Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Rain, Wind, Sun, Jazz and Dahlias

The Ridge

On Wednesday, Oct. 9th Bill was up of his own accord. No alarm and I’m sure that is feeling pretty darn good. šŸ˜Š Mind you, it was still about an hour earlier than my get up time and I had to go to work! I came down just after 7 and got washed, made my to-go tea and was out the door by 7:30.

Good morning!
Another beautiful sky to start the day.

But wait!!
Another rainbow this morning too!

Bill hopped in the shower and while I was gone, drove to First Choice Haircutters for a haircut. He missed out on the low-cost church cut so had to pay the big bucks. After my normal routine in the Mat, I got out the Swifter duster to reach all the high areas along the ceiling and walls. By the time I finished, it was an hour and a half later but it was a job done. I don’t know if/when Allison will do it next.

What a perfect time for the Canada geese
to fly over.

I left there and went for water. I like how comfortable I am with people I’ve met in Durham. My face is recognizable by some, after 8 summers up here it should be! When I walked in to Battery Pro (Water Store)/Impact Tire’s building, Mark teased me about having my keys on me. šŸ˜‰ I knew this would not be forgotten any time soon but I love the banter and these are great people.

And on the way home from cleaning
the Mat, my 3rd rainbow.

Back home, it wasn’t long before Bill texted that we should take a chance between rain showers, and get Jazz over to Murray’s storage barn. He was home by 10:15 and bundled up in his leathers and I followed him the 25 minutes to his destination. Of course, 5 minutes after we set out, it started spitting and then as we got to the other side of Durham, it poured. Yes, he got wet but kept on going.

The weather forecast appeared
stable for the next hour +

Within 5 minutes, that changed.
I felt bad for Bill but it did start to
clear out on the drive.
I took the bottom picture because of the
lovely fall colours.
See him up there?

The sky was unforgiving but soon cleared and it was ‘intermittent wiper’ weather the rest of the way. Surprisingly, covered as he was, he didn’t get that wet. Rain doesn’t stick to leather. šŸ˜Š Back home by 11:45, we had lunch of bacon and eggs for a change and then went outside. I thought I could brave the winds and go move some of the logs Bill cut yesterday but changed my mind.

Watching the sky and in the field
beside us, there were hundreds of geese
gathering and discussing 'their' winter journey.

Feeling like a wimp, I stayed out and dug up my glad and dahlia bulbs on the property. Yes, the wind was nasty and cold, but I just kept digging and bagging them up for storage. Bill worked away at his airplane stuff, fitting things in the box he made last summer in Black Beauty’s bed. I should have taken a jack hammer or bull dozer down with me instead of the little garden trowel because the bulbs at the gate garden were huge!!

Bill and Jazz goes into the bar
She's all covered up until April or May

Live and learn but I was too lazy to walk back up and get the spade. Well, not lazy, I worked even harder because I didn’t do that. I now have probably a hundred dahlia bulbs for next spring! Bill suggested putting some at the back of the Hangar where it gets lots of sun and that should use up about 10. šŸ˜Š Ha ha. They sure multiply! I cleaned out the firepit today and stored it in the outhouse. The last 3 bird feeders will be emptied and stored in the Bunky as well, but not until after the weekend.


We will take the shelter down when it is not wet or windy. Another day of many accomplishments, tomorrow morning being another busy morning along the same vein. We are expecting some overnight company tomorrow so that will give us a break and a good visit with great friends, once more, before we all depart for our journeys. Gibbs was in and out, in his jacket, even he is feeling the cold wind biting into his little body.

The dahlias and glads are dug
Some of the stalks were very large and brittle.
My small clippers and trowel met their match

We woke up to 4C/39F and reached a not so lovely high of 9C/49F by the peak of the day. It felt a lot colder than that with the 28.9 mph gusts of wind. I stopped working at 3 and came in for a hot cup of tea. Bill carried on, starting the arranging of underbelly (basement) storage. We’ll not be bbq’ing any more, the rain in the forecast has determined that, so the Weber Q and the table it sits on went away.

Told you it was windy!
This is my sheet for covering the plants

He quit before 4 as well. For supper, I cooked a butt chop inside to share with some potatoes and a vegetable. A hot meal for a cool day is always nice. Everything turned out good, although I forgot to cook Bill his corn. Woops! He doesn’t like the Brussel sprouts that I cooked for myself. šŸ˜Š We cleaned up dishes and had a quiet evening. I’m still having a hard time remembering what tv programs are on ‘live’ with our fire stick/streaming set up but manage to find something to watch.

I believe I'm blessed!
4 rainbows in 2 days.

This has been a good day. Cleaning up the messy job of digging bulbs and I’ve tossed the vegetable plants since I’ve collected the last of the tomatoes and peppers. We’ll see if there is room in the Bunky or shed for the canvas bags that still have dirt in them. It is acceptable to keep them that way for another season, at least.

Note: if you are interested, Bill has posted his first blog of the summer! Check it out here.

Supper was good.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by! I feel blessed that I have seen 4 rainbows in 2 days.


  1. Fall colors are so pretty - thanks! I had brussel sprouts yesterday! YUM :)

  2. It's evident that you and
    Bill have prepared to go south for years together you are so organized,Wow
    all those rainbows in one day is a rare blessing,
    I hope Gibbs,you and Bill
    stay warm and sleep well tonight -Mary xx

  3. That lunch plate has my mouth watering. Everything is so beautifully cooked! And what a tomato.! Some lovely photos today and your rainbows are wonderful. So glad you got to see them....and let us see too!
