Saturday, October 5, 2024

No Rest – by Choice

The Ridge

(warning, long post and many photos)

On Friday, Oct. 4th (12 days to go), we all 3 got to sleep in. Gibbs didn’t wake Bill up until 6:30 to go out. He held his piddles for a long time – especially considering the pills make liquids go right through him. So, Bill took him out and then stayed downstairs in his recliner. I didn’t get up until after 7 and then hopped right in the shower.

Good morning!
Top photo is Thursday night.
Bottom is Friday morning.

I appreciate that Bill turns the furnace on to 19C/68F first thing to take the chill off the Suite. Mainly, the floor in the kitchen. It was nice and warm in the bathroom for me too. I had my tea and sat with my boys. Yup, Bill’s last day was yesterday but he didn’t find that out until last night, expecting it all the same. 😊 Yay!

Gibbs runs around to help where he can.
Sometimes thought, he gets in the way.
The hand pump is covered and the rain barrel flipped over.

We watched 9-1-1 last night and both said it was a stupid waste of time. We usually like the show, but it just keeps being continued and I think they are running out of new story lines. I didn’t enjoy it at all and may be turned off the show. I watched another episode of American Rust and I’m still enjoying it. Violent to some degree, yes, but similar to the mystery books I read so I don’t mind. It’s non-fiction and entertainment.

Our main focus this afternoon
Bill, my lumberjack handles it like a pro.

In this big picture, the lean is definitely
different than the top right photo.
We were hoping it would fall away from the fence.

I see I missed Wednesday night’s Survivor; I can’t keep the days straight. I’ll watch it tonight. I took M into town for his errands and that was 90 minutes but the $ is good! Bill had finished cutting the back field yesterday and was weed trimming around the south end of the property when I returned home. We had bacon & cheese toasted sandwiches for lunch and went out to do some lumberjacking. 😊

Right on the fence. Oh well, it was a shambles anyway.
Bill started cutting the big trunk up right away.
It's a start. We have a lot of wood to burn now!

We were both a bit nervous about taking this tree down but at the same time, knew it couldn’t be that difficult and we couldn’t afford to pay $600 for someone else to do it. The chainsaw had a newly sharpened chain so Bill started. Gibbs was wanting to chase it today (& the weed whacker earlier?) so I put him inside. I didn’t want us to be worrying about where he was when the tree toppled.

Down by the pond, Bill is the bushwhacker today.
We wish we could clear out a lot of these trees........
not this year though.

It sure put up a fight. Bill did everything right and it wasn’t budging. Another few cuts on the side he wanted it to fall and she came down. TIMBER! Unfortunately, it came down in the wrong direction but at least it didn’t fall towards the Hangar. He had already moved the cargo trailer – just in case. 😊 We actually don’t mind how it fell at all because now it is not IN the pond and we have full access to cut up all that wood. It may not happen until spring but the tree is down!

There are a lot of big branches like this that I pulled
out after he cut the trees down but I'll work at clearing them this
coming week.

We went down the lane next and have taken care of all of the trees that were in the way of the hydro/power lines. They are all down and no longer a worry. That means a whole lot of assurance for us and we saved the $900 quoted to have them all taken care of. Perseverance was the name of the game here today. We got cleaned up later in the day and at a few minutes before 4 pm, all 3 of us hopped in Ptooties to go for our evening out.

The Bunky is ready for other items to be stored.
My baby tomatoes rest in here for the frosty night.

This was in response to our invite to the home in Listowel where the boys built the big deck. Meeting Corinne and James was a real bonus. They are wonderful people, just like Bill told me, a very giving and down to earth couple. To say they are pleased with the job and the deck, is an understatement and that is great for Billy, Bill and Mike to hear. We had a great evening with snacks and pizza and drinks until around 8:30 we said our goodbyes.

It was a nice evening. 
Billy on the right, His wife, Stacey on the far left.
Our hostess, Corinne in the middle with
the little love bug.💗
I was sad I didn't get a picture of James, the host.

Great food!
Wonderful heat from their propane fire.

Gibbs was a great little pooch once we arrived, although not so great on the drive over. 😊 Good thing we love him so! We were home by 9:30 and I know I dropped off a couple times in the car – even though I hate doing that. Bill stopped Ptooties long enough with lights on my tomato plants so I could cover them for the night. Frost is expected and it was already down to 8C/48F. No surprise, I went straight up to bed when we walked inside.

Someone was a very good little boy tonight.

This was an awesome day. We got the trees down together, Bill is done work and we had a perfect evening with a couple of new friends added to our contacts. 😊

Good night!

Thank you for your visit today!