Wednesday, October 16, 2024

So Long Ridge!

Can Am RV, London, Ontario

On Wednesday, Oct. 16th our calendar had run out. 😊 So, to speak. We were up by 7, slept in until 6:45, all of us! On one hand, we weren’t in a big hurry to leave the Ridge since we were just moving to a parking lot at Can Am, 3 hours southwest. On the other hand, the sooner we got there, the sooner we could set up and relax for the night. Our Suite was scheduled for work Thursday morning at 9.

Good morning!
The Ridge immediately looks sad
when we pulled over to dump and leave.

I had my cup of tea and we both had cereal before doing the last-minute things. Bill works outside, I work inside but it has been a while so we took our time so we didn’t forget anything. It was 9:15 when Bill had the Suite tanks dumped and he was closing and locking our gate. Bye, Ridge! See you in the spring! The day was damp and cold, 1.6C/35F so our bodies appreciated Black Beauty’s warmth.

Heading out and locking the gate

An hour before departure, Bill gave Gibbs his Gravol and I put his thunder coat on him. I didn’t bother with the bark collar this morning but did take it along. We had a good drive and a different passenger in the back seat. Let me tell you! I had to keep checking because he was not behaving like our Gibbs usually does. He didn’t settled down completely, not enough to sleep, but he lay down quite a few times and only whimpered at our turns. What a sweet relief that was!

We had a pleasant little traveller today. 💘

Pictures of the trees in Durham
for the last time.
Bill spotted this old car as we drove through town.
That wouldn't pull our Suite!

Lots of corn in various stages today.
Mostly waiting to be harvested.
A farmer gets a jump on plowing for the next crop.
Bottom left pix is for Payson48. Colours. 💗

We arrived at Can Am to a full front parking lot at 12 noon. There was a lot of kerfuffle going on due to the Toronto rv show on the weekend. A lot of units were being moved today. We miss working those but still don’t want to stay home to partake. 😊 Hooked up to power/electric and our home set up, we had lunch around 1:30. Kind of late so that means a snack-y kind of supper, I guess.

Our 401 highway was quite busy
but we plugged along and that is when
Gibbs is happiest. No slow downs or turns.

After we ate, Bill, Gibbs and I relaxed for an hour. There were a few items we needed from the store so Bill went in and picked those things up. We just hung around inside the Suite, where it was warm. The wind was bitter, even though the clouds had given way to the sun by 4 pm. I delved into my next book, a novel by Anne Rivers Siddons called Off Season. Not a mystery but a cute story instead. The pages are turning quickly.

Set up in the corner
under clearning skies by 1:30.

Gibbs watches Daddy outside
and probably wonders where is 'home'?

I fried up half of my green tomatoes with onions
and ate them with sour dough toast. Yum!

We’d eaten lunch so late that we weren’t hungry by 5:30, at least not enough for a meal of any sort. We were invited for a visit tonight at Bill’s daughter for dessert so after Bill finished setting up plans for the morning work with Peggy, he came in at 5:45 for a nibble. That’s all we needed. We left Gibbs in charge around 6:15 or so and drove across the city to their place.

Gibbs and I braved the cold wind and walked around
the lot.
Dandelion for Deb D. ♥

We missed seeing Chelsea, who was working at the theatre tonight, but seeing Charlotte, Cory, Olivia and Hendrix their lab, was really nice. Thank you, Charlotte for the delicious pecan pie and ice cream! We were back home by 9 and Bill took Gibbs out for a quick piddle. On his leash, he’s trying desperately to figure things out. He’s also trying to figure out why he smells another dog on our clothes!

Driving through London, we see
a lot of familiar places.
Old buildings and new underpass
on Adelaide St.

Driving to Charlotte and Cory's, this
huge moon had us in awe.

This has been a nice day, getting as far as we’d planned for a few days and getting a family visit in as well. I didn't have my phone on my (for once!) so didn't get a picture. 

Nice thing about the Ridge?
We see sunsets and sunrises with no
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by and following along!


  1. Bon voyage!
    My dog whines constantly in the car. She loves a drive though. She never misses an opening to go for a ride. Our border collie would jump through an open window snd hide in the car. He wasn't going to be left behind.
