Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Last Pokeno, Family Birthday, Feeling Great!

Park Place RV Park

On Tuesday, Mar. 11th it was a slow start to the day. I had nothing going on this morning so after the usual stretches, I made the bed and Gibbs and I joined Bill downstairs. He was not rushing either but because the winds were low at 8, he took a drive to the field to see who was there. I had my tea and dressed for outdoors. Gibbs and I headed out for his walk.

Good morning!
The sky started out crystal clear.

It was already pleasantly warm at 60F/16C so it was an enjoyable walk around the outside park perimeter. 😊 When we returned, Gibbs ran to his bed in the gazebo so I left him to it. I came inside and began making some cupcakes. More on that tomorrow. When I was finished, Bill had returned and we began cleaning up a few things. I went to the bedroom and purged closets and cupboards. Because we'll be home on time for a clothing exchange, the bag was tucked away in my closet.

Bette has been making baby quilts for family.
This second one is for a grandson. I love the patterns
and with black trim around each picture, it will be great!

Bill cleaned the foldup table from the gazebo and together we got the barbecue wiped down and ready for travel. We won't be using it again this week with the windy days this week. We had lunch and I went over, with my pennies, to Pokeno. Just 4 of us again today but that is enough to play. I didn't win the blackout but I am pretty sure I broke even, coming home with my container close to full. 

Pokeno and puzzle fun
I had a nice time with Bette while we
worked on the puzzle together.

I stayed at the clubhouse after our game was done and started working on the border for the next puzzle. If this one doesn't get finished before I leave, Sue and Bette will pick up the slack. Bette and I finished the border and pushed ourselves away from the table, returning home. 😁 Bill was working on his small model airplane (the Christmas gift) and I sat at the table to 'recreate' a piece of paper quilled jewelry.

Gibbs squeezed up behind me and kept watch.

I dismantled the necklace to make
these earrings. I like the outcome!

Two weeks ago, I think, we made necklaces and I pushed the envelope, making mine different than Jess's example. When I went to put my necklace on the other day, the glue didn't hold nor did the tie on the cord. I decided to tackle it today and make earrings instead. It took a lot of patience and a few 'blue' words, but I succeeded! I love the colours and will get a lot more wear out of these than the necklace. Note to self: stick to the program! Ha ha.

The sky was a picture album
this afternoon

Gibbs and I went for a walk even though the clouds overhead and to the east and west looked quite threatening. There was rain in the forecast but hey, it's Quartzsite, Arizona. What are the chances? We didn't get wet but I sure got spurred on. I dropped him at home and headed out again, on my own. It just feels so good to walk again with no pain. Sometimes perhaps we need a couple of slips in our system to make us appreciate the good things. I know I sure do!

The sun fought to stay in the picture

Supper was air fried sausage, broccoli and leftover cheesy rice for me and fried potatoes and corn for Bill. It was delicious, finished off with fresh strawberries and cream. We watched some tv together, Doc, and then the tail end of a movie. This was a great day with a cloudy 71F/22C high for the day. I'm sad about it being the last game of Pokeno with the ladies but look forward to it in the fall again. 👍 

Supper was very good.
These are the huge strawberries
from Walmart that I sliced up for dessert.

Today, is our 2nd youngest grandson's 6th birthday so we send out greetings and best wishes to that little man! They all grow up too fast. 

Happy Birthday young fella!
We love you!

It might have improved later but
this was my first peek at the sunset.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.

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