Saturday, March 15, 2025

Tidying Things Up

 Park Place RV Park

On Saturday, Mar. 15th, out of the norm for obvious reasons, we were up and sorting laundry. Sunday is our normal day, so doing the laundry today threw my whole 'keeping track of the days' thing way off. 😌😉 We had our two loads in the machines by 7:15 and because it was a lovely calm morning, Bill drove to the field to see who might be there. When the clothes were dried and folded, Gibbs and I went for our walk. 

Good morning!

Our clear skies are back

It felt quite warm, the sky was clear and the sun was already heating things up. I had finished my tea so when Bill returned early, I headed out on my own walk. I went around the medium block and felt great to be out walking again. Once back home, I got the vacuum and dust mitt out. I began packing up the last of the ornamental things and dusting the cupboard fronts, window ledges and flat surfaces. 

Watching Daddy before he
left for the field this morning.

When I noticed mice droppings on the back of the sofa, and Splenda packets behind it, I went into even more of a clean mode. Eeek! The little critter(s) are driving us a bit nutty. How do they get to where we're finding their droppings? How do they carry 8 packets of Splenda from the stovetop to behind the couch? Well, we'll catch him, sooner or later and no, Irish Spring doesn't work for us. I did promise Sue that we would take them out of the area! 😂 Hopefully, the blocks are working though and soon they'll be gone.

There's the flag. No wind at 9:00

When the Suite was cleaned from top (most of the top) to bottom, things were 90% packed for tomorrow's short journey. Bill was busy outside, doing the tire pressure thing, bringing the weather station and Starlink down off the roof. We needed propane, finally a tank is empty (we've done good!), so Bill had it filled this morning. Just before noon, I walked over to see Sue in the office. 

A look across the desert
to the northwest

And northeast

We needed another roll of quarters for our next location and I gave her the owl shadow box and a worry worm that I made here at home. She loved them. ðŸ’— For lunch, we had our meat, cheese & lettuce sandwiches and then the boys had a snooze. We'd decided, since this was our last day here, to visit some of the friends we made in our previous years here in the park. We've missed seeing them, so drove to visit Susan and John and then Patti and Rick (& Buddy). We shared a lot of laughs. Looking forward to seeing them in the fall upon our return.

In the gated park, this palm reaches out
over the fence to where we walk along the road

Back home, I popped back to gift Bette and Angie with a Worry Worm and then next door to Erma for hers and a hug. We've made some good friends here this year too. Gibbs and I got out for his afternoon walk but I forgot my phone so my step count suffered. LOL It was still more today than I've done for a while. For supper, we were trying to go low key with very little fuss. You know, we are in moving mode. 😊 Wieners, mac & cheese and corn on the cob. It was all very good. 

Supper was quite filling.
(too many carbs!)

We spent the evening watching tv. By the way, our neighbour, Walter, pulled out today so we were happy that he gave us a post card with his contact information. We'll see him this fall as well. It has turned into a lovely day, 73F/23C is nothing to sniff at! We've enjoyed our last day here in the park. 

I needed to fill in a picture.
This one is from Bill's cache from
last year.
Good night!

Thank you for popping by. 


  1. Your pictures yesterday showed what the Acreage still looks like. Then today some Tornadoes it the Southern States. Enjoy your visits, take your time but keep an eye on the weather.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Have fun in Yuma ... keep a sharp eye on the horizon!! It's hot tub time!

  3. Safe travels today! Your weather sounds perfect to me. It was cold here yesterday and had me missing Yuma!

  4. Enjoy your travel day today! Hopefully it's nice and warm in Yuma and you can enjoy the pool and hot tub! :)

  5. Switching your RV campground to Yuma will probably feel like a vacation away from a vacation. Enjoy your new park.

  6. Thanks for visiting before you begin your journey; we were delighted to see you and Bill.
    See you in the fall! Patti
