so just carried it over.

The birthday boy, his blankets
and his

Puppy Cupcakes to share

I hung the blankets and sheets on the line, in the morning sun before returning home. Clouds had moved in by mid morning but the winds picked up. That meant for fast drying. When Bill returned home from his last club meeting, Gibbs and I were sitting outside. Erma had stopped for a chat on her way by and to wish us safe travels on the weekend. You can think you'll see each other and it never happens so this way, we've taken care of the goodbyes. We exchanged phone #'s so we can keep in touch. 

Our site is missing something.

Bill's plans were to take the gazebo down and managed to do so before the wind gusts became too much of a nuisance. Unfortunately, the heat of the sun has damaged the material too much and as he began folding it up, tears made the decision to keep or not were made clear. Oh well, no point in carting it home hoping it will work over the summer. I'll be looking into a new one for next fall, we would miss it a lot. 😔

The puzzle is coming along almost
too quickly. I had to walk away. 

We had lunch and Bill and Gibbs went up for a snooze. I have 2 kinds of yogourt that were trials (you'd think I'd know better!) and either one makes me shudder. While he slept upstairs, I blended some of the one kind into a smoothie, with banana and pineapple. Just a test and it tasted good so at least I won't be wasting it. I took a mug of it over to the clubhouse and worked on the puzzle for an hour and a half.

The sky was filled with white,
gray and dark gray clouds

Our site looks funny now without the gazebo and only a couple of chairs left out for sitting. We aren't the type of rv'ers to wait until the last day..............just in case weather start packing up. Of course, it does bring the reality home to us and others that we will soon be pulling out. A lot of us here will be leaving before too long. I took the neighbourhood dogs, Rainy, Lucy, Annie and Della a cupcake to share to celebrate Gibbs's special day. 

Gibbs and I walked and it was
still warm

When I came back from the puzzle, I was feeling quite tired. Time for a nap, something I rarely do in the afternoon. I was pleasantly surprised to see Bill had made the bed with the clean sheets. He's a keeper! I went upstairs with Gibbs to watch a movie, Man Up, and thought I would drop off. Nope, I got involved and then when Bill joined us, we watched it together. When it finished, we planned tonight's tv, taking into consideration the 3 hour difference in time. 

Supper was delicious

Gibbs and I went for a nice walk around the block, in the wind. The sun was out, bouncing in and out of the clouds. It was lovely. 😄 I started supper at 5:30. Tonight, ground beef w/onion gravy, corn on the cob, and the last of the cheese rice and fried potatoes. It was all very good and filling, so we didn't need dessert. This has been a great day - no, I don't get tired of saying that! We reached a warm 70F/21C today. After cleanup from supper, we watched The Floor and then Survivor. Good tv in our books!

Same eyes

Happy Birthday Gibbs.
In these pictures, he was just 2 months old.
Good night!

Thank you for your visit.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Gibbs ! He is a good boy.
