Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Summer Returns

Park Place RV Park 

On Tuesday, Feb. 25th something woke me at 6:35 and it sounded like our basement door closing. I saw Gibbs was back in bed after going out with Daddy so maybe it was in my dream. Later, Bill told me he heard a similar sound. 🤔

Gibbs doesn't mind being squished
in my chair with me.
He's a lovebug. 

After I  made the bed, I  did my routine on the bedroom floor with my helper washing my face and adding pressure for the best workout possible. 🥰 Whatever would I do without him? There is no doubt he knows what he's doing! 

Bill left for the field and I had a quiet morning with our little bum. I did vacuum the Suite, unintentionally chasing Gibbs around while the big bad monster did it's thing. Dusting will be another day, God forbid I should overdo it!!

You'll have to turn your head
to view this but I couldn't get it turned

Gibbs and I got out for his walk and that was around 10. It was already very warm, 61F/13C, I was sleeveless and in shorts.  I do believe summer is here! I decided to go work on the puzzle until noon hour and made some great progress. It is an easy one. 

We had chicken sandwiches for lunch and I left them at 1 to go play Pokeno with the ladies. Only 4 of us today, but my penny jar wasn't any lighter on the trip home. 😁 I feel I broke even. I worked on the puzzle a bit more and walked home at 3.

We had some outside together late afternoon too
See Gibbs down by my feet?
He's out like a light.

It reached 92F/33C this afternoon before it started dropping back. We planned bacon and eggs for supper and after it was finished, I took Gibbs for his walk. 

Cooler by then and although he didn't do the whole park, he walked to the street corner and we returned home. 

Walking over to J & J's, gave me this
photo opportunity.

I had 4 date squares set aside for Jess and Jesse so walked them over and caught up on their day. Since I was out at the appropriate time, I snapped a couple of sunset pictures. It has been a great day and We have a couple more busy ones ahead this week.

My phone camera doesn't do the sky
justice tonight. It was beautiful.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in. 

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