Monday, October 14, 2024

A Bitter Cold Day Up Here!

The Ridge

On Thanksgiving Monday, Oct. 14th we slept in. No reason to get up as it was chilly outside the covers! Well, Bill came down after letting Gibbs out at 6ish and slept in his recliner until I got up at 7:30. The temperature overnight did not bring frost but it rained briefly at some point. Tonight, we might see some of the wet white stuff. Brrr!

Good morning!
A pretty dull looking view across the pond.

I had no plans to go outside today other than to deliver a plate of food that a few of the ladies and I put together for M. So, we all kind of lazed inside over breakfast and our morning brew. It was 2C/36F. Bill decided, even though it was really cold and windy out there, to go out and bring our weather transmitter inside. It sits atop our ladder. He also brought down the Starlink dish and set it up at the north corner. We’ll use it two more nights.

Out back looking south

Across the lawn to the west
The picnic table is now stacked away

Before the morning was done, Gibbs and I went out quickly and briefly to put the recycle bins in the Bunky and return the soft cooler I had to use yesterday for food transport. 😊 We had lunch of sandwiches and then I drove over to M’s with the food plate. I would have walked if the weather had been nicer but the wind was really nasty. He was thrilled with the free meal and would have it tonight for his own Thanksgiving dinner.

Looking towards the lane
The sky changed often today

Gibbs is still being silly.
We think it is his sweater, it must
feel good rubbing it on the grass.
He comes in with leaves all sticking to him. 😂😂

When I returned, Bill was done outside and after doing a bit of online ‘navigating’, he went upstairs to watch tv and have a snooze. Gibbs stayed with me and since I finished my Janet Evanovitch book yesterday, I played Euchre on my phone. I am loving the game, remembering Daddy’s do’s and don’t’s. Are the people I play with real or technically created? I wonder, because they play so quickly and I seem to be the only one hesitating before I make a move. Anyway, I’m having fun.

I looked out the back window and this little
puff of gray cloud was probably dropping rain in some places
as it moved to the south.

At 3:30, I made my afternoon tea and we planned ham and fries for supper. I used all my potatoes up for yesterday’s dinner. Woops! Good thing though, as they were all cleaned up. 😊 Our days in London (Wed. aft., Thurs. and Fri.) are getting booked up, with quite a few visits and a bit of Costco shopping. That’s great as there are people we want to see before we head out on Saturday.

Supper was good, this ham is delicious!

The weather is taking a down slide, today, Tuesday and Wednesday before it bounces back up. That’s okay, at this time of year, nothing is guaranteed and it has been really nice so far this fall. Our supper was more of the ham, Bill cooked some fries to share and I had some of my leftover turnip. Fried up, boy, was it ever tasty! Yum! We cleaned up dishes and watched tv until the new NCIS:Origins came on at 9. I’m not sure I could stay awake for the 2-hour premiere but I’ll try!

This too sweet pie is now finished.
Oh, but it was good (& deadly!)

Another good day, this time without much going on at all. 😊 It was a nice break. We only had a high of 7C/46F today and even colder tomorrow. Nothing to celebrate about that except that we were wise to start packing up when we did! It’s nice to hear that our rv’ing friends are also in the throes of packing up and moving on. We’re looking forward to those reunions this winter!

My sister, Wendy, captured a cute selfie
of a group of us in Gayle's kitchen yesterday.
Bill and I were in attendance!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.

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