Thursday, March 20, 2025

To Market, To Market to See What we Find

Yuma Lakes RV Resort

On Thursday, Mar. 20th we woke up to another clear day. It was already a pleasant 50F/10C when I got up. I was quite uncomfortable this morning, for some reason, but did my best to stretch  my body parts so I could get on with my day. The funniest thing about my morning was when I did one of the exercises, involving a stretch on my stomach, up, down, up, down, arching my back. Gibbs was beside me and as I said each word, he would sit up, lay down, sit up and lay down each time I prompted. 😅😅 Cutest thing ever!

Good morning!
A trip to Arizona market.
top: Kim, Ken (walking away), Bill
bottom: Kim and I were in a jewelry store

Bill, Ken and I have opted out of Bocce Ball this morning as we are all going to Arizona Market for the last time this season. Bill and I have only been once, early December, so this was a treat. We left in the Equinox (Ken's car) at 9:30 and it was a short drive. There were still a lot of vendors and a few had huge signs over the entrance "Closing Sale" so prices were quite good in those. We found a few things and left the market at 11:40, getting us home just in time for lunch.

This picture is for our friend, Jim.
You have to admit, this is lovely!

Kim had told me of a way she learned how to make poached eggs. An EASY way. I had 2 eggs to spare so that was lunch. Oh my goodness! She sold me. No real prep, no boiling over, perfect eggs on toast! Break an egg into a single serve ramekin (or similar) dish. Top it up with water to cover the egg. I microwaved it for a total of 65 seconds and it was done perfectly. Mine was on keto toast and it was delicious! The dishes go in the dishwasher. No muss no fuss. Love it!

Poached eggs on toast
It was so easy this way!

Just after 2, I walked to the clubhouse but not to swim. The puzzle was almost done so I planned to finish it today. It took me about 40 minutes and I wandered back home for Happy Hour. 

None of you will be surprised
that this little puzzle is finished.

Ken wasn't home yet, he was playing poker with his friends, but by 3:30, we were gathering in the shade of the Journey for more conversation and laughter. Have we solved any of the world's problems, no, but we shared memories of our first meetings over the years. It was a fun couple of hours.

Happy Hour

For supper, Bill grilled a sausage for himself and I reheated some spaghetti for me. I fried leftover potatoes and added kale salad to our plates. It was one of those typical "Richards" meals, where we throw things together to eat up leftovers. I prefer spaghetti over the potatoes and it worked well for both of us. We had a piece of the Caramel Apple Cheesecake that I made this afternoon. With a pecan crust and topping, it was.......well, yummy!

Supper was good, topped off with
a sweet dessert.

We cleaned up dishes and filled in time watching Edmonton news until 9-1-1 came on. Both Matlock and Elspeth are taking a 2-week break so no new episodes yet. This day got to a bleaching high of 84F/29C under clear blue skies. Just gorgeous!

Good night!

Thank you for your visit. Your comments are appreciated.



  1. One of my highlights to the morning is reading your blog posts. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Gibbs is so funny. I can't get Cooper to sit in my lap at all. I'm with you on dinner ... all the leftovers get heated up whether they go together or not. LOVE the poached egg recipe. I'm going to try it!!

    1. The poached eggs are so easy!
      Start at 40 seconds and go from there. All microwaves are different.

  3. Happy Spring!
    Gibbs is a smart puppy, knowing up, down. My son's dog Sage is still learning to sit...and down is something that she rarely does.

  4. Cheesecake with pecan crust and topping....sounds super delicious 😋.

  5. Cook the eggs until yolks are completely cooked and you have hard boiled eggs for egg salad.

  6. Love the Arizona Marketplace! Your Happy Hours look so nice with K and K. Your spaghetti looks yummy!

    1. We are having fun at Happy Hours. Your name has come up because we've missed seeing you guys this winter!!

  7. That cheesecake looks amazing. Harvey has an egg poacher he uses in the microwave and it works great.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you. Poached eggs in today are so good. Especially perfectly cooked.

  8. Thanks for the tip to make a poached egg without fuss. I'll try it.
