Sunday, March 2, 2025

Laundry, Quilling and some Walking

Park Place RV Park

On Sunday, Mar. 2nd we were all up before 7 and on our way over to the clubhouse with the sorted clothes. We had been informed that the private guest code, that allows us into the building (clubhouse, shower, washroom and laundry) after hours, was changing Mar. 1st. When we paid our electric bills, guests were given the new code. Easy peasy. Because Bill and I do our laundry so early, we are always able to let ourselves in. Except for today. Hmmm.🤷‍♀️

Good morning!

Bill tried the old and new code enough times to get locked out. We carted the basket of clothes back home to wait until we saw a manager or host out and about. Bill had already decided that he 'probably' would NOT be flying today after checking the forecast. A nice warm day was to be ahead but the winds were going to pick up to an unreasonable (& unacceptable!) speed. It was just before 8 when we saw Sue, the manager, walk up the ramp into the building, unlocking the door for guests. To say we hustled over is putting it mildly. 😂

It was a windy but clear start to the day

Back at the Suite, I did my exercises alone, and found one of the new videos to be quite good for me. My block behind my right knee and on my calf, sitting on it for 3 minutes - yes! It hurt, of course, it is supposed to, but I think this is a good one for me to do each morning. Needless to say, I still was in no mind to take Gibbs for his walk. Those winds and the dust blowing around was not going to be pleasant. Bill went to the field then because the winds were only 3 & 4 mph. 

Bill found a large pineapple at
Albertson's for $3.99 so I cut it up
this morning. I love this little tool!

I went back to switch the clothes into dryers and stayed there to work on the puzzle. It is addicting! Bill was back after the gusts increased and no one was at the field anyway. We folded the clothes together and returned home. The wind gusted to 27 mph just before 11 am so I'm glad I was here inside at that time. I saw a number of people out in it, walking or on bikes. No thank you! The taste of dust doesn't appeal to me. The mountains off in the distance were blurred, not a place I want us to be. 😜

Today's progress. Better than I thought. 

After my boys had a lengthy snooze, we had lunch together; I had toast and cranberry pear jam from Bayfield, Ontario. I picked it up during Ladyfest with my sisters this past September. It's good! I also finished up the last 2 blackened bananas in a smoothie. That was delicious! I had been doing more paper quilling, seems I can't leave it alone now. 💕 Not all things turn out perfectly, my ladybug for one, but I'll keep trying to improve. I still think they are cute.

Now, I needed to find homes for them.
I went shopping for card stock and shadow boxes

We went uptown so I could pop into the dollar stores on the hunt for crafting supplies. I wasn't fully successful but I also didn't come home disappointed. When I'm in Yuma, I'll have better luck at finding what I need. Bill was busy on his laptop and Gibbs was sleeping so I went back to the puzzle for an hour or so. The winds were not dropping none too fast and it sounds like we'll have them overnight and tomorrow as well. Our gazebo is holding up great, mainly because the winds are coming from the southeast and we are sheltered.

The clouds moved in with the wind
but they are still pretty accents to the blue sky.

I took Gibbs for his walk around 4:30 and then after dropping him off, took myself off for another one. I was feeling good but I don't want to say that too loud or I'll jinx things. My step count has gone down considerably since my sciatica flared up on Feb. 9th but at least today I surpassed 4,000 steps. That's a big deal right now! 😃 For supper, we had fish and chips. Bill had the chips and I had Brussel Sprouts. Pickles and olives rounded out our plates. It was a good meal and easy to prepare.

Well, accidents happen sometimes!
I was walking Gibbs behind this site when 'crunch!'
Either the motor home or the tow vehicle driver
ran over the electric post. Yikes!

After finishing my blog, I'll read or find something on tv. This has been a great day. We reached a high of 76F/24C today, despite the wind gusts. I hope yours has been pleasant too. 

A filling supper - a good thing because
tonight I was hungry!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Let's MARCH Right In, Taking on a Challenge

Park Place RV Park

On Saturday, March 1st we were up and moving by 7. Bill was in the shower before I got up and after Gibbs and I did our exercises, we met downstairs. I love this little guy, the way he almost knows the words 'exercise with Mom' as he comes upstairs to help. i have to remove my glasses because with the additional assistance, my face wouldn't be the only thing that got washed. 😁

Good morning!

I had my cereal with Bill and it was after he left that I made my tea. Gibbs' walk was late, it seems mornings are the toughest for me so I sat and did some more paper quilling. I finished my owl and began another couple of little projects. I need to pick up some card stock and/or shadow box frames. This is just too much fun and I'm really enjoying the craft. When I walked with Gibbs, we had a sad face to see Jess and Jesse's site empty. No surprise, we knew they were leaving in the dark.

Look at these clouds!

Back home, I made a coffee and did some more quilling before I joined Gibbs outside. He is very happy out there by himself, always in my line of vision. Bill was home by 11:30 after his morning flying and then a drive over to Jim's. We had lunch together. We do have cold meat in the house again but I opted for (don't get grossed out) peanut butter, mayo and lettuce on my seeded keto bread. I had it yesterday and it just tasted so darn good that I had to repeat it. It was a childhood favourite of mine.

A walk around the park 
and here is an empty site. 😔

My boys went outside together so after a couple of stretches, I took a puzzle over to the clubhouse. I put away the calendar one and opened the box. Oh my! This was the 2nd puzzle that my good friend, Patti, left for me in the fall. I knew it would be difficult and after all of these easy ones with big pieces, it was time to challenge myself again! We only have a couple of weeks left here, yes, we're leaving a bit early, and I want to give myself plenty of time to work on it. It's coming home with me! 💗

After our walk, Gibbs decided
to stay on the patio.
(in the shade)

I made pretty good time, finishing the border with the exception of one piece. Turning the pieces over and sorting took more time! It may be easier than I first thought, but I'm going to enjoy this one. I returned home around 3 and Bill and Gibbs were still out on the patio.

He hardly made a sound all morning.
Good boy, Gibbs!

There is a strong wind today, occasionally, so I moved my chair to the half sun/half shaded gazebo and read our friends' blogs and started a new book. I finished Hot Six by J.E. last night. On to Seven Up and I'm in like a dirty shirt already!

Okay, Patti, this looks like fun!
thank you!


We came inside around 5 and I leashed Gibbs up for a walk but it wasn't on his agenda. Works for me so we returned after just a few steps. 😀 I started my blog, supper would be another easy night. Leftover roasted chicken, salad and brown beans. We still have fresh strawberries for dessert. Bill had a movie to watch after cleanup and I knew I would find something once I finished my blog post. It has been working out great, using his laptop but I'll have a mess of pictures to remove from his folders to mine when I get mine again. 

Supper was good and just enough
chicken leftover for sandwiches.

This has been a good day. Nothing strenuous and yet another 83F/29C day. Yay! So, here in Arizona, March is coming in like a lamb but what is it doing back home in Ontario?

Came across this today and it made
me laugh. How many times we wish we
could take things back!!
Good night!

Thank you for your visit!