Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sam's, Ice Cream, Pool

 Yuma Lakes RV Park

On Sunday, Mar. 23rd we had an agenda. We were up by 7:30, Gibbs and I, and joined Bill downstairs for breakfast. The milk jug was almost empty, just enough for one bowl of cereal. I had a banana and a half that has had better days so I dumped the mushy mess into my Magic Bullet with cream and yogourt. That was MY breakfast with a creamy tea with coconut oil. Totally filling.

Good morning!

Our neighbours were packing up but we knew enough not to bother them while in the process. As we all know, that is a lesson taught and learned early on during this lifestyle. Sometimes it is learned the hard way. 😉 When Ken pulled their Journey out of the site and prepared to hook up the car, I finished washing and getting ready to say goodbye. This has been a fun week and we each snapped a picture before they pulled out around 9. 

I forgot to share this after our lunch
at Lin's.
I can't say my fortune cookie has it wrong.

Bill and I had discussed the grocery situation in the fridge and thought it was a good time to nip into Sam's Club to buy a few things. We stuck to our list (mostly) and were back home before 11. We relaxed until noon and around 12:30 had some toast and jam for lunch. It was Ice Cream Social hour at 1. Thanks to Ken, we got a dollar off our choices. I ordered a banana split today with the works. Shame on me!!

This is the kind of day
Gibbs had.
He was very comfortable

We walked back at 1:30 and the rest of the early afternoon disappeared. I stretched out on the couch and Bill in his recliner as we watched the tail end of a movie. When I got up at 3, after the movie, I realized that I missed Pokeno. Darn! The park has too much going on today, Pool game at 1, Pokeno at 2, LOL. Oh well, I'll save those pennies for the fall at Park Place RV Park. The ladies will take them just as easily! Ha ha. Right, Bette?

Ken won at Shuffleboard and got $1 off
a food item. Since they wouldn't be here to
cash it in, he gave it to Bill.
Thanks Ken!

I changed into my swimsuit and walked to the pool for a couple of hours. The temperature rose today to 91F/33C with very little breeze. The warm pool actually felt cooler than it was because of the hot air BUT that is the whole idea in my world. A couple of dips in between a couple of sit outs with my book and I was sufficiently. 

The pool time was lovely.
It is a pretty park too.

With the a/c on back at the Suite, Bill was also comfy and our little fur baby was able to sleep without all the panting. 

Today, I was searching for the date
when Bill and I were here and visited by
Elva and Jerry.
I came across this picture. It didn't mean
much then, other than a lovely memory for someone.
Today, we have friends, Jess and Jesse.
This is for them! 💖

Supper was a simple. Tomato soup with crackers will do the trick. The ice cream was a bit heavy. We watched 50 First Dates with Drew Barrymore just for kicks. We've seen it so many times that I can't count but we chuckle each time. It's a good one. This has been another good day. It was sad to see our friends go but we all have to leave sometime and we wish them a safe journey.

I also came across this picture
of me at Pilot Knob blm
trying to be creative.

By the way, if any of you make a habit of reading the comments, you would have noticed the one from yesterday. It was from Anonymous and without marking all comments 'subject to approval', some bad ones slip through. I have removed it and hope the 'troll' (as another reader so called them) feels better and moves on. 🤷‍♀️

Then I found the picture I was looking
for. Nov. 2022.

Good night!

Thank you for stopping by to see what we've done today.


  1. Know what you mean about Trolls. Some enjoy terrorizing others.
    Before reading the caption, a quick glance of the silhouette resembled George.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. A big YES on the ice cream!! It's funny ... I actually got a troll that was a nice as she could be! lol

  3. Ok. 2022...where does the time go?

  4. I occasionally get those comments "I like your blog, read mine" sort of thing, but thankfully I've never had what I would call a troll. Hope that doesn't jinx me.
    Oh, to be able to access an outdoor pool. Instead we're expecting another 15-20 cms. of snow this weekend. :(

  5. Nice rock garden...J/J
    Missed you at my class this weekend :)

  6. It seems this troll has appeared before on various blogs I read. The banana split looks awesome and your lovely weather is something I envy.

    God bless.
