Friday, February 14, 2025

Ice Cream Social, Happy Valentine’s Day! Canada’s Winter

Park Place RV Park

On Friday, Feb. 14th, I was back to my normal waking hour of 6:30. I guess that means it was a good restFUL night. 😊 I did my stretches and blocking, with Gibbs laying ‘helpfully’ across my neck, before joining my Valentine downstairs. He liked my card and I liked the box of chocolates he left on the table.

Good morning!
Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

He knew when he got up that there would be no flying this morning so didn’t even bother going to the field for that. I had my tea and cereal and Gibbs and I hobbled around for his walk. That was harder than I thought it would be so went up to the bed to baby the ache. Bill did have a motor to put in a plane, that arrived yesterday, so drove over to Jim’s Hangar mid-morning.

The winds were warm but quite strong from
the southwest all day

This is my helper, Dr. Gibbs.
He adds pressure to my legs while I'm laying
on the block.
Once the pain was gone, I got up and did a thorough high dusting job in the Suite. Norwex has this chenille wand that works wonders when extended on the mop pole system I bought. I climbed up on the 3-step ladder and dusted the ceiling fan off too. Don’t look up while doing that, ask me how I know! Then, I dusted the entertainment centre, coffee table and lower cupboards.

This ceiling fan is the one thing we brought
from out sticks and bricks home.
It was one of our favourite things we'd installed.
If you see ANY dust bunnies up there - I don't want to know!

Getting the central vac out from under the bed is not something I do often since we got the Dirt Devil but today I did. First a dust mopping then a swoop with the vac on both levels left our home relatively clean. For now. 😊 I headed over to the clubhouse around 10:30 to work on the puzzle for a bit and gave it a good old college try, getting a few more pieces in.

You're probably not seeing much difference, but
I do. 

We had lunch together, tomato soup, crackers and toast today. That was a nice change. At 12:30, I went back to the puzzle for an hour. Most of what is left are brown and green pieces so an even bigger challenge begins. Bill and I walked over for the ice cream social that the manager had set up for guests. Sue was under the weather, still, so Bette took up the challenge and got everything set up for us.

Vanilla ice cream, caramel sauce,
bananas and sprinkles! Yummy!

It was a small group, such seems to be the order of this park, but the 11 of us enjoyed it very much. Social was the key as we all sat around, helping ourselves to 2 helpings, for an hour. Thank you to the park staff! It was a warm day but the winds were quite gusty again today.

The sky was pretty when we walked back home.
Clouds do that, don't they?

We reached a high temp of 69F/21C despite the gusts and the sky was blue filled with puffy white clouds all day. 😊 Bill left shortly before 5:30 to go see if anyone showed up for night flying. This was the beginning of their Fun Fly but it was quite windy and odds were against the pilots tonight.

Gibbs and I fought the wind on
our afternoon walk.

When he returns, we’ll have grilled cheese sandwiches for supper. Always a quick easy meal. Tonight, we plan to watch NCIS: Sydney together and I’ll watch Fire Country episodes IF things are done on time. 😊 It has been a good day. Gibbs and I got out for out second walk of the day around 4:30 and I hobbled a bit, anxious to prop my numb leg up when we returned.

I love the colours just before sunset

The west sky was clear but I was happy
to catch the special moment that the sun dropped.

Tomorrow promises to be a calmer day with warmer temperatures still. We’ll take it! My family in Cold Lake, Alberta is experiencing freezing cold temperatures but less snow and in Montreal, QC more snow but not so cold and then in our home province, near the Ridge in Ontario, lots and lots of snow piling up and blowing into driveways. Yeuch! This is a good winter for us to be where we are, I wouldn’t be much help to Bill
with my gimpy self!

Cold Lake, Alberta.
These daytime temperatures are chilling, yet not even the
'feels like' temperatures!
-24C is -11F

Montreal, on the left. My sister there loves the snow
and created a snow angel.
Close to home on the right, Donna's back porch
and a sister's deck out back in the bottom pix.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Absolutely love your card!

  2. Is your leg problem sciatica (sp?) or a pinched nerve?
    I know that can really be painful. You can get a prednisone shot and it
    truly works. I now take magnesium most every night. Capsules are
    inexpensive....good for relaxing nerve endings and leg cramps.
    Best wishes to get past this. 😢
    Linda a.

  3. Agree, where you are is very much preferable to the very real snow in Ontario,especially off Georgian Bay.Linda has the right direction regarding your leg issue & you really should be getting professional attention--it doesn't get better on it's own; ask me how I know,lol! All the best.

  4. Bette did a GREAT job!!!! The plane on the card was a great touch!!!

  5. That ice cream social looks yummy. Lately I had not enough space in our freezer for ice cream, so would have definitely attended.

  6. I do hope the issue with your leg/back resolves soon. I know how much you, and Gibbs, enjoy your walks.
    I'm grateful to be here in sunny Arizona too. The winds might be a bit much at time, and the dust that gathers as a result, but I've no desire to be home where the temperatures are cold and the snow is piled up.

  7. We got a tiny bit of snow last night and this morning in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan. What worries me is the night time temperatures that are coming. We are looking at some -50C feels like temperatures come Monday and Tuesday.
    Love the ice cream social.

    God bless.
