Thursday, February 6, 2025

A Perfect Day! Taking it Easy, Appreciative Neighbours

Park Place RV Park

On Thursday, Feb. 6th I was up at the same time, 6:45. Creature of habit, I am, I am. 😊 I decided to get out there for a walk; the weather was favourable at 49F/10C so I didn’t have to layer up much. I wasn’t going to do the full big block and cut off at the Maintenance buildings which takes me across to Coyote Rd and back home. That was enough, my leg was telling me so.

Good morning!
Since the morning sky wasn't anything special,
other than clear blue, this is my
special first picture.

And this one, as we relaxed on the patio

Back home, Bill was almost ready to leave for the field but Gibbs had other plans.  I spent the morning with Gibbs, outside on the patio. He was happy in the shade, either in or under my gravity chair or in his bed with his blankie. He was very good, mainly because he had his collar on but I never had to vibrate it more than once. Good boy! Jess popped in for a quick visit and he never uttered a sound, just enjoyed her affection.

We were in one of our favourite places.
Me mostly in the sun, Gibbs in the shade in his bed.

Bill was home at noon; after having flown he went to Jim’s Hangar. There is a plane he is working on over there. We had lunch, planned supper and he contacted Sirius XM for our next year’s renewal. Of course, they bent over backwards to make us happy. While he dozed, I left my boys to go start a new puzzle. This one should be easy, with big pieces. We’ll see. I knew Bill was headed back to Jim’s.

A donation to the clubhouse
and I had to choose it next.

At 4, I returned home and since Bill wasn’t home yet, I took Gibbs out for his walk. With his fur coat, which will be removed on Feb. 16th, he isn’t as keen on going far on these hot days. It’s funny watching him sidle to shady patches as we walk. I brought him back and headed out myself for a bit of a walk. I was feeling great so did the mid-block walk. I met Bill on my way and he suggested I be careful.

This is how far I got this afternoon.
Yup, kind of easy.
One border piece missing............Jess will find it for me. ♥

When I was just about home, I noticed Sue, Walter from next door, and Bette headed across the street, pointing. Something was up and I soon found out that while Angie & Rusty were away, (the hosts behind us), their little dog Lisa got out and took off across the street into the open desert field. Fred was also looking with their other bigger dog on a leash, so I joined forces.

The walk around Arizona Sun
Look at those flags.
The winds really picked up after lunch but it
still felt great.

We spread out in the event she would come close enough to one of us but she was on a mission and had no intention of doing that. I’m sure she was looking for her parents. The least we could do was keep her in sight in the hopes she’d head for home. Thankfully, Rusty and Angie returned and she ran to him as he drove up on their side by side. There was much excitement and between us, Sue and I handed the rambunctious Rainy over to his mama. Whoa! That dog is strong!

The sun was beating down, 
here are you Lisa?

I’m sure that the troops would band again if Gibbs should happen to get out on us, we all care about each other’s pets. I’m glad it ended well. Gibbs like the chase game so if you called him and ran away, he would follow – IF he didn’t come to you for licks and pets in the first place. 😊 I hope I don’t pay for that extra long jaunt.

It felt good to get out and stretch my legs
after sitting most of the morning.

Bill and I sat outside with the little mutt on the patio until 5:30 when Bill left for night flying. The winds are pretty strong for flying but it is always worth going for him, just in case they drop quickly. He has a plane outfitted with lights for the purpose, I believe (if I got it right) it is his Radien. He’ll correct me, if I’m wrong. I can’t keep them straight.

Rusty brought me over this to thank me
for helping find Lisa.
Totally not necessary but he loves her just
as we love Gibbs so I understand.
My own flask!

I made myself a cup of tea after he left to tie me over to supper. After Bill got home, we had tacos. It’s about the only Mexican food Bill enjoys, other than their rice. That’s okay, once in a while works for me too, although I could eat them more often! I’ll be watching Matlock and Elspeth tonight if the timing is right. To watch them live, we have to remember to catch them 2 hours earlier than home time.

And the sunset was very pretty.

I finished my book this afternoon and Full Speed by J.E. was certainly worth a read. I enjoyed it very much and returned it to the library in the clubhouse. This has been a really nice day. We reached a lovely high of 78F/26C today and only dropping to 56F/13 overnight. 

Even though there is discomfort in one way or another, in this case my achy leg, there is a bright side in each and every day. I found mine and I hope you found yours.

Messy but delicious, seems to be
the theme for a lot of my meals.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Coffee Hour, Friends Leave, Quilling Class

Park Place RV Park

On Wednesday, Feb. 5th, I was up at 6:45 and out the door by 7:05. Yes, I decided on my walk today. I’d done my stretches and felt pretty good. Such a lovely morning too, 51F/10C, and I was home before the sun rose. My right leg was tired and starting to ache but by the time I’d made my tea, all was well. Strangest thing. Gibbs and I went for his walk soon after and then I popped in next door to say goodbye to Patty.

Good morning!

Bill and Duncan went flying this morning but in separate vehicles. Bill was staying longer so he and Tommy could begin installing the new flag poles. 😊 Duncan would fly and then get home to finish packing up. I went to the Coffee Hour for about 30 minutes, oh that cake was so good! There were 12 of us in attendance this morning. Our neighbours/friends pulled before 11. And then Jess and Jesse picked me up for my quilling class.

The indecision returns

He's thinking about shade, I know it.

There is some over there so that is where
he is headed.

Jess had 8 participants, including her husband, Jesse. He’d not taken a class before, at least to my knowledge, so withstood a bit of teasing from the other ladies about being the ‘teacher’s pet’. He took it like a champ! Today we made Valentine cards, so I’m not showing a picture of mine. Quite a few of us left with an incomplete creation, we ran out of time, but came home with a few tools to finish the job. I’m all set up with what I’ve bought so I was pleased that I’d done that over the last few weeks.

The horseshoe pits are ready

The day is warming up nicely. Bill and I had lunch and he went over to Jim’s Hangar. More airplane business. Gibbs and I sat outside for a while, on the shaded patio and then went for his walk. I noticed the horseshoe pit is now complete and Michael (Bette’s son) and another man were already playing. Good job, Michael! Maybe I’ll toss one before we leave. 😊

These were our options
today or a combination of both
or whatever we wanted.
Jess showed us the techniques of each card
and left us to it.

I started cooking turkey pot pies for supper, we’ve picked up a few from our last Walmart shop. We enjoy them with a vegetable on the side. It was a good meal. After the little bit of clean up, we watched a movie together called Return to Me with Minnie Driver and David Duchovny. We like her personality.

Sitting outside waiting for Daddy

We reached our high today of 81F/27C with clear blue, sunny skies. The wind remained under 5 mph the whole day and we loved every minute of it. This was a great day.

A delicious meal.
Good night.

Thank you for popping in.

Pokeno, Puzzle, Heat

Park Place RV Park

On Tuesday, Feb. 4th I was awake at 6:30 after a restful night’s sleep. When I moved, Gibbs was still sound asleep so I lay there until 6:45 before moving. 😊 There he was, with my cuddle and face kisses. I did my stretches and joined Bill downstairs. Bill had his shower and then I had mine. I have read and listened to comments regarding my pain and had decided to forego my long early walk.

Good morning!

My panorama shot over a small area

The sky was gorgeous!

Instead, I had my tea before taking Gibbs for a short walk. We met Bette with Annie & Della so carried on together walking around the park. It was shorter for me, more fun for Gibbs and Bette and I enjoyed each other’s company. I felt pretty good. 

Three little puppies walk together
checking for P-mail

Duncan and Bill were just leaving for the field when we returned so Gibbs and I came inside for breakfast. I had some yogourt and unsweetened apple sauce. 

Low to no winds first thing today

I’m trying to get back on track (again!). I got out my paper quilling supplies and decided to attempt one of the animals in a kit I bought from the Desert Camel craft store.

There is definitely room for improvement,
but it isn't too far off the prototype in the book.

When Bill got home, I went to work on the puzzle for an hour before returning home for lunch. I was back at the clubhouse to play Pokeno at 1 and there were 6 of us shifting our pennies around. It was fun and none of us went broke, living to play another day. 😊 When our game was over, I sat and finished the puzzle. It was difficult, but I still enjoyed it. The pieces were normal size and shapes so it was a matter of patience.

My morning result

After Pokeno, I just had to finish it!

The winds had picked up by afternoon.
Can you see the flag at the far end of the picture?
They didn't get too bad though and died off by bedtime.

Back home, we all sat together and when Duncan and Patty joined us on the patio, we had our ‘last’ happy hour as park neighbours. Our friends were pulling out tomorrow to try the boondocking experience. They won’t be moving far and since they aren’t leaving the area, we’ll see them soon. Duncan will still be meeting Bill at the field occasionally.

Bill and I had a Pina Colada. Yum!

Our neighbour, Walter, has returned from
Joshua Tree. 

For supper, I had Rosy, the air fryer, cook the chicken thighs. They had a bone in them so they took longer than I’d hoped. We had Caesar salad and a vegetable on the side and an ice cream cone for dessert. Woops! That finished off the ice cream! We may have to wait until the park’s Ice Cream Social for the next taste. 😊 I got involved watching an old movie with Bill so my blog got put on the backburner.

Happy Hour
Gibbs walked away too soon

It is a silly movie you’ve probably seen called Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. A couple of cutie patooties for sure. It made me laugh right out loud all over again and it was fun to watch. By the time it was over, I was ready for bed. I surprised myself by keeping my eyes open until 10! This was a great day. A lovely 84F/29C day with some welcome winds in the afternoon.

This was supper. It was low carb and very good!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Summer has Arrived! Ladies Poker Pool

 Park Place RV Park

On Monday, Feb. 3rd I slept in – a bit. I had a restless night, even though my small window was open, I went from too hot, too cool and so on. When I did sleep, which I’m sure was a lot, I dreamt. LOL, what crazy dreams! So, it was 7:10 when I opened my eyes to check the reflected time on our ceiling. It was a pleasant 54F/12C when I headed out in my hoody, with my ear buds.

Good Morning!

I felt pretty fair when I first got up but walking brought on an onslaught of pain down my right leg. Crap! By the time I reached Plymouth Rd., 1/3 of the route, my leg was feeling numb carrying down to my foot. What the heck? There are ‘bus stop’ benches along the way so I sat and babied it for a bit before setting off. I debated calling Bill for a lift back home but didn’t want to be a wimp nor bother him. I knew he was getting ready to go flying, even though I know he would have come to my rescue. 😊

My boys doing what they love.

I persevered, doing a few stretches along the way and made it home. I cut through the dog park entrance from the back of the park and was relieved to make it home. By the way, for those who suggested a change in shoes, I wore my Sketchers loafers today with an arch and insoles. I really don’t think it is my running shoes, why all of a sudden would they begin to aggravate? Anyway, it is a suggestion worth trying for a few days. They are certainly comfortable enough.

Looking up at the clouds,
I saw the sliver of a moon.

Bill and Duncan left soon after and I made myself a banana smoothie along with my tea. I sat in my recliner, with my leg elevated as much as I could and the pain eased a bit. The Tylenol was an added assist and I took Gibbs out for a walk. It was short as I was now pushed for time and I was still feeling discomfort. At 9:15, I took a coffee pod with cream in the mug and my pool stick over to the clubhouse.

A couple of doves walked through our site today.
On the right, when Bette was away, her 2 small dogs got
out into the cat cage. Their visiting dog, in the window,
was not letting them back in. When her son came back,
he called the large puppy from the door and Della and Annie
scooted back inside. 

Today, there were 6 of us playing, the 2 hosts and manager taking turns helping people in the busy office. Hydro/electric bills are due. We paid ours yesterday and it was another easy $34. Thank you to our solar panels. I think we managed 5 (or 6?) games and ended at 12:10. Sue ran away with the win at 5, 4 of us were tied with 9 and Bette brought up the rear (for once!) at 13. We had a fun morning.

The sun sets on this beautiful day

Bill and I had our lunch together when I got back and he went out to work on a ‘new to him’ plane. You’re not surprised, are you? 😊 He has been saving for this one from Jim so he has another one to fly. I can see that the same one over and over could get boring. I understand that, me with all my various crafting hobbies. Keeps things interesting!

At noon, we were hugging 77F/25C with higher temps on the way before the day is done. No complaints from this gal, I plan an afternoon of reading and relaxing. That is exactly what I did. We all sat together in the shade of the patio with a slight south breeze filtering through occasionally. It was a perfect afternoon. We chatted with Duncan and Patty to catch up on each other’s day and theirs was very much like ours. Just quietly enjoying the day.

I think we're going to love
the coming week.
In Celcius, these daytime temps
hover between 21C and 30C.

I took Gibbs for his walk and we were both happy to be back home, to the shade. 😊 We reached a record high (this winter) of 86F/30C by mid-afternoon. I am enjoying this book of Janet’s, almost as much as I do the Stephanie Plum mysteries and will probably finish it very soon. It’s definitely a page turner.

It was a filling supper and the
sausage was very good!

For supper, Bill grilled a couple of large sausages that Nancy gifted us. Bill had his on a bun and we both had salad on the side. Since I’d bought a couple of avocados, I sliced some for my meal too. This has been a great day! Our evening was watching the new NCIS and NCIS:Origins episodes.

One more slip outside to capture
both the east and west skies after sunset.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around. Your comments are welcome.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Laundry and Cleaning Day, Groundhog Day and Gibbs

Park Place RV Park

Sunday, Feb. 2nd arrived and prepared to finish off the weekend. Some thing of Sunday as the first day of a week and, as a day of rest. Well, Sunday to us means ‘laundry and whatever else we feel like doing day’. 😊 We had the two machines loaded by 7 and in the time it took the clothes to dry, I took my walk. I was going to wait until it was all done but it was so beautiful out at 7:45, that I had to go!

Good morning!
Looking west at the pink mountain tops
Looking east through the palm tree

Wearing just a long sleeve shirt and a hip length jacket, it was absolutely perfect. Why wait until later? When I returned, the clothes were finishing up the last 10 minutes of drying so that was perfect. I did blocking on my sciatic pain before I left and laughed at Gibbs laying beside me on the bedroom floor. He is either concerned or just affectionate as he lays his upper body across my neck. Of course, I don’t push him away.

Just some selfies on a lovely
warm morning.
Plus a bit of silliness!

When I returned with the clothes just after 9, I got the Norwex hand mitt out and dusted downstairs. Then I got the Dirt Devil out and did the floors as well. Gibbs was up on the bed so I didn’t go up there this time. He would just be running from it the whole time and that’s not fair to him. He’s never been chased by it or the mops but he just doesn’t like them near him.

Remember this tree?
I've taken a few pictures of it in its
'senescence'. A new word for me!
There are just a few bright leaves left on the branches.

Once the floors were done, I cleaned the brush head off, put it away and got the big central vac out from under the bed. This time, with the furniture brush attachment, I did all the window screens. The blackout ones as well as the fixed ones. They look a lot better and even though it won’t last too long, I won’t have to do it again for a while. 😊

Each day, I accomplish a bit more on this puzzle.

Then Gibbs and I went for his walk, the long route again this morning. Sweet thing, I can tell he is getting hot with his fur coat on and we may have to get him a haircut sooner than later with the heat that has moved into our area. Speaking of heat, wow, it is gorgeous!! Bill was home from flying around 10:30 and I made a coffee and walked over to the puzzle until noon hour.

Someone is hot and tired

I decided to work from the top this time as the dark areas in the bottom half were getting to me! Ha ha, a change of scenery is always good. Debbie came in and chatted for half hour before we both left for lunch. We had our usual meat, cheese, lettuces sandwiches and once more I am very happy with the Soja keto bread that I am getting at Walmart. I will be stocking up (a lot) before we head home. 😊

He loves going outside to his blanket lately.
Funny guy.
It was nice and cool for him in the shade
and perfect for me too!

After lunch, and a snooze, Bill went to Jim’s to talk ‘planes’ he had some $ burning a hole in his pocket. I started my post and then took my book out to cook, I mean sit, in the sun. It was already 75F/25C at 1 pm and it hadn’t reached its peak for the day. I am a bit envious of my sister Gayle. They are going to a time share resort in Orlando for 2 weeks with a pool and hot tub. Their weather is finally warmer too.

He can sleep most anywhere, like his Daddy,
but if you notice, he is still watching the road.

Just for the fun of it, I thought I’d check back home and see if our Ontario groundhog, Wiarton Willie, saw his shadow this morning. I doubted it since the forecast was cloudy and for more snow. I was right, he predicts and early spring although his counterparts in Nova Scotia, Quebec and Pennsylvania predict 6 more weeks of winter. LOL  Either way, spring will arrive (on the calendar) on March 20th. 😊

Gibbs and I sat outside in the shade for most of the afternoon until Bill returned and then beyond, until it was time to start supper. Bill’s bacon cheeseburgers were on the menu with Caesar salad on the side. We were eating by 6:15 and they were go-ooo-d. This brand is thicker so they took a bit longer but I prefer that. After clean up, Bill put things away outside and I finished the blog post.

I went for a walk on my own when Gibbs
cut his walk short (he saw Daddy return)
and I met this little cutie-pie.
Meet Callie. 💓

I finished my book this afternoon so will move on to another Janet Evanovich story, not one of the Stephanie Plum mysteries though. I’ll let you know what I think of Full Speed as I get into it. It will be a quiet evening and I hope I can stay awake until my bewitching hour of 10 pm. Seems I’ve been falling asleep by 9:30 lately and I feel tired tonight.

Tasty burger and salad for supper.
Good night!

We reached a lovely high of 82F/28C today and our nights should be around 54F/12C for a few nights. Sounds good to me!

Thank you for the visit.