Thursday, October 10, 2024

Oil Changes and Ptooties Gets a Rest

The Ridge

On Thursday, Oct. 10th Bill woke me up from a dream at 6:50. I asked him last night to make sure I was up by this time as we had appointments in Hanover to get the oil changes done on both vehicles. It is the worst way to wake up, having to be woken and then rushed. I should have said 6:30, that would have given me more time. 😊 We made it though, Ptooties and I following Bill and Black Beauty to Hanover Auto Centre.

Good morning!
A plug for our new to us mechanic

This is the second time we’ve been here so Brad (owner) called us a ‘regular’, which is nice. Very nice guys work in the shop and they did Ptooties first, in 15 minutes! I was amazed. Bill was very pleased with the final bill too! I left then to go to Walmart to pick up some grocery items. This ‘should’ be the last time for essentials, until we get to London and Costco that is. From there, we took the detour, (the roundabout to Murray’s road is not yet ready) to his barn to store Ptooties. She was ready for a break.

Following Black Beauty to and from the shop

We hopped in BB and returned home. I meant to stop at the Mat to pick up my pay from Sandy, but we both forgot. I’ll be in Friday morning anyway. While I was at Walmart, Robin texted asking if I could clean Williamsford bnb for her today. Bill didn’t need me or the truck once we got home so I said yes. It has been over a month since I’ve cleaned. She was quite pleased but always has a back up plan if I can’t help. 😊

Enjoy your rest, Ptooties!

I love this view in the fall.
No kidding, right? You've seen it enough!

I packed snacks for my lunch and left around 11. The guests were 45 minutes late leaving, that’s a no-no, so Robin texted them and put the push on. They did apologize but it still does not give them a good review. I was out of there by 1:30 and dropped the garbage and recycle off at Robin’s home. Andrew was home from his 6-week stint in Greenland and was cutting grass. She keeps him busy! 😊

Here is my gate garden now. It looks quite tame now
after the dahlias have been removed.

Speaking of busy, when I got home, Bill was weed trimming down the lane and at the fence around my gate garden. It looks much better now. We cleaned up the last of the brush along the lane as well, making room for the company arriving tomorrow. They were delayed by a day, unfortunate circumstances, but will be here Friday afternoon. It will be nice to see them again.

Black Beauty pulled the heavily-laden
wagon up the hill

Also, while I was away, Bill took down the shelter cover and packed it away. He didn’t stop so I tried to keep moving as well. He loaded my wagon with some of the wood from the large tree he took down but it was too heavy to pull up. No problem for BB and we offloaded it to our wood pile. 

Hmm, I see a chain attached to the tree stump.
Bill has a plan.

Next, a trip to the Acreage for our last bladder full of water. We got more than we needed but it should get us through. Bill and Gerry will shut the well pump off in the morning.

The above pictures are what we've gained
from the big tree coming down.

Lastly, he hooked up the chain and BB once more to the small tree trunk in the garden right out front of our patio. She pulled it out easily. What a change! It actually looks quite nice with no trees in the view. I’ll put something there in the spring, maybe the Rose of Sharron – that’s my thought anyway. 😊 We all came inside around 4:30, the air was chilly and we were kapooped.

Bill removed the tire covers, folded and packed them away.

The frame remains standing but the cover
has been put away.

The Supervisor is enjoying the heat
for once. 💕

Supper was the last of the ghoulash fried with some leftover mashed potatoes. I forgot a picture of my plate tonight but it wasn’t anything special. I baked cherry tomato halves for me and cooked corn for Bill.  The ghoulash and potatoes were quite messy looking but tasted very good! We had a piece of strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert. Yes, I splurged today at Walmart and bought us a treat. For $5.97, I couldn’t make it for that!

Bill loves pulling things out with a chain and a truck. 😃😃

A new garden area with a lot of rock
to be removed in the spring.

After clean up, we had a quiet evening. Last night, I watched Survivor but not sure what I will find this evening. This has been a cold day, the wind again being the culprit. We only reached 12C/54F today and woke up to frost on our windshields. Brrr, glad we only have 6 days left. 😊 The list is getting shorter and what is left, is going to take very little time on the last few days.

To make you drool, this
pie was delicious!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.



  1. That's a lot of logs for your woodpile, I imagine you, Bill and Gibbs having
    campfires when you get back home from your months in the USA,-Mary

  2. It's always amazing all the things you find that need doing, once you've stopped working. LOL
    That pie looks good enough to eat. Our favourite.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your visitors.

    It's about time.

  3. I was getting a little panicky by your pack up progress and then I realized it was okay because you are heading out before us ... Pheww that was a relief :-)

  4. Busy busy!!! I know how it is, running around trying to get everything done before you leave. You're doing a GREAT job!!!
