Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Weather Change

The Ridge

On Sunday, Oct. 6th I woke up to cloudy skies. It was clear at 6:45 when Bill and Gibbs went out but soon changed. The sun rose but was swallowed up almost immediately. The gusting winds were stronger than we’ve had in a while. At 8 am, 30 mph winds had the trees bending and Bill’s flags flapping. They will soon be taken down, if not today!

Good morning!
Lots of clouds today and lots of wind.

The view is different with a small tree out 
of that garden right in front.

It had rained briefly around 4 am, so Bill says, but it was dry out there this morning. We bundled against the cool 8C/48F as it felt much cooler than that. First thing, Bill went for water and when he returned and was transferring it to the Suite, he dumped the black tank. The Blue Boy can go away now and we’ll just dump as we pull out on the 16th. 😊

I trimmed the flowering raspberry bush, the rose bush and hibiscus while he was busy and then we moved the chairs and picnic table off the grass. It was easiest for him to hop on the Cub Cadet and cut the grass up here in our front lawn and now it is ready to be put away. We’ll get an oil change on it in the spring. Things now will have to go away in order, to be sure we are done with them and that we make the best use of our storage space.

With each thing we trim or clean up,
our view changes.
The raspberry bush and hibiscus were
in these locations.
That box holds my mint and I had to move
it, temporarily, when we took the small tree down.

The mint box was in the middle.
This tree is coming out too, the branch that broke
off last winter damaged my bird feeder.

It was still dry out, so I went up to the berm garden and started cutting back the hostas and picking up the fallen apples. All of that went over the fence behind us. I didn’t get finished before the rain started. Gibbs ran up the hill to tell me to get the heck in out of the rain. He was getting wet! Ha ha. We had rolling thunder for at least an hour, sounding very cool. Almost like jets overhead, I guess it was the warning of pending precipitation. 😊

This is all done with the exception of the dahlia bulbs

We came in to sit for awhile before lunch, and at noon, I baked the pack of Pillsbury Cinnamon Buns. I’m in Bill’s good favour again. The way to his heart sometimes is a cinnamon bun. The rain persisted, off and on, but making it too difficult to plan any more outdoor activities. I started my blog and Bill went to the Hangar for a bit. If it clears out, we’ll put the tires from the shelter into the Bunky.

I was b-a-a-d for food today.
No keto influences at all.

I tried using the vacuum to suck the air out of the vacuum bags that have blankets etc. but only 1 out of 4 worked the way it should. Oh well, it is good plastic and they are at least sealed. That should be enough to deter the mice and Bill will put the cubes of poison in there too. I might have to invest in another pack of the bags next summer.

This is the only vacuum bag
that held tight when I finished. 

Gibbs and I dozed inside and I played Euchre on my phone. A new app I downloaded the other day and I love it! I love the game and never play it anymore so this is fun. 😊 The sun began making appearances after 2:30 so we went out and I finished cleaning up the berm. All that is left is digging up the bulbs and I think I’m done. I’ve also found a new location to try my Rose of Sharron in the spring. Fingers crossed!

Gibbs can be sound asleep on the floor but
if one of us moves, his head pops up. He
doesn't want to miss anything!

It was so nice out that I walked down the lane and gathered all the long branches and trees that we cut the other day. It was easy enough to drag them up in three trips, leaving only the trunk pieces that Bill cut up. I’ll take the wagon down this week and bring those up. I was quite pooped so sat with Gibbs for a while on the patio before coming in for my afternoon cup of tea.

This pile is 2 trips from the end of the lane up.
Gibbs is keeping it safe and watching me at the same time.

Bill came up before 5 and went upstairs to watch a movie and catch a few winks too. The work and fresh air does tire us out, all 3 of us. I had ground beef out for supper but had to use my noggin to come up with something suitable. My canned goods are limited so it wasn’t going to be chili. Macaroni, green pepper, onions and spices made up a pretty decent pot. Madame IP did the work for me.

Gord, from next door, and Caper popped
over briefly on their way in to town so
I gave him a bone like this, although
big dog size for Caper. It was way too
big for Gibbs to carry.
We got a thank you later. 

I found a can of pears in the cupboard on my search for beans, so I made a dump cake kind of dessert using them up. It was pretty good too. Bill was sure a guinea pig tonight and was pleased with both efforts. 😊 We cleaned up the pots and settled in for the evening. I think we’re in for a wet day tomorrow so I won’t be doing much outside. Bill has plans with a friend so it will be just Gibbs and I for the most part.

I am always surprised when something 'out of my head'
turns out so well. 😂😂😂

This was a nice day after all, clearing out of blue skies by suppertime. We reached 20C/69F but the winds didn’t abate by too much come nightfall. To answer a commenter from yesterday. We have always been told that if the eggs are hard boiled and/or in egg salad, they are fine. We don't take fresh eggs, although you could if there was no report of the Avian flu in your area. We've just stopped taking chances with fresh eggs and chicken.

Pear dump cake.
Sweet but good.
Good night!

Thank you for popping by.


  1. That tree doesn't give much shade......better come out! Gibbs is so camera ready!!
    Might have to try the cinnamon buns....never had them~look good! Oh and goulash for dinner!
    Busy day for you and getting close to departure day! Always like a road trip! :)

    1. Nope, the frost really damaged 3 of our trees. We don't want this one coming down on its own either. It's coming down!
      Gibbs heard a camera on tv last night so sat up and posed. What a nut!
      Supper was thrown together but perfect with leftovers.

  2. Looks like another good day getting you closer to the road.
    We got screamed at one year when Kathy accidentally left a Green Pepper in the fridge.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It was a good day. They don't need to scream, I'm sure she was happy to hand it over. LOL

  3. You and Bill are getting a lot done in preparing to have things taken care of before you head south. ..Sweet of little Gibbs to make sure you got out of the Rest well when you do -Mary

  4. I also boil my leftover eggs going north and south and never had an issue at the border.

    1. Exactly! Egg salad sandwiches are my go to for the trip lunches too.

  5. So much work, but the results are awesome ... your yard always looks fabulous. Here's a quick desert recipe we use at the lodge, just like what you did. Can of peaches with juice in a baking pan, brown sugar to your taste, cover with cake mix (one box lasts me two times), pats of butter over the top. Bake at 350 for maybe 40-50 minutes?? Peach cobbler that everyone LOVES!! I'm sending good vibes to Q for cooler weather!

    1. Thank you Nancy. Hard work pays off, you of all people know that!
      That is exactly the recipe I used but with pears instead!! Mine said to drain the juice but I didn't. I also didn't need to add the brown sugar, it was plenty sweet. :) It suggested fruit cocktail and that is good too!

  6. Goodness, your departure date is coming up quickly. There is always lots of work to put the yard and gardens to bed before winter. Your deadline is sooner than mine though if the snow comes early...
    Have a good day.

    1. It really is! Hard to believe since I'm still working but we'll be ready.
      I at least have mostly flower gardens, so the veggies were easy for me.
      No! Snow won't come early! haha

  7. Thank goodness Gibbs is around to let you know it's time to come inside. I haven't made goulash in long time. Yours looks delicious.

  8. You are working hard to get reddy for your departure. It seems a bit early for me, since we are still pretty warm down here, but of course that can change quickly. Hope you get everything done as planned.
