Friday, February 28, 2025

A Quiet Last February Day, Visitor, Shopping

Park Place RV Park

On Friday, Feb. 28th it was to be a mostly quiet day. Bill was happy to see the calm that spread over Quartzsite as that meant a great flying morning. 😊 My pilot was happy. Gibbs and I got up around 7 and did our floor routine. I didn't sleep great last night, awake more than a couple of times, trying to get comfortable. Plus, feeling hot, cold = blankets on, blankets off. 

Good morning!

We came down to join my Sweetie and after breakfast, he left for the field. I sat at the table and finished my tea with the little bum snugged tight behind me. Before taking Gibbs for his walk, I had my shower. I think I was paying for the time in the truck yesterday as my leg was a bit uncomfortable this morning. I was happy we weren't going anywhere this morning. Gibbs and I sat outside in the gazebo and I took the time to pack up the sponge floor cubes. The wind from the other day had blown them awry so it was a good time to do it.

Our morning visitor.
Love the earrings!
Notice those peek-a-boo eyes on Gibbs?

I came inside for a bullet-proof coffee and that was when my day brightened up even more. Jess texted, asking if I had time for a visit. I had a Worry Worm for her so was expecting to see her at some point today. Bill wasn't home yet so it made for a nice 'girl's' visit, not that he would have been a hindrance. It was just nice, just the three of us. Gibbs was included, of course, as he came inside as soon as she did. 💕 Surprisingly, he didn't make too much of a nuisance of himself. A few face licks, which she obligingly accepted. 

Pictures never do it justice but I love this section
of I-10W
Crossing the Colorado River
as we enter California

She gifted me with a pair of earrings that she made and it shows how much she already knows about me. Sunflowers, my very favourite! They are beautiful, thank you Jess! I almost bought a shirt in the same colour yesterday at Marshalls but refrained. I guess I need to go back. 😁 Within 2 minutes, no kidding, of Jess walking out of the Suite (after a hug, naturally) Bill drove in. We'd pretty much decided on waiting until after lunch to go to Albertson's for a few groceries and that was the best plan.

I wish I'd been quicker with the 'snap' of
the bottom right picture. That was a beautiful Saguaro.

The drive there and back was event-free, the best kind, and yet I still admired the mountain views. There is one section that twists and turns in through the ranges and my head swivels each and every time. Some of the saguaros are beautiful, with arms reaching in every direction. Ground level, mountain side or peak, they stand proud and look healthy. Back home, we relaxed together. We picked up a roasted chicken from the store so supper was easy to prepare.

Gibbs took me down Quail Trail Rd. this afternoon.
I appreciate him, it's the only walking I do. 😐

Bill picked up a couple of cobs of corn and I chose a couple of premixed salads for meals this weekend too. Gibbs and I went for our walk, and he was in the mood to take me for a nice trek. We went to Quail Trail and then back behind the park towards home. He was on a mission so I just followed along, keeping him on a short lead. I know that it has been hot enough for the rattle snakes to start making appearances. My eyes are peeled and he doesn't go anywhere I haven't looked at. 

Supper was great!

Supper was delicious with plenty of chicken left over. The corn was yummy, we wish we'd bought a few more. This has been another hot day, right up our alley! We reached a lovely 86F/30C today with nary a breeze. The overhead clouds that dominated the day were almost a blessing and made it perfect for patio sitting. If there was a great sunset, I missed it, NCIS:Sydney began at 6 pm and Fire Country followed. I was a bit busy! 😄

Fresh strawberries and cream
for dessert. Yum!
Good night.

Thank you for stopping in. Your comments are always appreciated.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Family Trip to Holtville, CA

 Park Place RV Park

On Thursday, Feb. 27th it was a bit of a flutter to get going. We slept in until 6:30 and so after Bill and Gibbs returned, it was 7 when I got into the bathroom to get washed. My exercises with my little buddy took about 20 minutes but I don't want to skip them, breakfast, get dressed, coffee and tea made and a quick walk with Gibbs brought us up to 8. The exact time we said we wanted to leave. 😁

Good morning!

From a tongue hanging out
to a calmer puppy dog

Bill had given Gibbs a Gravol pill at 7 o'clock in the hopes it would calm him for the 2+ hour drive ahead of us. Surprisingly, it worked! Once we got on I-95S he was quiet, even though he hardly lays down, that is an improvement. We found the answer for a peaceful trip. We arrived in Yuma around 9:00 AZ time and stopped at the Yuma Palms Mall first. The Target in the mall has the Allpoints ATM that allows us to withdraw cash from our bank a/c without a fee. Plus, we needed to hit the head. Isn't that how 'they' say it? 😃

We don't have blowing snow in our area
but we did have blowing sand from the dunes
today on our drive towards Yuma.

The green fields of Yuma's agriculture
The smallest church and the Glamis dunes

Gibbs also needed to get out for a piddle and a poop on that lovely green grass. He couldn't resist, obviously. 

He did keep looking for our home.

Arrival at Hot Springs LTVA

It was another 40 minutes or so to Holtville Hot Springs LTVA. Lori and Roland, our good friends from northwest Ontario, stay there for a few months over the winter. Between us, we make every effort to visit each other a couple of times while down here. This day was important too since their parents, Judy and Oscar (whom we also met our first year to the southwest) are visiting for a month and will be heading home soon.

Lori's scones were delicious!

We arrived at their camp spot around 9:15 and had a wonderful morning Happy Hour inside their home. Gibbs was hyper, it was all new to him and who knows? Maybe he sensed Shatzi, bless her little puppy soul, but he eventually settled down. Lori is a terrific baker and made a HUGE batch of breakfast scones for all of us. Bill and I just had to have 2 each with our coffee. Delicious, Lori! 💕 Just after 11, Gibbs began the 'is it time to go?' dance so I took a family photo, we said our goodbyes in the form of hugs and left for Yuma.

A couple of family photos
Gibbs felt left out so did his own posing.
What a little ham!

We had a couple of stops, mostly just because we were there. Bill picked up a lockable pin for attaching the bike rack on our Suite and then he stayed in Black Beauty with Gibbs while I popped into Marshalls. I left with nothing but in Target, I found another pair of the comfy shoes we bought him before Christmas. He says they feel like he is wearing nothing so they are similar to the barefoot pair that i ordered online. 😊

Bacon cheeseburger
and fries.

Lastly, we wanted to grab a bite to eat so headed for the In 'n Out Burger. When we saw the line up of at least 20 vehicles in the drive-thru, we skipped that idea and went across the street to Five Guys. We ate in the truck and enjoyed their burgers and fries. It was after 2 so we knew we wouldn't need supper. With it being a night-fly evening for Bill, that was a good thing as meals are always a question for me. 

The drive home.
The Indian is still sleeping
and I'll never get tired of the colours in these mountains

It was a good drive there and back, returning home at 4:15, we were all pretty tired. I stretched out on the bed with Gibbs and Bill stretched out in his recliner. Not sure I dropped off to sleep but my boys sure did. Bill took a chance on the wind dying off tonight and left for the field by 6. I got out my paper quilling materials and played around a bit until I took Gibbs for his walk. It was dusk, the sun had dropped and it was very pleasant outside. I knew Bill would be happy at the field, able to fly for their last night.

did you hear of the train derailing near Yuma?
This is my poor attempt at getting a picture
of the aftermath.
Lots of containers damaged and sitting on the sidelines.

When Bill came home, I had just finished watching Matlock and we caught up on some of the election Ontario coverage on tv. This has been a great day, fulfilling in every way and we did it as a family. Gibbs was happy to be with us all day. 😊 We reached 80F/27C in Yuma and here so a beautiful day. With a low of 53F/12C overnight, we can leave some windows open again. 

Sunset from inside the Suite.
Gibbs and I walk at dusk.

Lastly, today is my 3rd oldest grandson's birthday. Nathan, Patrick's son, turned 15 today so we wish him a fun day. 15 is a fun age and Nate is maturing into a very pleasant young man under Patrick's direction. I'm very proud. 💖

Happy Birthday, Nate!
Good night!

Thank you for popping by.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Another Last, Special Birthday

 Park Place RV Park

On Wednesday, Feb. 26th our day started off pretty much the same as usual. Up at 7, Gibbs and I did our floor exercises and they are starting to come together. Sometimes his little head gets in the way of my video watching. 😁 When we came downstairs Bill was getting our banking in order. Government pensions went into our home bank and he took care of business. He's my banker, and yes, I am capable of doing the same thing if and when necessary.

Good morning!

Today is our Buddy's birthday and texting her was just not going to be enough so we made a phone call to Pat. She is alone this year for the first time in her many years (I won't disclose how many ♥) and we wanted to give her a smile. We had a nice conversation and were happy to hear that another of her friends was picking her up and taking her out to lunch. Awesome! She informed me that the homemade card I made for her arrived today as well.

Happy Birthday, Pat

Bill left for the flying field, it was another beautiful calm morning. Already at 8, it was 63F/17C. When I was washed and dressed, I took Gibbs for his walk around the park. Sleeveless and shorts it is. 😍 When I returned, I added cream to my to-go mug, grabbed my water bottle and purse and walked over to Coffee & Snack hour. It is never an hour for Jess and I, since we leave at 9:30, but we make the best of our 30 minutes with the group.

On our morning walk, Gibbs and I
noticed the White Oleanders are blooming.
He is checking to see if it needs watering.

Jess had 5 participants today for class and this was what she teasingly called an 'Advanced' class. It is our last one this season as Jess and Jesse pull out on the weekend. It makes us all sad and although we all tease about parking in front of their trailer so they can't leave, we wish them well on the rest of their travels and look forward to seeing them in the fall and get into another round of paper quilling! 💗 Advanced class? This was a free 'gratitude' class and we were allowed to design our own piece of jewelry. Sort of.

This was one of Jess's

My necklace

We all made necklaces with one exception and she made a bracelet. It was a great time and I, for one, am proud of my creation. Choosing colours is usually the hardest thing for me, but today it felt easier. 

Jess is a fun teacher.
Here she is shredding paper for a classmate

L to R
Gwen, Jess, Barb, Tracy, my chair, Linda

I made a post card for Jess that
all the ladies signed.
Woops, my reindeer is missing an eye!
J, J, is obvious but the V is for
Virgil their cat in one of the windows too.

I went with colours that I seem to wear a lot and may now have to make earrings to wear with it. Jess dropped me off just after 12:30 and Bill and I both found that we weren't too hungry. He had crackers and cheese and I had a date square. Bad!!

This was fun but with just a few weeks left, I need to focus
on a hard one again.

While Bill and Gibbs dozed, I went to work on and eventually finish the puzzle. I was back home at 3 and sat outside in the shade with them both. The winds had picked up and were gusting occasionally all afternoon. It was hot, 87F/30C, so that wind felt great. For supper, we had the last of the Tri Tip Steak with leftover rice and vegetables. Everything was very good and I was hungry enough to eat it tonight. 😆 

Supper was good.
Good night!

We watched the premiere episode of Survivor 48 together and with a full day tomorrow, I laid low and read a lot of my book before bed. I'm using Bill's laptop now to write my blog so I'm grateful I can do that. My laptop is in its bag until we get home to have it looked at. Life goes on. This has been a great day.

Thank you for your visit.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Summer Returns

Park Place RV Park 

On Tuesday, Feb. 25th something woke me at 6:35 and it sounded like our basement door closing. I saw Gibbs was back in bed after going out with Daddy so maybe it was in my dream. Later, Bill told me he heard a similar sound. 🤔

Gibbs doesn't mind being squished
in my chair with me.
He's a lovebug. 

After I  made the bed, I  did my routine on the bedroom floor with my helper washing my face and adding pressure for the best workout possible. 🥰 Whatever would I do without him? There is no doubt he knows what he's doing! 

Bill left for the field and I had a quiet morning with our little bum. I did vacuum the Suite, unintentionally chasing Gibbs around while the big bad monster did it's thing. Dusting will be another day, God forbid I should overdo it!!

You'll have to turn your head
to view this but I couldn't get it turned

Gibbs and I got out for his walk and that was around 10. It was already very warm, 61F/13C, I was sleeveless and in shorts.  I do believe summer is here! I decided to go work on the puzzle until noon hour and made some great progress. It is an easy one. 

We had chicken sandwiches for lunch and I left them at 1 to go play Pokeno with the ladies. Only 4 of us today, but my penny jar wasn't any lighter on the trip home. 😁 I feel I broke even. I worked on the puzzle a bit more and walked home at 3.

We had some outside together late afternoon too
See Gibbs down by my feet?
He's out like a light.

It reached 92F/33C this afternoon before it started dropping back. We planned bacon and eggs for supper and after it was finished, I took Gibbs for his walk. 

Cooler by then and although he didn't do the whole park, he walked to the street corner and we returned home. 

Walking over to J & J's, gave me this
photo opportunity.

I had 4 date squares set aside for Jess and Jesse so walked them over and caught up on their day. Since I was out at the appropriate time, I snapped a couple of sunset pictures. It has been a great day and We have a couple more busy ones ahead this week.

My phone camera doesn't do the sky
justice tonight. It was beautiful.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Bittersweet Moments

 Park Place RV Park

On Monday, Feb. 24th I was awake and up by 7:15. Bill was in the shower soon after and when he got out, I wasted no time getting in. He finished getting ready and after turning our power connections off and inverter on, he was off to the flying field. 

Good morning

It was a lovely day, 50F/9C, sunny and calm. We like that a lot! I finished my tea, exercises, with Gibbs' help, and we went for our walk.  ☺️ I transferred some brownies and some date squares into a container and went to the clubhouse with my coffee mug and pool cue.

This little bug belongs to Linda. 

There were 7 of us today.  Even though Angie was absent, our friend and guest, Linda from class, filled her shoes and then some!  She is very good at this game! Actually, there were quite a few great shots throughout the TEN games played. I'd say we all did good with points 25 and under. Sue was the Victor today. 

Linda and Debbie

Sue, Bette, Debbie

It was such a fun time, lots of laughs and we all enjoyed having Linda play too. Home for lunch I wasn't hungry (must have been the goodies!), but I sat with Bill before it was snooze time. Not me, my boys. 💕

Here we are!
L to R:
Linda, Karen, Sue,
Bette, Debbie, Jess, Patsy

A good start 

I walked over to start a new puzzle and Karen joined me long enough to do the border and a fair bit of the body. This is another easy one but still fun to do. 😁  I was back home around 3 and sat outside with my boys. A beautiful day indeed, we reached 89F/29C.

Gibbs and his blanket
What a face!

Ignore the finger,
A sleepy boy.😍

For supper we went simple. Chicken pot pies, that never come out of the dish perfectly. Oh well, we like some things messy! They were good. We had a square for dessert and cleaned things up. 

The snacks I took for Jess's last 
pool day.
Upside down picture though.

NCIS was on at 7 and the rest of the night was free. I watched the 3rd episode of Reacher, couldn't wait any longer! Last night I watch a good little movie on Prime called A Little Bit of Heaven. I recommend it if you're looking for something. A bit of romance, comedy and tears.  This was a great day. 

Quick and easy

Good night

Thank you for the visit. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Moving On with Things, Hot Time in Quartzsite

 Park Place RV Park

On Sunday, Feb. 23rd it was 7:15 when I woke enough to look at the clock. Whoa! It's laundry day and we usually like to be at the clubhouse by 7, to beat the rush. Haha, there is never a rush Sunday morning. 🤣

Good morning!

I should've just slowed down and did a few  but instead got up quickly and helped sort the clothes.  Bill carried the basket, as usual, and I followed very, very slowly behind. With 2 loads in the machines, I accepted his hand for the walk back home. Lol Yes, feeling quite incapable, but also feeling loved. 💕

My Buddy, Pat, sent this to me this morning. 
Ps, she is getting along as well as
can be expected. 😔

Inside, I then did my blocking and stretches with  coming to assist- eventually. After Bill left I finished my tea, walked over to switch the loads and felt some improvement. I have some videos to watch for proper blocking techniques so went through a couple of the beginning ones before going back 45 minutes later to bring the folded clothes home. 

While I did my blocking in the bedroom floor, Gibbs was also watching the video.

Gibbs needed his walk so off we went. It was a good one.  Finally, I washed, brushed my teeth and dressed for the day. It was already 10:30. I had a plan to bake something today so did that rather than go to the puzzle. It was already warming up, with a hot high forecasted. 😆

The quail were running today!

Bill was home by 11:30 after checking on me earlier. ❤️ We had lunch at 12:30 and I went to the puzzle soon after. It was a pleasant surprise to have Jess offer to join me.  Of course! I knew she would enjoy this one, so we worked away while chatting until it was finished. ☺️ 

I will miss seeing her once they leave on March 1st. I enjoy her personality and company a lot, and will miss our games and classes together. It is reason enough for us to look forward to a return here in the fall. 

The puzzle is done!
Thank you Jess!

Back home, I didn't even attempt to take Gibbs out today for his walk but instead sat outside in the shade with him and Bill.  It is already 85F/27C at 3:30. Wonderful!! He would not go far in this heat but did enjoy the coolness of his bed and our patio mat. 

At 5:30, I finished a chapter in my book so came in to start supper. Chicken thighs in Rosy, vegetables and rice on the stove. I'm using the convection oven for the baking I prepared earlier today. A bit of dessert, perhaps?

Supper always takes longer when it is chicken, these thighs are quite meaty, but worth the wait. We are both experiencing the same feeling though. Finding were not very hungry at mealtime. Strange but it happens occasionally and we know we have to eat. 😁

Turned out pretty good. 

We cleaned up the pots, ran the dishwasher and had a bit of fresh baked dessert. Not sure what I'll watch tonight so may just read. 

Before I forget KennyD, I would like to watch Landman, very much but we do not have Paramount +. At home, we will decide if it will be worth the cost of buying the app. Thank you. Idon't think you read my responses to your comments. 🤔

As for my laptop, it turned on again this morning but wouldn't budge so I think it is toast. I will get it checked back home and make a decision then. (I have kicked murderous numerous times). it is challenging in my phone but not terrible. 

This has been a great day. We chatted with Marilynne, my mil, and then Keith, our good friend from back home,  over the dinner hour. Good to hear from both. 

I needed another picture so this is from a morning shot this week. 
Good night everyone!

Thank you for your visit too!