Thursday, October 3, 2024

Once I Got Started………..

The Ridge

On Wednesday, Oct. 2nd we can feel a change in the weather. It must truly be fall and if September doesn’t produce proof, October certainly will. It isn’t cold, but with overnight temperatures dipping into the5’s/40’s, you know what is coming. That’s okay, it just once more justifies our need to vacate. Soon! 😊

Good morning!
It was a chilly start to the day.
Inside temp is on the left of our monitor.
Outside temp is on the right.
Wind speed is in the middle so that was a blessing.

Bill was up getting ready for work. He has a different job locale today so didn’t have to leave quite so early with a shorter drive. I didn’t go back to bed after he left, but finished making the bed and then sat with Gibbs and my cuppa tea. For the past 3 days, plus this morning, I have noticed my lower back twinging when I bend at certain angles.

I noticed this plant the other day,
at the base of my bird feeder.
Today it is recognizable as Sorghum.
Where did it come from? Weird since
there is none planted around us.

Unless it is from my brush crawling, which was days ago now, I can’t imagine what is the cause. It is not consistent so I’m able to carry on pretty much as usual and yet, the yoga stretches that usually work, aren’t helping. So, this morning, after my tea, I did 2 blocking exercises. One was directly on the painful area and I’ll be darned! When I got up and moved and bent over – I didn’t feel a thing! How can that be? My sisters will understand but up until now, I’ve not been a true believer. Huh! 😊

A start to our cleanup.
Left pictures are in the Bunky.
Bags ready to be sucked close with the vacuum.
Top right, is the storage shed. I've since put
the chair cushions in bags also.
Bottom pix is the 3 tubs getting filled with
garden decor.

As a matter of fact, I felt so good that I started checking things off my ‘to do’ list. I washed all the windows and screens inside the Suite. I’m not sure if I’ll get to the outside before we leave, but I’ll try on one of these nice days. When Gibbs wanted to go out for his piddle and sit on the step, I took the opportunity to get the vacuum out as well. I was still feeling tickety-boo, so lifted the bed and removed the loose stuff.

I could see our neighbours getting their rv
ready for their trip to the I.P.M.
That's when I noticed the grader going back
and forth, filling in holes.

I sorted through the many bags of wool, choosing a few small balls of each colour to make more Worry Worms this winter. The rest went into vacuum bags out in the Bunky. I brought 2 containers of my paints inside along with the 1000-pc. puzzles that I want to do this winter in the clubhouse. 😊 I’m getting excited now!

My pizza lunch.
On the right, a cute little heart-shaped
slice of burnt tomato.

We have a couple of quilts and Bill’s mom’s afghan out in the Bunky so I put those in a vac bag as well. Last winter was the first time the mice got in and made a mess so I want to take precautions where I can. Bill had emptied the storage shed on Saturday while I was away to clean it and organize things that will remain in there.

A couple more green things
added to my harvesting.
The tomato had fallen off.
There are 4 or 5 more to ripen, 1 pepper to grow
and quite a few cherry tomatoes to ripen.

I was able to get at the 3 containers I use for my garden ‘joys’, that are scattered around the property, and began gathering those items. Some things are in rough shape and soon will be replaced with newer things I’m sure, but most things went back into the tubs. Everything has its place, whether in the Bunky or shed. Even the outhouse gets stuff packed in there.

When it came time to get the mail,
someone was too lazy.
Guarded things until I came back up.
Can you see him on the step?

I noticed the grader went by a few times and that is a blessing. We have a lot of potholes on North Line. Gibbs and I also noticed our neighbours, Dot and Gord, packing up and pulling out to go to the International Plowing Match for a few days. That will be fun. When I saw them pass by with their 5th wheel, I messaged them to have a good time. 😊

He knows it is time for Daddy to come home.
It was chilly out there at 4:45 but we waited
until we saw Black Beauty boot it up the lane.
Bill had less than 10 minutes to get washed and ready
to leave. He made it!

I walked to get the mail and lazy bones sat on the stoop, waiting for me.  Hope he’s feeling okay, he’s been lazy today. The mailbox was full so it was a worthwhile walk. More birthday cards for each of us. I realized that I was crossing things off my list quickly, all in one day………hmm, once I start, you know. I took a break and came in for a cup of tea and start my blog.

Supper was good.
Bill had the burger and fries with his drink.

Bill was home by 5 and we got cleaned up. This was the day we decided on for his and my birthday supper with my sisters et al. We’ve chosen The Wing House in Mildmay so left Gibbs in charge and left at 5:10 to pick up Donna and Gerry. Gayle and John arrived a few minutes later and we had an enjoyable evening. I ordered the chicken quesadilla and we each ordered a Wild Jenny. The drink our waitress recommended in place of a Pina Colada. Everything was very good.

Our September birthday supper
in October.
L to R
Gayle, Patsy, Donna, Gerry, Bill, John

We said our goodbyes at 8 and headed home to where Gibbs was waiting. 😊 The temperature has dropped off considerably, 11C/52F already. It has been a good day. I feel we got a lot done, Bill at work and me here at home. I think I realized that time is slipping away! We only had a high of 16C/61F today, which was nice in the sun but chilly in the shade.

Lastly, I've talked about Bill's deck building
over the last 3 weeks.
Left picture shows the old and new.
A close up of the steps on the right.
It is huge and very nice!
Their family will spend many hours on it.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Time is always a reminder to get things completed.
    Nice job on that Deck Bill. That family will have a lot of Staycations.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Gorgeous deck. You are certainly getting ready for your trip south. Do you have much more to do?

    God bless.
