Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Sky Can’t Decide, A Few Odd Jobs

The Ridge

On Thursday, July 25th I was up before 7 and Bill was almost ready to go to work. It’s been a full week for him and it’s one of those mixed blessings, right? 😊 I stripped the bed and grabbed our bath towels and left the Ridge about 10 minutes behind him. I pulled into the Ultramar/Pioneer station for gas as soon as I got into town. It’s the best time, not too many fueling up, if any.

Good morning!
I caught the sun just on time last night.

Then I drove across the street to the Mat. I was alone the whole time, yay! The bag of clothes was still in the Lost and Found with two of their towels sitting on top as I left them. Crap! I removed the bag but decided to give them another couple of days. Plus, I was doing my own washing today and wanted to wash the other items in the L & F box that have been there for a couple of weeks. I put our sheets, towels and white bedspread in 2 machines and started to sort.

Gibbs and I watched a movie last night.
Not one worth mentioning but he enjoyed it. 💗

this bag was still there, untouched.
I put the towels inside and put it back in the box
until Saturday.

I throw odd socks out and there were 3 singles and I throw out anything stained or torn. Today there were just 2 items besides the socks so the rest were worth washing. With the machine for that stuff running, I cleaned. Sandy had 95% of the machines fixed when I went in on Tuesday, which was really nice, but one machine had a note today stating NO water. I tested it and the note was accurate. Hmmm. I texted a pix to him.

Top picture was as I was ready to
leave the Ridge.
Bottom picture was on B.C. Rd. just around the corner.

At the corner of the highway looking east and west
as I approached town.
Fog gives everything an eerie appearance.

And then I noticed this.
Isn't that strange?

I was finished shortly before 9 and drove straight home. I hung our things plus the 7 items from the L & F box and sat with Gibbs until a few minutes before 10. M was ready with his empty beer cases and grocery bags ready when I arrived, as usual, and we drove to Durham. Only 3 stops today and at Foodland I walked in as well and picked up bread for Bill’s lunches and some grapes.

Back home, I found this 'dead?' dog on the grass.
As I approached and giggled, the tail went crazy
so he's alive and got belly rubs. 💕💕💕

For lunch, I toasted 3 pieces (they’re small) of my keto bread and slathered them with butter. Hmmm again. They were pretty good! I’m glad I’m not wasting any ingredients by making it. 😊 Gibbs and I went outside after I finished and I cut the grass up here while he supervised. It’s his job, after all, and he does it well without too much critique. The lawn looks great again, on time for company.

Our grass is far from perfect, but
it still looks good when it is cut.

My Echinacea/Cornflowers are blooming.

I worked on the puzzle for a couple of hours, I guess, and when it was complete we walked down to check the mail. No parcel today, yet, I am expecting the second part of my Amazon order. The clouds make the day feel cooler than 21C/70F BUT when the sun breaks through, which is often, it feels warmer than that. It was fairly windy earlier and foggy first thing but the winds have calmed by mid afternoon somewhat.

When I finished the puzzle (it was a fun one!)
we walked down the wider laneway for mail.
Our travel insurance reminder means it won't be long
and we'll be traveling again! 

It was time. I didn’t do anywhere near a good, even decent, job but I went to the corral. I had to go barefoot on the big hill as I kept slipping. I did manage to pull a pile of the tall weeds but didn’t get down to the nitty gritty without gloves. I am fed up with it and as much as that is the wrong attitude, that’s what I feel. It looks a bit better. If we could afford it, I’d hire a landscaper to come in and do what they can to it. Ha ha. 😊

Oh my, there IS a garden in there.
When nothing is blooming, it looks quite the mess.

I made my tea around 4:30 and brought the clothes in. A couple of items are worth keeping myself and a couple for our next exchange. Some will get dropped at the 2nd hand store in town. Bill went and picked up Mike’s travel trailer after work and took it to the Acreage, its summer home so didn’t drive in until close to 6. I have planned smoked sausage on buns for supper with coleslaw. There are 2 buns left, so I’ll have one too.

These were good for a change
and on sale at Foodland this week.

Supper is done and it was good. We didn’t have the coleslaw, instead finished of the little bit of ice cream that was left in cones. Bill had filled our bladder with water while at the Acreage so during supper, that was transferred to the tank. After dishes, he dumped our black tank and then cut grass. Good thing he has a riding mower, that’s just too much work in one day! We like the place to look nice when we have guests coming but actually, any time too. 😊

Looking for food under the feeders.

The clouds are moving on out slowly making for a clear sky overnight. That explains the 9C/48F we’ll be dropping to. Might need our Mexican blankets on our bed. The sheets are clean and it will be nice crawling into them. This has been a good day with a few things taken care of. I hope yours was a good day too, it’s almost the weekend!

The hummer and finches are around
but each time I get my camera, the hummingbird disappears.
I'll have to make time to fill the seed feeders tomorrow.(again)
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Day of ‘Nuttin’ Honey’ to Ourselves

The Ridge

Bill was up with the alarm at 6 and he and Gibbs had their morning outing. Next thing I knew, it was 6:45 and Bill was getting ready for work. Gibbs and I went downstairs to sit with him until he left around 7:30. I have no where to be today, and nothing really pressing on the agenda. Because it will be an off and on wet day, I won’t go out to cut lawn or pull weeds. I can’t wait to get into that corral garden, don'tcha know? 😊

Good morning!
The sky was pretty last night after all.

I was actually able to play all of my morning Wordle games plus Scrabble-Go. I missed a bunch yesterday. After my tea, I did a few stretches involving my feet and ankles from an app called Block Therapy. I’m not sure how much I’ll do but would like to do anything to help with my Achilles Heel. Some days, I don’t even notice it, others it aches like a son of a gun. These are easy although somewhat uncomfortable things to do here at home, using a rolled-up towel. It’s worth a shot!

Rain off and onthis morning

Gibbs went out to watch Daddy drive out
this morning.
He no longer chases, but 'waits' with me.

It rained off and on throughout the morning so I decided to Google some recipes for Keto bread. I’m not giving up! I miss my guilt-free bread and one day I believe I’ll find something I can make that will satisfy me. So far, it hasn’t happened. Some recipes have been so-so but others just plain NO! I found quite a few but many have one or two ingredients that I never have in the house, others take a lot of eggs and suggest the oven rather than bread maker and visa versa. I found one to try so I’ll let you know.

What would I ever do if I didn't have this 
little bum (haha) to entertain
I love this view. 💗💗💗

Gibbs needs to get outside so we went out around 3 to check the mail and part of my Amazon order was stuffed in the mail box today. I think my collagen powder will be here tomorrow. Gibbs got a royal treatment today. His ear drops (not his fav. thing), his coat brushed and also his teeth brushed. He was very good. 

It’s a mild enough day but fairly windy so it isn’t a hardship being inside. I check my tomatoes and peppers often and I don’t know if I’m 100% happy with the upcoming results. Hmmm, or am I just comparing them to Bridgette’s flourishing garden? 😊

Yum, fried radishes and onions
(Shirley 💖)

A tasty lunch plate.

I’m very happy she is having such success, since I believe this is the first year she has gotten into planting her own vegetables.  The bread is smelling good so fingers crossed I didn’t just waste 5 eggs. LOL I removed the dead flowers from my vase and picked some of our Shasta daisies to replace them. They are plentiful now and are so pretty in their whiteness.

At a few periods, this is how much
sun we saw.

Today, a parcel with my name
was in the mail box. 

By the way, I did get my results the other day from my ‘Mammy-gram’ and all is well so I can shelve that question for another 2 years. I’m not ever worried but it is nice to have that confirmation all the same. I started my blog and Gibbs and I waited until Bill got home around 4:30. He (Gibbs) hears every sound out there on the gravel road and can pretty much distinguish Black Beauty’s rumble even though Bill goes really slow. 😊

The bread looks and tastes pretty good.
Not sure if it is the best so have one more
recipe to try in a few days. 

Told you it was windy!

For supper I have a pork tenderloin out so it should cook up nicely with coleslaw on the side. Bill may want a potato too, we’ll see. As it turned out, I cooked it in Rosy, the air fryer, little yellow potatoes for my working man along side the coleslaw. It was all very good and we have some leftover pork for another night. I perked it up by adding bacon while it cooked. Bacon makes everything better!  We loaded the dishwasher and washed the pots by hand.

My daisies perk up the vase flowers

It has been a day on the cooler side, with lots of clouds, a few periods of sunshine and some rain showers off and on this morning. It reached 22C/72F but it didn’t feel like that at all. I enjoyed my peaceful day without having to leave the property. That all changes tomorrow again and that’s okay. 😊

Supper was easy. Yes, there
was enough meat here. It filled the plate
once I cut it up. 😂
Good night!

Thank you for taking the time to pop by! I enjoy your comments when you have time to leave one.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Still Busy 😊, Happy Birthday!

The Ridge

On Tuesday, July 23rd I didn’t hear a peep until 10 to 7. My boys were quiet or else I was dead to the world. I know I was in the midst of a dream, which was likely the reason. I came down after getting washed and dressed, and when I noticed a few drops of rain on the steps, went out and put the hammock and chair cushions away. We knew there was a chance for rain this afternoon but it could be earlier.

Good morning!
You're going out again, Mom?
This scruffy little man gets a haircut on Friday. 💗

The rain didn’t last and Bill was ready to go to work before me. I gave Gibbs his treat by 7:30 and drove in to the Mat. A couple of customers kept me company, pleasant people. I had a set of sheets from Williamsford to wash and dry for the bnb and when I saw that a washer was jammed full of clothes etc. (since my time on Sunday) I made 3 loads and washed everything.

♪♪"Out in the country" ♪♪

There must be a reason for a young family to do this, lack of money, no vehicle, forgetting because of distractions? I try hard to be sympathetic so when they were washed, I dried and folded everything. It filled a garbage bag to the brim so I put a note in and tied it closed. There were 6 bath/beach towels as well so the ones that weren’t quite dry (and I didn’t want to wait around for) are hanging on our line to dry. It was almost 10 when I got home and had my shower.

Happy Birthday, Donna! 💖💖

Today, is my sister, Donna’s, birthday. I invited her out to lunch so at 11:30 picked her up and drove down the street to Stacked. It is a 7 – 3 pm restaurant (so no dinner menu) that they frequent and enjoy, but Bill and I have not been to yet. I ordered the Eggs Benedict and it was delicious! The menu offered a lot of great choices so I’ll be sure to get Bill there one day soon.

Yummy. I only ate the half the home fries
but they were delicious too!

The winding hilly way home the back way

I left Hanover after dropping Donna off and made my way to Williamsford. I needed to check on the full dryer load of clothes and return the sheets that I just laundered. I’m glad I went and although I was pleased that everything dried in her dryer, when she said she got a new booking for tonight for 4 people, I knew they’d need some of the towels I was folding. 😊

Getting the mail

I can't help it, I need to
take pictures of what I'm proud of.

I was out of there by 2:30 on my way home and it hadn’t rained yet. Gibbs and I walked to the mail, retrieved a parcel for Bill, and hung outside and in the Bunky for half hour before it started to drizzle. I put him indoors and worked on the puzzle. It has been almost a week since I’ve touched it! I made great progress and I knew that it was the rain that had Bill returning home early. They are working outside today.

It's coming along and fun to do.

We had toasted omelette/westerns for supper, mine in a tortilla and it didn’t bother me a bit having eggs in my menu again. 😊 He enjoyed it very much. We cleaned up the dishes and the sky is darkening up and there is thunder in the distance.

Another nice egg meal.

It has been a wonderful day, making some cash and then spending time with my big sister. She is 4 years my senior yet sometimes, we still feel like children when we’re together.

The floor is the coolest place for him inside.

It got humid today and reached a high of 26C/78F but feeling much hotter. I'm not complaining in the least, and as I type, the rain is watering our plants.  Tomorrow could be a wet day. I hope you are enjoying your summer!

Nothing special to show in the sky tonight
but it will be a nice night for sleeping again.
Good night all!

Thank you for stopping by!

Monday, July 22, 2024

A Quieter Day to Start the Week

The Ridge

On Monday, July 22nd neither of us had to be anywhere too soon. Bill didn’t have to report to work until 10:30 and I was scheduled to pick M up at 9. So, we lazed in bed until 7:30. It felt good. I don’t mind my jobs because they are flexible but I can’t wait until Bill is no longer committed to 5 days a week again. This summer is the exception and maybe it will be good. I know he is getting tired.😊

Good morning!
Heading over to M's
Lots of room for our big rig(s) now.

So, I left my boys behind and drove over to take M to Hanover today. His bank account has a fraud charge on it, that thankfully the bank’s security caught, but it means he has to get a new card again. He isn’t careless with it, so how someone in the U.S. gets it, it just one of those mysteries and a hacker’s dream, apparently. We got that straightened out quickly, made a stop at Car Quest and returned to Durham for his normal errands.

I wasn't outside taking pictures today
so my drive is what you get.

It was 10 minutes to 11 when I dropped him off. I was home for half hour before I had to leave for Williamsford to clean the air BNB for Robin. She flew out to Newfoundland this morning to finish the bathroom in that home so it can get bookings. 😊 Busy gal! I’m happy to fill in, it has been a couple of weeks since I’ve been there. It will pick up at the end of the week and next month.

Coming home the back way on gravel roads.
Ptooties doesn't mind.

I was pretty hot when I left there at 1:30 so stopped in Dornoch for a Chapman’s chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream cone. Go big or go home, right? One scoop was huge and that made the $5 worth it. I sat on the picnic table to eat it as it was melting quickly. Yum, it was delicious! I carried on home the back way and the day was sure warming up. Gibbs is getting quite ‘wooly’ so I closed windows and put the a/c on.

Sometimes you just can't resist.

We stretched out in my recliner and dozed. Purolator backed up the lane way, yup, backed up all the way, and brought me my Photobook. That was a surprise, I’d forgotten about it. There are few minor blips in it, even after our proofreading, but no one will notice but Bill and I. We’re usually the only ones who read them, I do write them for us.

Bill is sound asleep

But this little gapher knew I had the camera.

Bill was home around 4:30 and after his snooze, he grilled sausages for supper. We had bbq’d corn on the cob too and it was all very good. Oh, plus some vinegar’ed cucumbers that I picked from Bridgette’s gardens. 😊 I finished my blog and relaxed for the evening. It has been a lovely day and I guess kind of busy after all.

A tasty little supper.

We reached a high of 27C/80F with a mess of clear sky up there. I didn’t see the moon when I went to bed last night, it was cloudy, but it was there in the west sky this morning when I opened my eyes.

Front and back covers.
It was quick coming too.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.

Busy Morning, Jazzing It After Lunch (late post again!)

The Ridge

On Sunday, July 21st I slept until 7 and that was not surprising since I stayed up until 11:30 watching a movie last night. Bill was downstairs getting ready for his morning of flying and carried the basket of laundry out to the car for me. He left first and I followed a few minutes later to the Mat. There were 3 customers, 2 regular and 1 new one, I’ll just call him Willie (Nelson). Yes, if I could have taken a picture on the sly, you would understand why. 😊

Good morning!
The Buck Moon was gorgeous!

I was home by 9:30 to hang the clothes with Gibbs on security duty, of course. I’d be so frightened without him keeping watch, you know. I got the Dirt Devil out and vacuumed the Suite, loving how easy that is to get out and put away. I went back and forth with Robin regarding dates for cleaning the bnb and marked those in my calendar. I know August will be busier but these are 3 dates coming up in July.

A baby Moon flower, almost as pretty.
This is on one of my newer plants.

As I pulled out of the lane this morning,
I couldn't help but notice this calf with a bird on his head.
Either they were great friends or he was annoying him.
I think the latter because he kept shaking his head. 😄

Bill was home around 12:30 and we had tomato, cheese and lettuce on a toasted kaiser. Yum, bad choice perhaps but it was good. He had a short nap and then we dressed accordingly and hopped on Jazz. I never ask where we are going, letting the driver take the lead. 😊 So, when the route was identical to the one I took yesterday, I ruled out people to visit, the further we went until I realized we were going to pop in on Bridgette and Chris.

once the sun broke through, it was the perfect
day for hanging clothes .......and other things!

The gate garden is bursting!

All ready to go 
Jazz and my driver awaits. 💖

About 10 minutes, or less, from their home, we got caught in a downpour and arrived soaking wet. They were dry, completely dry, at this point, sitting under a shady tree in the back yard. They’d been gardening and were trying to cool down. We were trying to warm up at this stage so sat in the sun to dry our wet jeans etc.

Sitting on their front porch and it looks
like it has finally stopped.
Notice the puddles in their drive?

It was a fun time regardless of the showers

Shell shoot me for this picture,
but I think they are as cute as a button in every 

They were very happy to see us, which is wonderful that they don’t mind a ‘drop-in’ from the parents. By the time we left an hour later, we’d all been rained on about 3 more times. Stubborn as we were, we stayed outside, running to trees and beside the shed for shelter rather than running through the rain to the dry, comfortable front porch of their stately home. 😊 Finally, we all did and when it stopped, the sun came out and we boot-scooted it for home.

The drive home improved
although across the horizons, we
saw possibilities of more rain.

And then it cleared.

Off to the west

No more rain, other than about 5 drops near Tavistock, and it was a good ride. We stopped at Harriston for supper at the Cedar Rail Snack Shop and Bill wound our way around through Ayton to find us home by 8:15. Except for the downpour and us not being prepared with rain gear, it was a great ride, visit and afternoon. Live and learn, the gear will be in our saddle bags by the end of the week.

Gibbs was sure happy to see us, he’d been alone for near 6 hours. He ran around playfully while we brought the clothes in off the line together. I’m sure it felt good after been cooped up for so long. He was such a good little boy. 

Not great food but it filled us.
Jenny G's would put them out of business. 

someone doesn't want to come in yet.

We relaxed inside for the evening and I kept an eye for more sightings of the Buck Moon. What a fun day! We are both back to work tomorrow and the week begins!

We reached 26C/79F today and never got a drop of rain here on our Ridge. I’ll probably have to water my plants tomorrow too. 😊

Another wonderful day for the books.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.