Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Not Much Going On so Let’s Compare a Bit

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Oct. 8th we were expecting a wet day but let me tell you, when I got up at 7, I experienced one of the best morning skies that I’ve seen in a very long time. First to the east, I didn’t expect much sun but instead, the few clouds made for a picture-perfect shot – or two. When I turned to the west, my jaw dropped when I saw the rainbow starting. Wow!

Good morning!
No kidding, right?

It got better and better as my pictures show, ending with a full rainbow that stayed for at least 15 minutes before it began to fade. I’ve never witnessed that before. I know red sky in the morning is a warning but we already knew of the impending rain so this time it was worth it. 😊 There was no wind at that time of the morning so I stood outside for a lot of those minutes with no jacket.

When I saw the beginning of a rainbow, I had to wait for it.

We did drop to 4C/40F overnight but it felt pleasant to start. The winds make a huge difference. Bill left early to go into town for a propane tank fill and it was just before 10 that I left and took M into town for his errands. The rain, sun, clouds, wind (repeat) took over the remainder of the morning. We were hoping it would clear enough, even though cold, to take Jazz over to Murray’s barn for storage. The day’s not over yet!

I took a couple of panoramic photos
but they wouldn't download properly.
This is from up on the berm.

We had mushroom soup for lunch, out of a can – I’m not into making soups much. It was still hot and good as well as filling. Because the rest of the day was wet for the most part, I’m going to share some before and after photos with you. Heck, I even enjoyed seeing these changes in the Ridge! I hope you enjoy them as much as we have!

Welcome to the Ridge
Spring 2014

Donna welcomes us to the Corral
Spring 2014

Clemson checks out his new home property πŸ’–

The pond entrance - then

Creating the berm
where my garden and Bill's flag pole is now

This was the Ridge - then

Our first weekend here
with our 2010 Jayco Designer
and our 2008 Ford King Ranch
Thanksgiving, 2014

This spot is where the Bunky now sits 
with my big garden on the left of the fence.

The big garden comes together with
transplanted plants.
Bill is adding solar lights here.
May 2016
Making it our summer home

That was just a touch of what Gerry and Donna had to do to the property when they bought it. It had been left unattended for a few years. We’re happy to have been included in their plans once they did though! I may post more pictures later on, when I have a slow day! πŸ˜Š

Later on, it got sunny
but was still very cool.

Bill cut up the large felled tree while Gibbs and I sat ‘holed’ up inside. I felt the cold today for some reason and other than walking for the mail, didn’t feel like venturing outside much. Gibbs has his lightweight coat on today, he was shivering too, no doubt. He lost a lot of hair!

Modelling his coat.

Gibbs and I snuggled under the blankie together.

Bill has also been sorting his tools in to a couple of new Dewalt storage containers he’s received. When you have duplicates, it’s a good idea to keep some in the rv and some in the Hangar. Eventually, you decide which ones are not used. 

Where did you go, Mom?

For supper, we had leftover ghoulash, as most of you call it, with corn on the side. We had a cupcake to finish those off for dessert so now the fridge is looking empty. Kind of.

Giving Daddy the stink eye, waiting for 
attention. The tail is fluttering.

The sun has come out, of course, after all chance of taking Jazz over but we’ll have an opportunity later this week. I picked the last of my vegetables, only 3 green tomatoes and a pepper. The cherry tomatoes will rest in the Bunky through the evenings and outside during the day until they are ready.

I love leftovers!
Good night!

This has been a cool day but still a nice one. Thank you for the visit.


  1. Patsy I hope you,Bill and Gibbs have a good night,-Mary

  2. We were lucky to have clear skies, but the breeze was on the chilly side.
    There has definitely been a lot of changes to the Ridge in the last Ten Years. I remember reading as some were taking place.
    My Virus Scan says your Blog is a dangerous sight. (Norton. What do you expect.)
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. You were lucky to have clear skies. :)
      Yes, you've been a long time follower, thank you for that!
      Sorry about the the danger............I think you're safe. :)

  3. Neat pictures. Glad you shared them. You have done a lot of work. Becky

    1. Thank you, we didn't do as much to the beginning stages as we have to the latter stages.

  4. You folks have done a terrific job with The Ridge ;looks so attractive now & worth the upkeep.My system says your blog is secure although I do run all Apple & it provides quite a barrier.Looking forward to travelling along with you on your southern journey.All the best

    1. Thank you, once D & G did the hard stuff, we just carry on keeping it looking nice. Gerry is always praising our work.
      Glad the blog is secure and glad to have you along on our journey!

  5. The ridge looks great. That's a lot of work to keep up and you do a great job. Love seeing Clemson, and Mr. Gibbs looks quite dapper in his blue coat!!

    1. Thank you Nancy. Clemmy got to secure the property before we moved in and a few years after. ♥
      Gibbs does look spiffy, eh?

  6. The Ridge has come a long way. It looks terrific and it is clear you both take a lot of pride in maintaining the property.
    Hope the weather improves for your last few days.

  7. Thank you for sharing the "before " pictures. I had no idea you had to start from scratch. I add corn to the goulash.
