Sunday, February 2, 2025

Laundry and Cleaning Day, Groundhog Day and Gibbs

Park Place RV Park

Sunday, Feb. 2nd arrived and prepared to finish off the weekend. Some thing of Sunday as the first day of a week and, as a day of rest. Well, Sunday to us means ‘laundry and whatever else we feel like doing day’. 😊 We had the two machines loaded by 7 and in the time it took the clothes to dry, I took my walk. I was going to wait until it was all done but it was so beautiful out at 7:45, that I had to go!

Good morning!
Looking west at the pink mountain tops
Looking east through the palm tree

Wearing just a long sleeve shirt and a hip length jacket, it was absolutely perfect. Why wait until later? When I returned, the clothes were finishing up the last 10 minutes of drying so that was perfect. I did blocking on my sciatic pain before I left and laughed at Gibbs laying beside me on the bedroom floor. He is either concerned or just affectionate as he lays his upper body across my neck. Of course, I don’t push him away.

Just some selfies on a lovely
warm morning.
Plus a bit of silliness!

When I returned with the clothes just after 9, I got the Norwex hand mitt out and dusted downstairs. Then I got the Dirt Devil out and did the floors as well. Gibbs was up on the bed so I didn’t go up there this time. He would just be running from it the whole time and that’s not fair to him. He’s never been chased by it or the mops but he just doesn’t like them near him.

Remember this tree?
I've taken a few pictures of it in its
'senescence'. A new word for me!
There are just a few bright leaves left on the branches.

Once the floors were done, I cleaned the brush head off, put it away and got the big central vac out from under the bed. This time, with the furniture brush attachment, I did all the window screens. The blackout ones as well as the fixed ones. They look a lot better and even though it won’t last too long, I won’t have to do it again for a while. 😊

Each day, I accomplish a bit more on this puzzle.

Then Gibbs and I went for his walk, the long route again this morning. Sweet thing, I can tell he is getting hot with his fur coat on and we may have to get him a haircut sooner than later with the heat that has moved into our area. Speaking of heat, wow, it is gorgeous!! Bill was home from flying around 10:30 and I made a coffee and walked over to the puzzle until noon hour.

Someone is hot and tired

I decided to work from the top this time as the dark areas in the bottom half were getting to me! Ha ha, a change of scenery is always good. Debbie came in and chatted for half hour before we both left for lunch. We had our usual meat, cheese, lettuces sandwiches and once more I am very happy with the Soja keto bread that I am getting at Walmart. I will be stocking up (a lot) before we head home. 😊

He loves going outside to his blanket lately.
Funny guy.
It was nice and cool for him in the shade
and perfect for me too!

After lunch, and a snooze, Bill went to Jim’s to talk ‘planes’ he had some $ burning a hole in his pocket. I started my post and then took my book out to cook, I mean sit, in the sun. It was already 75F/25C at 1 pm and it hadn’t reached its peak for the day. I am a bit envious of my sister Gayle. They are going to a time share resort in Orlando for 2 weeks with a pool and hot tub. Their weather is finally warmer too.

He can sleep most anywhere, like his Daddy,
but if you notice, he is still watching the road.

Just for the fun of it, I thought I’d check back home and see if our Ontario groundhog, Wiarton Willie, saw his shadow this morning. I doubted it since the forecast was cloudy and for more snow. I was right, he predicts and early spring although his counterparts in Nova Scotia, Quebec and Pennsylvania predict 6 more weeks of winter. LOL  Either way, spring will arrive (on the calendar) on March 20th. 😊

Gibbs and I sat outside in the shade for most of the afternoon until Bill returned and then beyond, until it was time to start supper. Bill’s bacon cheeseburgers were on the menu with Caesar salad on the side. We were eating by 6:15 and they were go-ooo-d. This brand is thicker so they took a bit longer but I prefer that. After clean up, Bill put things away outside and I finished the blog post.

I went for a walk on my own when Gibbs
cut his walk short (he saw Daddy return)
and I met this little cutie-pie.
Meet Callie. 💓

I finished my book this afternoon so will move on to another Janet Evanovich story, not one of the Stephanie Plum mysteries though. I’ll let you know what I think of Full Speed as I get into it. It will be a quiet evening and I hope I can stay awake until my bewitching hour of 10 pm. Seems I’ve been falling asleep by 9:30 lately and I feel tired tonight.

Tasty burger and salad for supper.
Good night!

We reached a lovely high of 82F/28C today and our nights should be around 54F/12C for a few nights. Sounds good to me!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. I miss the sun. Always overcast here. Nice to see it warming up a bit there. Give the sweet boy some scrutches for me.

    1. We sure have a bounty of sunshine here, sorry you don't.
      Gibbs accepts the scrunches.

  2. Now that is a much better temperature. The groundhog in Alberta claims spring will arrive soon. However considering it was storming there it was no wonder he did not see any shadow.

    God bless.

  3. Love your selfies, you are too funny :-)

  4. We reached 80F yesterday, today it's a whopping 86F...I've even turned the a/c unit on, late this afternoon. I'll turn it off before Happy Hour and when the sun goes down, open the doors to the screens to allow cooler air in here.
    Callie is almost as cute as Gibbs! :)

    1. I know! Isn't it wonderful, this heat?? :)
      You're right............almost as cute. ♥
