Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Cleaning Up & Donations, Quick Shop

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Oct. 1st Bill and Gibbs both came back to bed after their first outing at 5:45. Bill didn’t have to report to work today, they finished that huge deck yesterday. What an amazing job! The owners are so pleased that they invited the workers and wives over for a Friday night meal. 😊 (Puppies too, since they know Gibbs).

Good morning!
Well, this is the first thing that 'kind of' brightened our day.
The neighbours to the west of us, have put their place up for sale.
They are the ones who never cut their grass........
but it is no surprise. Bill and I have been reading the writing
on the walls, so to speak.
Be careful what we wish for? Yah, could be worse.
They've only been there for about a year and a half.

I got up at 7, leaving my sleeping ‘dogs’ lie, and got washed and dressed for the day. First off, I drove to the Mat for 8 o’clock and after cleaning there, I carried on to Hanover. Joanne still has a basement full of clothing etc. and Donna had offered to help pack things up for donation. I decided yesterday that I could also go and lend a hand. I picked Donna up at 9:30 and it took us a little over 2 hours to get things boxed and bagged up for 3 or 4 different charity locations.

I have 11 boxes in Ptooties for donation
to the Catholic Church in Hanover.
They will be shipped out as the need requires.

Joanne and Ted can reclaim their downstairs
living space.

Joanne had these 5 large boxes as well.

After leaving her home, we drove to the drop off location in Hanover and left 11 boxes. They load skids and ship them to either northern Canada or overseas. Joanne will drop off her 5 boxes and 4 large bags off at a couple of other drop spots. We had a LOT of clothes left over, nice clothes. She even had more friends drop in on Sunday who took a few bags home. 😊

I was hungry and this treat,
thanks to a gift card from Jamie a couple
of years ago, was quite tasty.

After dropping Donna back at her house, it was noon and I felt very hungry. Tim Horton’s was calling my name so I ordered a breakfast wrap combo. I haven’t had an ice cappuccino since I retired so ordered that with a Boston Cream donut for my sweetie. He loves his donuts. I ate the wrap and drove to Dollarama. I needed to stock up on the 20 greeting cards to get us through all of the birthdays over the fall/winter/spring period when we are away. I don’t want to miss anyone’s day.

Clouds dominated the sky today.

From there, I drove to Walmart and picked up the few items on our grocery list. We will be making a trip to Costco when we arrive in London after departing from the Ridge. On the way home, I stopped in Durham to fill our water bottle before returning to the Ridge. It was 2:30 when I drove up the lane. Gibbs ran out to greet me and he was surprised with the new toy I bought him. Tigger will be fibrefill free within days, but that is to be expected.

Someone got a new toy to love
(& tear apart) 💖

We caught up on the day’s news, and Bill went out to cut the back field. Now that we’ve had rain again, the grass is growing like crazy. It was supposed to be a wet day but only a couple of small showers have been apparent, so I hope those heavy clouds don’t decide now to drop any participation! Well, sure enough, before Bill was even half way done, it began raining and he had to stop and put the mower away. It was quite heavy for a few minutes.

Look at Tigger now.
He'll be thinner when next you see him!

I hadn’t planned supper so on the spur of the moment used our last 3 eggs, (I forgot to get some!) some bacon, cucumber, tomatoes, onions and pepper for an omelette. Bill had his in a toasted sandwich and we finished supper off with a carrot cupcake. Filling enough. We cleaned up the few dishes, ran the dishwasher and settled in for the evening. Bill watched tv upstairs while I finished my blog and found something to my liking down here. 😊

My egg omelette.
Messy, but good.

It has been a good day. We reached a high of 20C/69F and will be dropping to a chilly low of 6C/42F. Yikes! I only have a few days of cleaning left (6) and Bill has only a possible 3 before he is done. We are both looking forward to the break in our routine.

A wet dreary evening.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. We will be dropping in temperature over the next few days. I am beginning to believe winter will be arriving temperature wise very soon. How wonderful that you could help box up items to take for donation.

    God bless.

  2. Sounds like a productive day with a relaxing evening. Perfect!
